this has amendments, speech doctrines, and everything else!
undefined, object
copy deck
- Santeria Case
- prohibited a law in Florida banning animal sacrifice; upheld the free exercise clause in the First Amendment
- Eighteenth
- prohibition
- plea bargain
- pleading guilty to a lesser crime in order to avoid standing trial for a more serious one; once someone pleads guilty they have no control over their sentence
- line item veto
- president crosses out parts of budget bills that he doesn't like; ruled unconstitutional by Clinton v. NY
- Congressional power over Bureaucracy
- Oversight, appropriations, investigations, sunset laws
- budget process
- agencies estimate» OMB » president» Congressional Budget Office » final budget resolution
- Federal Reserve Board
- establishes banking practices and regulates currency in circulation as well as the amount of credit available
- distribution
- Proportion of the population that holds a particular opinion.
- economic sanctions
- denial of import or export of goods with a target country; only works if multilateral
- Supplemental Security Income; monthly payments to disabled people over 65 who can prove their income
- soft money
- Money raised in unlimited amounts by political parties for party-building purposes. Now largely illegal except for limited contributions to state or local parties for voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts.
- national supremacy
- Constitutional doctrine that whenever conflict occurs between the constitutionally authorized actions of the national government and those of a state or local government, the actions of the federal government prevail.
- Griswold v. Connecticut
- married couple wanted to get contraceptives; struck down a Connecticut law prohibiting the sale of contraceptives; established the right of privacy through the 4th and 9th amendment
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- ordered states to provide lawyers for those unable to afford them; Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments; Warren Court's judicial activism
- writ of certiorari
- a formal writ used to bring a case before the Supreme Court; if a court has made a decision conflicting with precedent, if a court has come up witht a new question, if one court of appeals has mad e decision that conflits with another, inconsistencies between courts of different states, split decision by court of appeals
- UAW v. Johnson Controls
- allowed women to work in a battery factory even though there was a chance that working there would render them infertile
- Slaughterhouse cases
- the 5th and 14th amendments do not guarantee federal protection of individual rights of all citizens of the United States against discrimination by their own state governments; made a distinction between state citizenship and national citizenship
- Federalists
- Supporters of ratification of the Constitution and of a strong central government
- Lemon case
- established a three part test to determine if establishment clause is violated; nonsecular purpose, advances or inhibits religion. excessive entanglement with religion
- Burger Court
- a conservative jurist appointed by Nixon that nonetheless continued the judicial activism of the Warren Court as seen by Roe v. Wade; this was due to the other members of the court rather than his own liberal beliefs
- political action committee (PAC)
- the political arm of an interest group that is legally entitled to raise funds on a voluntary basis from members, stockholders, or employees to contribute funds to candidates or political parties.
- independent expenditures
- money spent by individuals or groups, not candidates, in order to elect or defeat a candidate for office
- criminal law
- a law that defines crimes against the public order; comes from criminal laws passed by federal and state governments
- rule of four
- if four justices say that they are interested in a case then the case will be heard by the Supreme Court; must have four votes to be heard
- responsible party system
- European model of party government: officeholders are expected to act according to party wishes and to vote along party lines.
- honeymoon
- Period at the beginning of a new president's term during which the president enjoys generally positive relations with the press and Congress, usually lasting about six months.
- standing to sue
- plaintiffs myst have sustained or be in immediate danger of sustaining a direct and personal injury (violation of a constitution or other legal right)
- Tinker v. Des Moines
- students wore black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War; student's rights are not "shed at the schoolhouse gates," symbolic speech allowed
- Barron v. Baltimore
- 1833; court ruled that Bill of Rights only applied to the national government, not the states; created dual citizenship
- Dickerson v. US
- 2000; court upheld the miranda decision; struck down a congressional act allowing voluntary confessions to be accepted before their miranda rights had been read; Rehnquist judicial restraint
- Tinker v. Des Moines
- students wore black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War; student's rights are not "shed at the schoolhouse gates," symbolic speech allowed
- concurrent powers
- Powers that the Constitution gives to both the national and state governments, such as the power to levy taxes.
