Vocab 5
undefined, object
copy deck
- retrenchment
- the act of cutting down or off as by the reduction of expenses
- phobia
- fear of something or a situation
- largess
- generous giving
- dynamic
- producing an effect of energetic movement or progression
- table
- to put aside or to postpone (usually relates to parliamentary procedure)
- commission
- to authorize or order; to send on a mission; to give a commission to
- fulsome
- excess to the point of disgust, extreme lavishness
- broach
- to open up for the first time
- quash
- to set aside or to suppress forcibly
- restitution
- restoration of or compensation for something taken from a rightful owner
- stand
- a determined effort for or against something; a determined position taken
- turpitude
- depravity
- vignette
- a short descriptive literary sketch or a short scene from a movie
- insufferable
- not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable
- premonition
- a forewarning; a feeling of anxiety over a future event
- pall
- to lose interest or attraction, to become wearisom
- sedentary
- characterized by a sitting posture
- cupidity
- greed
- germinal
- being in the earliest stage of development
- wistful
- having unfulfilled longing or yearning
- impoundment
- the act of being seized and held in the custody of the law
- ensconce
- to settle comfortably
- disjunction
- act of disjoining
- facsimile
- a reproduction or exact copy
- adroit
- clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, ingenious, ingenuity