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- What is the managment function of deciding what will be done and how it will be accomplished
- planning
- What is the managment function that moniters the work effort?
- controlling
- A sole proprietorship and a limited partnership are two types of _________
- buisness ownership
- What is the absorption of one company by another?
- Merger
- When a local buisness owner enters into a contractual agreement to operate a store or resturant under the name of a parent corporation, the owner is usually a___________________
- franchisee
- computers are credited with helping the conomy grow in recent years because of increased _____________
- productivity
- which is the broader, more exclusive term: Internet or World Wide Web
- Internet
- What is a tool on the internet that helps viewers to locate specific web sites relating to a particular subject?
- search engine
- The potential for loss or failure in buisneess can be economic, natural or human. These are types of ____________
- risks
- When one invests in a product or company knowing that the investment may result in a loss or gain, s/he is said to be taking a __________________
- speculative risk
- What is the buisness activity whose function it is to obtain funds and use them to achieve the goals of the buisnesS?
- finance
- Marketing contributes to te general conditions in which people live, also known ad their
- standard of living
- what is the philosophy of conducting buisness that is based on the belief that all buisness activitites should be aimed toward satisfying consumer wants and needs while achieving company goals?
- Marketing concept
- distribution and pricing are two examples of what?
- marketing functions
- What is the marketing function that involves developing a product or service mix in response to market opportunities
- product/service managment
- What buisness function involves the planning and procedures necessary to obtain goods and services to use in running the buisness or for re-sale?
- purchasing
- What is the buisness function that creates goods and services from economic resources?
- production
- What is the process of keeping financial records transactions at the time they occur, even if no money changes hands at the time?
- Accrual Accounting Method
- The coordination of resources to accomplish an organization's goals is the responsibility of _________
- managment
- What is a collective group decision that every member is willing to support?
- consensus
- When goal setting, what are two things you can do to make goals moer real and likely to be achieved?
- write them down, tell someone else
- What are objectives that take a long time to achieve, often a year or more?
- long-term goals
- What is the basic underlying prinicple of US and canadian economic systems that makes them different from other nations?
- free market
- The people who have knowledge about an applicant's previous job performance are referred to as ______________
- references
- what are the abilities needed for a specific job?
- aptitudes
- What group in marketing uses market research to creat, test, and package products as well as track and analyze their profitablity?
- product managers
- A brief summary of your education, experience and skills is a
- resume
- What is the duty of buisness to contribute to the well being of society?
- social responsibility
- What is a buisness that buys goods from producers or agents and sells them to retailers
- wholesalers
- Employess can creat a positive impression of the buisness by speaking in a professional _____ of voice.
- tone
- What is the condition that exists when two or more people need, for some reason, to rely upon each other?
- interdependence
- What are the leaders who prefer to exercise little or no control over their subordinates and provide only general guidance to them?
- laissez-faire leaders
- What are groups of people who work together to acieve common goalS?
- teams
- which marketing function is most colsely related to helping a potential cunstoner make an appropriate buying decision?
- selling
- When the mission of an organization is understanding, serving, and pleasing the customer, it is said to be_________
- customer-focused
- What are two actions you can take to show customers that you have their undivided attention?
- smile, maintain eye contact
- Customers who require an exceptional amount of time, or who have difficulty in making choices or purchase decisions are known as ___________
- indecisive customers
- What are guidelines for employees to follow in making decisions as situations occur in the buisness?
- buisnes policies
- When a customer conceals his true complaint with a secondary, but believable, reason for his disatisfaction, it is a
- hidden complaint
- What is the first thing you should always do when taking a buisness telephone call?
- identify the comany and yourself
- When buisness writing is concise, it is ___
- effective and to the point
- What part of the letter contains your message?
- the body
- customers have a negative impression of a buisness when employees don't provide good ______________
- service
- What form of written communication differs from others because of its informal, almost spontaneous nature?
- electronic mail or e-mail
- What is communication that asks for anwers to questions or requests info?
- inquiry
- Name two communicative technologies used in buisness today
- fax cell phone
- What is communication that is initiated from superiors to their subordinates?
- downward communication
- What is being aware of the differences in people of other societies and showing respect for their beliefs and behaviors
- cultural sensitivity
- Imposing western culture on other, significantly different cultures is called
- cultural imperialism
- By not wasting time or supplies, employees are helping control company _________
- expenses
- In a buisness situation, which would be considerd positive behanvior: assertive or aggressive?
- assertive
- What is an organized way to continuously gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute imformation for use in marketing management system
- marketing information management system
- What is often the determining factor in whether individual consumer informaiton has been ethically included in a buisness's database?
- Whether or not they are aware and have chosen to be included
- What are summaries provided by salespeople that document reasons why prospective customers did not purchase?
- lost sales reports
- The first step in resolving a conflict or dispute in the workplace involves identifying the
- problem
- What is the term for a "blueprint" which guides the flow of topics in a meeting?
- agenda
- oversimplified and distorted views of people based on generalizations or a single common characteristic are a form of __________________
- stereotyping
- Tips that there may be job openings at a particular buisness is an example of job
- leads
- what are the formalized guidelines for moral conduct in the worklace that many complanies have established for their employees?