- progressive tax
- tax graduated so that people with higher incomes pay a larger percent of their income
- Seventh
- trial by jury in common law cases
- Seventeenth
- Amendment that started direct election of senators, initiative, referendum, and recall
- government corporations
- operates like a business corporation; allowed to make money through sale of services; US Postal Service
- single member districts
- an electoral district in which voters choose one representative or official (not voting for more than one person for any position)
- Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
- enemy combatants in the US still have due process rights; 5th amendment
- police powers
- inherent powers of state governments to pass laws protecting public health, safety, and welfare of residents
- express powers
- Powers the Constitution specifically grants to one of the branches of the national government
- Boland Amendment
- an act passed by congress that said the president could not support the Contras; Reagan ignored it during the Iran-Contra affair
- Slaughterhouse cases
- the 5th and 14th amendments do not guarantee federal protection of individual rights of all citizens of the United States against discrimination by their own state governments; made a distinction between state citizenship and national citizenship
- libel
- written defamation or false statements of another person
- commerce clause
- The clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate all business activities that cross state lines or affect more than one state or other nations.
- crossover voting
- Voting by a member of one party for a candidate of another party
- recess appointments
- appointments to federal judgeships (including to the supreme court) that are made when the Senate is in recess so the Senate cannot approve or deny them, they may stay in their positions until the Senate tells them to step down
- indictment
- also, true bill; a formal written statement by a grand jury charging an individual with an offense
- Articles of Confederation
- The first governing document of the confederated states, drafted in 1777, ratified in 1781, and replaced by teh rpesent Constitution in 1789
- War Powers Resolution 1974
- if president commits troops Congress must be told w/in 48 hours and must approve w/in 60 days
- ex. of oversight
- police patrol, fire alarm, whistle blowers
- reinforcing cleavages
- Divisions within society that reinforce one another, making groups more homogeneous or similar; ex: social class, income,
- Gregg v. Georgia
- made capital punishment constitutional; overturned Furman v. Georgia (1972) which stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- Hatch Act
- bans civil servants from running for elected office; may not solicit money within their organization
- fixed terms
- the length of a term in office is specified, not indefinite; House=2; Senate=6, President=4
- recall
- Procedure for submitting to popular vote the removal of officials from office before the end of their term.
- Tenth
- powers not delegated to the US nor prohibited to the States are retained by the states
- procedural due process
- how a law is applied, government must proceed by certain methods; limits how government may exercise power, laws may violate this if they are too vague; limits mostly the judicial and executive branch
- libertarianism
- an ideology that cherishes individual liberties, insists on minimal government, promoting a free market economy, noniterventionist in foreign policy and an absence in moral, economic, and social life
- heightened scrutiny test
- in order to pass a law the government must show that its classification serves "important governmental objectives;" (classifications of gender); unconstitutional to to protect a group because they are "innately inferior"
- direct primary
- Election in which voters choose party nominees
- separation of powers
- Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law
- amicus curiae
- "friend of the court," a brief written by interested parties not directly involved in the case in order to present arguments in additoin to those presented by the immediate parties of the case
- manifest opinion
- A widely shared and consciously held view, like support for homeland security
- socialism
- an economic and governmental system based on public ownership of the means and production of exchange
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- an independent regulatory commission that licenses and regulates broadcasting stations; it may regulate content
- exceptions to warrantless searches
- plain-view exception, exigent circumstances (evidence may be destroyed), automobile exception, foreign intelligence and national security
- Slaughter House Cases
- distinguished between the privileges of US citizens and those of state citizens; the only privileges of national citizenship are those owed to the existence of the Federal Government, its National Character, its Constitution, or its laws; eg: reight to use navigable water of the US, protection on the high seas, assemple peacefully, petition for redress of grievances, right to vote if qualified to do so under state laws, travel through out US
- our federalism
- presumes that the power of the federal government is limited in favor of the broad powers reserved to the states
- prosecutors
- act on behalf of the public in choosing whether and how to pursue cases against defendants; the person who tries a case in front of a court
- courts of appeal
- ta court with appellate jurisdiciton that hears appeals from the district courts; 13 total, 2 in Washington DC, California is in 9, the biggest
- Australian ballot
- A secret ballot printed by the state
- social conservatives
- an ultra-conservatism that focuses on morality and lifestyle; dislike abortion, same-sex marriages, and affirmative action; ex: Christian Right
- news media
- media that emphasizes local, national, and world events
- majority
- The candidate or party that wins more than half the votes cast in an election
- suspect classifications
- a class of people deliberately subjected to such unequal treatment in the past of that society has made so politically powerless as to require extraordinary judicial protection (i.e. blacks)
- independent expenditure
- The Supreme Court has ruled that individuals, groups, and parties can spend unlimited amounts in campaigns for or against candidates as long as they operate independently from the candidates. When an individual, group, or party does so, they are making this.
