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Fitness for Living Test II Set I


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Hydrostatic weighing
Underwater technique to assess body composition; considered the most accurate of the body comp assessment techniques
having a fear of water
Air displacement
technique used to assess body comp by calculating the body volume from the air displaced by an individual sitting inside a small chamber
Bod Pod
commercial name for equipment used for calculating body comop through air displacement technique
Anthropometric measurement techniques
measurement of body girths at different sites
Skinfold thickness
technique to assess body comp by measuring a double thickniessof skin at specific body sites
Girth measurements
technique to assess body composition by measuring circumferences at specific body sites
Bioelectrical impedance
technique used to assess body comp by running a weak elec current through body, painless
Body mass index (BMI)
a technique to determine thinness and excessive fatness that incorporates height and weight to estimate critical fat values at which the risk for disease increases
extremely low body weight
Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)
a measurement to assess potential risk for disease based on distribution of body fat
body composition
the total fat and non-fat components of the human body; important in assessing recommended body weight
percent body fat
proportional amount of fat in the body based on the person's total weight; includes both essential and storage fat; also termed fat mass
lean body mass
body weight without body fat
recommended body weight
body weight at which there seems to be no harm to human health; healthy weight
an excess amount of weight against a given standarad; such as height or recommended percent body fat
an excessive accumulation of body fat usually at least 30% above recommended body weight
essential fat
minimal amount of body fat needed for normal physiological functions; constitutes about 3% of total weight in men and 12% in women
storage fat
body fat in excess of essential fat; stored in adipose tissue
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
method used to assess body fat composition that uses very low-dose beams of x-ray energy to measure total body fat mass; fat distribution pattern, and bone density

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