undefined, object
copy deck
- Canal that receives bile from the liver. It unites with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct.
- hepatic duct
- Trade name for povidone-iodine, a topical anti-infective
- Betadine
- A supine position on the operating taable, which is inclined at varying angles so that the pelvis is higher than the head with the knees flexed and legs hanging over the end of the table
- Trendelenburg position
- Lying on the back.
- supine
- Region over the pit of the stomach
- epigastrum
- Establishment of a new opening into the stomach
- gastrostomy
- Front of the body
- Serous membrane reflected over the viscera and lining of the abdominal cavity
- peritoneum
- Carries blood from the lower part of the body
- inferior vena cava
- A continuous stitch placed in a circular manner either for inversion or closure
purse-string suture
- Moving backward
- retrograde
- Localized abnormal dilatation of abdominal aorta.
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Excision of devitalized tissue and foreign matter from a wound
- debridement
- excoriated fungating
- grew exuberantly like a fungus or spongy growth scratched or otherwise denuded by the skin by physical means
- Division of the abdomen by a horizontal and a vertical line intersecting at the umbilicus.
- upper quadrant
- A wound or injury; a pathologic change in the tissues; one of the individual points or patches of a multifocal disease.
- lesion
- Relating to, or effected within an operation.
- A salt solution
- saline
- Able to be felt or touched by hand/fingers.
- palpable
- Inspection of the interior of the lower esophagus, proximal stomach, and duodenum through an endoscope
- esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- cutting off/out.
- resection.
- An anticoagulant
- heparin
- Right coronary artery (initials)
- Through the outer skin.
- percutaneous
- Of the nature of an ulcer of affected with one.
- ulcerated
- The first division of the small intestine
- duodenum
- First part of the small intestine connecting the pylorus of the stomach and extending to the jejunum
- Trade name for lidocaine hydrochloride
- Xylocaine
- Stagnation of normal flow of fluids, as of blood or urine
- stasis
- Relating to the physical aspects of the blood circulation
- hemodynamic
- Relating to or effected by means of fluoroscopy
- fluoroscopic
- Vessels relating to the ilium (one of the bones of each half of the pelvis)
- iliac arteries
- Use of ultrasound to produce an image or photograph of an organ or tissue.
- sonography
- Expanded
- Dilated
- Tied/bound off
- ligated
- Flat on the back.
- supine
- Devices used to maintain a bodily orifice or cavity during skin grafting, ... Slender thread, rod, or catheter, lying within the lumen of tubular structures, used to provide support during or after...
- stents
- Removed by suction, a gas or fluid from a body cavity
- aspirated
- High blood pressure.
- hypertension
- A long, fine, especially designed catheter, is passed into the lumen of a blood vessel and into the chambers of the heart.
- cardiac catheterization
- Farthest from the center.
- distal
- Relating to bile (yellowish brown or green fluid secreted by the liver)
- biliary
- A soft, flexible catheter that contains a baloon near its tip.
- Swan-Ganz catheter
- A stricture or narrowing of any canal or valve.
- stenosis
- A peritoneal fold encircling the greater part of the small intestine and connecting the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall.
- mesentery
- Placement of a tube for air into the larynx or trachea.
- intubated
- Pertaining to the peritoneum (serious membrane over the viscera and lining the abdominal cavity).
- peritoneal
- Relating to the physical aspects of blood circulation.
- hemodynamically
- vessels relating to the ilium
- iliac veins
- Milliequivalents per liter
- mEq/L
- crosswise
- transverse
- A solution used to inhibit blood coagulation.
- heparin
- Arrest/Stop bleeding
- hemostasis
- Surgically connected.
- anastomosed
- A new surgical connection between segments of an organ.
- anastomosis
- A natural communication between two blood vessels or other structures
- anastomoses
- A two- or four-winged tube with an expanded cup used for gastrotomy feeding.
- Malecot catheter
- The act of closing or the state of being closed
- occlusion
- Pathologic narrowing of the orifice of the mitral valve
- mitral stenosis
- excision of breast
- mastectomy
- Scaly, malignant cell
- squamous cell carcinoma
- Utilizing single criss-cross stitches fixed by tying ends together
- interrupted figure-0f-eight sutures
- Difficulty swallowing
- dysphagia
- Two external abdominal muscles, one on each side
- rectus muscles
- A stitch.
