health ch.10
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- specialized cells that make up the nervous system
- neuron
- includes the brain and spinal cord
- central nervous system
- includes the nerves that connect the CNS to all parts of the body
- peripheral nervous system
- the mass of neurons that controls all actions, emotiona, thoughts, and memory
- brain
- a long bundle of neurons that extends almost the entire length of the body
- spinal cord
- largest portion of the brain. Controls senses, movement of muscles, thinking, and speech
- cerebrum
- controls balance, posture, and coordination
- cerebellum
- controls such vital body actions as heartbeat, breathing, pressure, and digestion
- brain stem
- membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord
- meninges
- deals with actions you control
- somatic system
- deals with acions that you don't usually control
- autonomic system
- keeps body working well delivering essential materials to body cells and removing waste materials from the cells
- circulatory system
- circulatory system is also known as...
- cardiovascular system
- carry away from the heart
- arteries
- vessels that carry from the body back to the heart
- veins
- tiny tubes that carry from the arteries to the body's cells and from cells to the veins
- capillaries
- the organs that provide the body with a continous supply of oxygen abnd rid the body of carbon dioxide
- respitory system
- flap of tissue that closes over the trachea when you swallow
- epiglottis
- passages through which air enters the lungs
- bronchi
- directs air to the lungs
- trachea
- a large dome shaped muscle that separates the lungs from the abdomen
- diaphragm
- microscopic air bags
- alveoli
- a system made of bones, joints, and connecting tissue
- skeletal system
- strong flexible tissue that provides cushioning at ur joints
- cartilage
- the points at which bones meet
- joints
- strong cords of tissue that connect bones at the joints
- ligaments
- tough bands of tissue that attach your muscles to bones
- tendons
- group of tought tisues that make your body parts move
- muscular system
- to shorten
- contract
- to lenghten
- extend
- found in various organs in the body, such as the stomach and intestines
- smooth muscles
- attached to bones
- skeletal muscles
- special type of muscle that is found only in the walls of the heart
- cardiac muscles
- changes the food you eat into nutrients that your cells can use
- digestive system
- process of changing food in this way is called..
- digestion
- liquid produced by the saliva vary glands
- saliva
- a musclular organ in which food is held while digestion continues
- stomach
- coiled, tubelike organ.
- small intestine
- larget gland in the body
- liver
- small baglike organ
- gallbladder
- produses three digestive enzymes
- pancreas
- process of removing liquid wastes from the body
- excretion
- water and undigested food that yuor body cant use passes thro this
- large intestine
- large intestine is also called this
- colon
- narrow tube that carries from the body
- urethra