- ethical codes
- What is another word for income, aslo used to refer to the government's income from various taxes?
- revenue
- What are all of the expenses involved in running a buisness?/
- operating expenses
- In a legal contract, each party must offer something of value, called ____
- consideration
- What are documents containing information about employees?
- personnel records
- What is an estimate of what income and expenses will be for a specific time period?
- budget
- What is the process of involving all members of an organization in continuously ensuring that every activity in the production of goods orr servixces leads directivly to product quality?
- toal quality managment or continuous quality improvement
- repeating the customer's questions in your own word is also known as
- paraphrasing
- What is an agreement between two entities which states that one must do something in return for something else provided by another?
- contract
- What are buisness costs that change according to changes in sales volume?
- variable costs
- What is the level of sales at which revenues equal total costs?
- break-even point
- What is identifying and making contracts among people you know, including family and friends, former employers, and other professionals?
- networking
- What is the total value of goods and services sold in a period of time?
- gross sales
- What is the term for "gross sales less discounts, returns, and allowances"?
- net sales
- What is a financial summary that estimates when, where, and how much money will come into and go out of a buisness over a period of time?
- cash flow statement
- What is the summary of a buisness's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity?
- balance sheet
- What are all monies owed to a buisness by its customers?
- accounts recievable
- What is the reduction in value of goods, which occurs over a period of time?
- depreciation
- Money and other debts owed by the buisness are called____________
- liabilities
- The staement whoch provides the calculation "income minus expenses" has many names: income statement, earning statement, and operating statement. It is perhaps most commonly known as a ________
- profit and loss statement
- general rules established by managment to guide personal selling efforts relate to such areas as pricing, credit, and returns and adjustments. These rules are also known as _____
- selling policies
- selling policies focused on aspects of a sale such as price, delivery, credit, discount, and guarantee information are addressing _______
- Terms of sale
- What are guidlines governing the support a company provides to the customer after the sale through return repair, and installation policies?
- service policies
- What is a systematic approach to selling that consists of a sequence of define steps, or phases, intended to assit salespeople in making the sale?
- selling process
- What is something a customer desires?
- want
- What is something necessary that a customer lacks?
- need
- What is a searching question that requires more than a yes or no answer?
- open response or open-ended question
- When the buisness does not have the item requested and the salesperson suggests an alternate item, the process is called ______________
- product substitution
- When the salesperson suggests a lower price line than was originally requested because it would neet the customer's real needs, the salesperson is said to be____________________
- trading down
- What is the division of a total market into smaller, more specific groups
- market segmentation
- What are established specifications used to measure the degree of excellence of goods or services?
- quality standards
- What is a promise made by the sller that the purchase price will be refunded to the buyer if the product does not perform expected?
- guarantee
- What is a promise by the seller to the consumer that a product will be repaired or placed if it does not perform as expected?
- warranty
- What is evaluative information given to you about the things you say and do?
- feedback
- What is communcation that is not aimed or directed at a particular individual?
- non-personal
- What are communcation activites that inform potential consumers about goods, service, images, or ideas to acieve a desired outcome-usually generating interest or sales?
- promotion
- What is a type of pormotion that is done to create a desired image for a company in the minds of consumers?
- insitutional or corporate
- Adverstising to encourage customers to call an 800 number for additonal info is an exmaple of
- telemarketing
- Responding to consumer needs and wants through planned, personalized communication is order to influence purchase decisions and ensure satisfaction is known as
- selling
- What is it called when supervisors set objectives for their staffs and determine in advance exactly how those objectives will be met?
- planning
- What is the process of assigning responsibility and authority to employees for the purpose of achieving its objectives?
- staffing planning
- What is a toll a supervisor uses to assess how well employees are doing their jobs?
- performance evaluation
- What is the process of determining if a de[partment has the necessary employees to achieve its objectives?
- staffing planning
- What is the process of attracting qualified candidates to apply for job openings?
- recruiting
- Choosing the most qualified applicant recruited for a job is also known as ____________________
- selection
- What is a conversation designed to discover why an employee is leaving the organization?
- exit interview
- The measure of how many people leave the company is known as _________
- employee turnover
- Wha is the process of an employee becoming more valuable to the company through the combo of education and experience?
- development
- Product design, branding, and advertising to creat an image in the customr's mind is called ____________
- positioning
- If a buisness offers consumers greater value, it is said to have a _______
- competitive advantage
- What is the process f creating names, symbols, designs, images, or combo of them in order to identfy a company or product and distinguish it from competitors?
- branding
- What media are called "out of home" as part of the promotional mix>
- outdoor and transit
- A critical ethical consideration in promotion is presenting groups of people as if they were all alike. This is called
- stereotyping
- Technology now allos enough felxibility to design and market products for select target groups or individuals-a phenomenon also known as ________
- mass customization
- one style of decision making involves getting others opinions and considering the impact on them. This is known as ______decision making
- collaborative
- Print, broadcast and out of home are all types of what?
- advertising media
- What is the part of a print as that is set in large type and often positioned at the top of the ad, in order to grab the reader's attention?
- headline
- What are ads that feature statements by product users, proclaiming the benefits they derived from using the product?
- testimonials or endorsements