- suture
- Valve found between the left atrium and ventricle of the heart
- mitral valve
- Attached to... as of two surfaces
- adherent
- Skullcap; cerebral cranium.
- calvarium
- Beneath the skin
- subcutaneous
- Any of a class of proteins; neutralizes anticoagulant action of heparin
- protamine
- production of anesthesia by administering gas inhaled via a tube passed through the trachea
- general endotracheal
- A fibrous membrane covering, supporting, and separating muscles
- fascia
- Arteriosclerotic heart disease
- Duct carrying bile to the duodenum
- common bile duct
- Relating to or affected by decreased blood flow
- ischemic
- Cardiovascular accident (stroke) (initials)
- Opening connecting the peritoneal cavity to its lesser sac
- foramen of Winslow
- Duct of gallbladder
- cystic duct
- Near the middle line
- paramedian
- The ultrasonic record obtained by echocardiography
- echocardiogram
- Pertaining to the side and undersurface of the organ or substructure
- inferolateral
- Excreted urine
- diuresed
- Below the kidney.
- infrarenal
- lower than, below
- inferior
- higher than, above.
- superior
- Operating room
- OR
- Connective tissue that lines the abdominal cavity and most of the viscera contained therein.
- peritoneum
- Radiography of vessels after injection of a radiopaque material
- angiography
- A cardioplegic cannula
- Buckberg-Shiley
- A thin tube is introduced into a vein or artery and is guided into the heart for purposes of detecting pressures and patterns of blood flow
- cardiac catheterization
- pertaining to the side
- lateral
- Fibrous bands holding parts together that are normally separated
- adhesions
- breast muscles
- pectoralis muscles
- Relating to or associated with a saphenous vein; denoting a number of structures in the leg
- saphenous
- A thin, flexible, flow-directed tube using a baloon to carry it through the heart to a pulmonary artery.
- intubated
- Pertaining to the middle
- medial
- An inserted cannula
- cannulated
- Fabricated substitute for a diseased or missing part of the body.
- prosthesis
- Fibrous membranes covering, supporting, and separating the pectoralis muscles.
- pectoralis fascia
- Ventral, abdominal fascia
- anterior fascia
- occiput
The back of the head.
- Cut across a long axis, a cross section.
- transected
- A salt solution.
- saline
- relating to death of a portion of a tissue
- necrotic
- The removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue.
- debridement
- Tubes which can be inserted into a cavity, by means of a trocar filling its lumen
- cannulae
- a bedsore
- decubitus
- relating to the sacrum
- sacral
- A fibrous membrane covering, supporting, and separating muscles toward the back of the body.
- posterior fascia
- Fibrous membranes covering supporting rectus abdominal muscles
- rectus fascia
- Brought close together, closed
- approximated
- Surgical removal of a part or all of the stomach
- gastrectomy
- Severe itching
- pruritus
- Yellowness of skin, whites of eyes, mucous membranes, and body fluids
- jaundice
- A tubular instrument
- catheter
- Pertaining to the mediastinum
- mediastinal
- Two largest veins in the body
- vena cavae
- Pertaining to subepidermic; beneath the outer skin
- subcuticular
- Relating to both the atria and the ventricles of the heart
- atrioventricular
- Surgical incision of the common bile duct with radiographic examination of the common bile duct
- choledochotomy with T-tube cholangiogram
- A tube which can be inserted into a cavity, usually by means of a trocar filling its lumen
- Surgical removal of gallbladder
- cholecystectomy
- Drains blood from the upper portion of the body
- superior vena cava
- Beneath the ribs
- subcostal
- A solution for cleansing wounds.
- Dakin's solution
- Paralysis of the heart; an elective stopping of cardiac acivity temporarily by injection of chemicals, selective hypothermia, or electrical stimuli
- cardioplegia
- Brought close together
- approximated
- A synthetic suture material (two different ones)
- dexon and prolene
- Moving forward
- antegrade
- Quilted stitches; utilizing a double stitch that forms a loop about the tissue on both sides of a wound
- mattress sutures
- Closed or brought together
- occluded
- Away from the beginning of a structure
- distal
- A technique used to define the size and shape of various veins and arteries of organs and tissues
- angiogram
- A clot in the cardiovascular system formed during life from constituents of blood
- thrombus