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Differential Diagnosis 420 Week 1


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What are the 6 channel patterns?
Tai Yang
Yang Ming
Shao Yang
Tai Yin
Shao Yin
Jue Yin
Which of the 6 channel patterns is affected on the first day of a cold pattern
Tai Yang
What type of pathogen does the Shang Han Lun discuss?
Wind cold patterns
What type of a pathogen is present when skin stands on end?
Cold invasion
What is the most superficial level of all the channels?
Tai Yang
What does Tai Yang mean?
Great Yang
What are symtoms of the Tai Yang phase?
Allergies, headaches, stiff neck
What channels are affected at the Tai Yang level?
Are fever or chill present at the Tai Yang level?
Yes, both are present. There will be more chills if there is wind cold
What are the two subtypes of Tai Yang?
1. external excess
2. external deficiency
What do these symptoms represent?
1. No sweat is the key
2. Skin looks dry & tight
3. May still have chills
4. May still have a fever
5. Headache
6. Stiff neck
7. Tongue has thin white coat
8. Pulse is floating
External excess pattern
What do these symptoms represent?
1. Person feels weak
2. Defense qi is weak
3. Sweat can't stay in the body
4. Sweats easily is the key
5. Pathogen still doesn't release even with sweat
6. Bothered by air conditioning
External deficiency pattern
What organs are affected at the Yang Ming level?
What does Yang Ming mean?
Great Light or noon
What parts of the body are affected at the yang ming level when there are heat signs?
Bowels and front of body
Having a great fever, sweaty, thirsty, agitated and restless due to fever, having excess heat in the interior of the body and feeling especially warm at noon, no chills and feeling very indicates what type of pattern?
Heat signs of the Yang Ming
What are the 2 subtypes of the Yang Ming level?
1. Channel
2. Organ
The 4 greats (fever, thirst, sweat and agitation), surging pulse feeling strong at all levels as though they are hitting the finger tips with great force are part of what subtype of the Yang MIng level?
What level is affected when the large intestine is affected and the pathogen has damaged the bowels and gastric fluids, the abdomen is hard and hurts and constipation is the key?
The organ subtype of the Yang Ming
What does the tongue and pulse look like when the organ is affected at the Yang Ming level?
Tongue fur is yellow and dried
Pulse is strong and deep (excess)
What are some key symptoms of the organ level of the Yang Ming?
Yellow and dried tongue and constipation
What level is affected when the pathogen is stuck in-between and one has a mix of external in internal symptoms bringing about chronic illness such as fibro or chronic fatigue symdrome?
The Shao Yang
What is the key symptom of the Shao Yang level?
Fever and chills alternatiing
What level is affected with these symptoms: invastion of the GB, disruption of the proper flow of qi affectiving the middle jiao, rebellious stomach qi, nausea and vomiting, no desire to eat or drink, pain under ribs, distension, bloating, restless and i
The Shao Yang
What is the pulse and tongue diagnosis for Shao Yang level?
Tongue is red on sides LV and GB, coating is yellow and white pulse is wiry
What organs are affeced at the Tai Yin level?
The spleen and the lung
Is the Tai Yin level an interior of exterior pathogen?
What is the stage of deficiency & cold signs resulting in digestion, low appetite, diarreah, tired, lack of thirst, vomiting, bloating, on and off again pain in abdomen (pressure feels good) Pulse is weak, deficient, slow and the person has chronic f
Tai Yin
What is the treatment pattern for Tai Yin pathogen?
Moxa CV8
What organs are affected at the Shao Yin level?
Heart and Kidney
What level is affected when there are symptoms of deficiency, one is vulnerable to disease, KD pattern is present with either KD Yin or KD Yang Def. The pulse is fine and faint. One has desire to sleep, there is a deep blood and qi def., the spirit is ex
Shao Yin
What are the 2 subtypes of the Shao Yin level?
Kd Yin Def and Kd Yang Def
Signs of deficiency heat = Kd Yin or Kd Yang def?
Kd Yin Def
If one is running cold, prefers warmth, limbs are cold, body temp could be very low, profuse perspiration in worst cases this means Kd Yin or Kd Yang Def?
Kd Yang Def
Shen could be affected with dull mind, coma and shock. Kd Yin or Kd Yang Def?
Kd Yang Def
What level is associated with the terminal illness or the most serious of diseases?
Jue Yin
What organs are associated with the Jue Yin level?
What level is associated with a mixture of hot and cold symptoms specifically hot above the waist and cold below
Jue Yin
What is an example of an illness associated with Jue Yin?
What are the "3 mores" and the "1 less" associated with diabetes?
Thirsty, Hungry and Lots of urination, but one can feel hungry but the stomach feels funny due to cold in the intestines
What do the classics say about Jue Yin level?
One could have vomiting of round worms due to cold in the intestines that upsets the worms
What is the treatment for problems of the Jue Yin level?
Warm-up the bottom and cool off the top
What are the 4 items used to make a diagnosis and treatment plan?
Seeing, Listen, Inquiry and Palpation
Which of the 4 diagnosis and treatment items is associated with tongue, complextion, body type and movement?
Which of the 4 diagnosis and treatment items is associated with pulse, sore mu points, palpation of the channels?
Which of the 4 diagnosis and treatment items is associated with audio, smell and listening to the voice?
Which of the 4 diagnosis and treatment items is associated with soapnotes and talking with the patient?
What are the 2 pillars of diagnosis?
Tongue and pulse
One has the will to get better. What type of spirit is this?
One feels hopeless and has a vacant stare. What type of spirit is this?
One has a moment of appearing to be better after a long period of extreme illness. What type of spirit is this?
False spirit
What organ is associated with talking fast and stuttering?
What organ is associated with having a sing song voice?
What organ is assoicated with shouting?
What organ is assoicated with groaning?
What organ is associated with a sobbing voice and grief?

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