- nongermane amendments
- riders, earmarks, unrelated amendments to bills; Christmas tree legislation
- interested money
- financial contributions by individuals or groups in the hope of influencing the outcome of an election and subsequently influencing policy
- Eighth
- no excessive bail, no cruel or unusual punishment
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; international trade organization ehtat encourages free trade by lowering tariffs and other trade restrictions
- US v. Nixon
- executive privilege does not work when president has committed a crime
- US v. Lopez
- court ruled that gun-free school zone act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce; Congress must defer to states; Rehnquist judicial restraint, judicial supremacy
- Nineteenth
- Amendment that started women's suffrage
- Duties of Federal Judiciary
- US is a party, two or more states, state and citizens of a nother state, citizens of two or more states, citizens of the same state involving national issues
- national debt
- the total amount of money borrowed to finance the annual deficits
- initiative
- Procedure whereby a certain number of voters may, by petition, propose a law or constitutional amendment and have it submitted to the voters
- executive privilege
- The power to keep executive communications confidential, especially if they relate to national security
- cross-cutting cleavages
- Divisions within society that cut across demographic categories to produce groups that are more heterogeneous or different; ex: religion
- nationalism
- a consciousness of the nation-state and belonging to it.
- central clearance
- reviews of all executive branch testimony, reports, and draft legislation by the OMB to ensure that each communication to Congress is in accordance with the president's program
- Lemon case
- established a three part test to determine if establishment clause is violated; nonsecular purpose, advances or inhibits religion. excessive entanglement with religion
- commerce clause
- gives congress the power to prevent corporations from discriminating against minorities; allowed Title II and VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- inner cabinet
- economy, crime, foreign and domestic policy
- Senate- assigning members to committees
- Dem- Steering Committee; Reps- Committee on Committees
- New Jersey Plan
- Proposal at the Constitutional Convention made by William Paterson of New Jersey for a central government with a single-house legislature in which each state would be represented equally
- closed rule
- no floor amendments may be made, usually given to prevent a bill from passing
- due process clause
- no person shall be deprived by a STATE of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; Fourteenth Amendment
- partisan gerrymandering
- redrawing district lines so that one party is in the majority
- adversary system
- a judicial system in which the court of law is a neutral arena where two parties argue their differences
- Griswold v. Connecticut
- married couple wanted to get contraceptives; struck down a Connecticut law prohibiting the sale of contraceptives; established the right of privacy through the 4th and 9th amendment
- lobbying
- Engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, and the policies they enact.
- checks and balances
- Constitutional grant of powers that enables each of the three branches of government to check some acts of the others and therefore ensure that no branch can dominate
- dealignment
- Weakening of partisan preferences that points to a rejection of both major parties and a rise in the number of independents.
- Furman v. Georgia (1972)
- stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- Council of Economic Advisers
- advises the President on the state of the economy
- Federalist No. 51
- written by James Madison; separation of powers; "you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
- Speaker of the House
- presiding officer of the House, appoints Rules committee, assigns bills to committees, may recommend leaders but cannot appoint
- open rule
- floor amendments may be made during debate
- Important house committees
- appropriations, rules, ways and means, commerce
- free rider
- An individual who does not join a group representing his or her interests yet receives the benefit of the group's influence.
- Skokie case
- supreme court allowed the Nazi party to march through the predominantly Jewish section of a city in Illinois; had been previously prevented by the city; time, place, and manner regulations
- centralists
- People who favor national action over action at the state and local levels
- Bush Doctrine
- US would attack any nation harboring terrorists, attack unilaterally, massive force, promote freedom and democracy
- Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
- provides $3.9 billion in federal funds to modernize American voting procedures and mandates that states maintain accurate statewide voter registration lists; also permits voters to cast provisional ballots if there is uncertainty about their registration.
