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This is vocabulary and notes for my geography quiz on my Tuesday.


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Encouragement settlement and development in the interior
Cities are overcrowded so they government moved the capitol to Brasilia.
A steep cliff that separates two level of areas of differing elevations.
An interior plateau in Brazil with poor soil and uncertain rain.
A fuel mixture of gasoline and ethanol.
Port Cities were used and are still used for Trading goods
A Sertao is an interior plateau , the poorest region, drought = poverty, manurished
Build roads and land grants.
Gasohol is an alcohol based fuel with gasoline and ethanol made out of sugarcanes.
Live in urban areas of favelas
Government Policies:
Boost the growth of Industries. Examples: build steel mills and oil refinery
A large estate farmed by many workers.
permanant removal of woodlands and increased povery and urban areas for farming, development, and logging.
Southeast is the smallest region (10.9%), economic heartland, climate and fertile soil, and 40% of population
Farming is used for cash crops, coffee is a major export, cotton rice cacao and sugarcanes are also major exports.
There religion is Roman Catholic
Brazil is the largest country in South America
Amazon Basin is the Home of the Amazon River and rainforest
It is the largest region
Lack of Jobs due to economic challenges
Because of overcrowding in the cities. They are uneducated/and untrained.
Ecotourism which brings awareness about the animals in the Rain forest.
Poverty in Urban areas for people who are looking for jobs, overcrowded, and end up moving to favelas.
Inhospitable Land
Due to drought.
Build hydro electric dams and can provide power to industries
Establish banks and loan money and maufacturing increased.
The process of stripping the land of it's trees.
Three famous cities are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janerio
Brazilian highlands: Brasilia is the capitol, the former capitol was Rio de Janerio it changed in 1956, Cities along the coast were over populated, developed in the interior
Tourism that encourages enviromental awareness and has little effect on the ecosystem.
Chile and Ecuador are the only countries that don't border Brazil
Landforms are Plateaus and Plains
Northeast is where the Firs European settlers settled in the 1500's
Made money by using slaves for the sugar plantations.
Brasilia is the capitol of Brazil
In Brazil they speak Portugese
A slum community in a Brazilian city.

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