- Maine and Nebraska plan
- a winner take all system that never the less gave the candidate with the most popular votes the extra two votes in the electoral college
- US v. Lopez
- court ruled that gun-free school zone act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce; Congress must defer to states; Rehnquist judicial restraint, judicial supremacy
- how president influences Congress
- mandate of the people, state of the Union, threat of a veto
- Senate leadership
- VP, president pro tempore, majority leader, minority leader, whips
- joint committee
- members forom both House and Senate study an issue of interest, oversee congressional support agencies
- McCulloch v. Maryland
- John Marshall ruled that a state could not tax the Bank of the US; commerce clause, necessary and proper, "the power to tax involves the power to destroy"
- winner take all
- a system in which the candidate with the most district votes in a state gets all of the delegate votes from that state
- US v. Leon
- weakened Mapp v. Ohio; allowed a "good faith" exception to the exclusionary rule as long as the core values of Mapp v. Ohio were not violated
- ex. of environmental policy
- superfund, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act,
- discharge petitions
- if signed by a majority in House, bill may bypass committee and go to floor; rescue tool
- bicameralism
- The principle of a two-house legislature
- popular consent (sovereignty)
- The idea that a just government must derive its powers from the consent of the people it governs
- public forums
- public places historically associated with the free exercise of expressive activities; streets, side walks, parks; time, place, and manner must be reasonable, cannot be limited because of what is being said
- wedge issues
- Issues that motivate particular segments of the electorate to vote and on which the opposing candidate or party has a less popular position.
- Brown v. Board (1955)
- ordered schools to desegregate with "all due and deliberate speed"
- closed shop
- A company with a labor agreement under which union membership can be a condition of employment.
- decentralists
- People who favor state or local action rather than national action
- latency
- political opinions that people may hold but have not yet fully expressed.
- issue activists
- wish to push the parties in a particular direction on a single issue or a narrow range of issues.
- types of equality
- social- no titles, no discrimination; political- protection under the law, equal voting power; opportunity- to improve economic status
- panel surveys
- Interviewing the same sample at more than one point in time.
- Ninth
- Amendment that says the enumeration of rights in the Constiturion shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people; just because it isn't in the Constitution, does not mean it isn't a right
- inherent powers
- The powers of the national government in foreign affairs that the Supreme Court has declared do not depend on constitutional grants but rather grow out of the very existence of the national government
- gerrymandering
- redrawing the legislative boundaries to benefit a party, incumbent, or group
- signing statement
- a statement written when a president signs a bill into law; used to change the interpretation of the law
- reapportionment
- assigning congressional seats by Congress after each census. State legislatures reapportion state legislative districts
- internal political efficacy
- the belief that an understanding of government enables one to participate
- mandate
- because president was elected by nation, and he has wide public support; "political capital"
- First
- Amendment that protects freedom of religion (exercise and practice), speech, assembly, redress of grievances
- Federal Register
- the official journal of the US bureaucracy that informs the public of proposed rules, changes to rules, and new rules
- bad tendency test
- forbid speech that corrupts society or that encourages crime; test abandoned because it was too broad
- monetary policy
- manages the economy by controlling the money supply (federal board of reserves)
- search warrant
- writ authorized by a magistrate that authorities the police to search a particular place or person, specifying the place to be searched and the objects to be seized; police must have probable cause to justify it
- Brown v. Board (1955)
- ordered schools to desegregate with "all due and deliberate speed"
- Rehnquist Court
- the conservative justice who was on the Burger Court that became chief justice; as chief justice he led a conservative revolution that left power up to the states over Congress; ruled on Bush v. Gore
- referendum
- Procedure for submitting to popular vote measures passed by the legislature or proposed amendments to a state constitution
- impeachment
- Formal accusation by the lower house of a legislature against a public official, the first step in removal from office.
- Federalist No. 10
- written by James Madison; inevitability of factions; need for a federal govt. to combat (federalism, division of powers)
- Seventh
- Amendment that says trial by jury in common law cases
- US v. Leon
- weakened Mapp v. Ohio; allowed a "good faith" exception to the exclusionary rule as long as the core values of Mapp v. Ohio were not violated
- proportional representation
- An election system in which each party running receives the proportion of legislature seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.
- time, place, and manner regulations
- test for public assemblies; time- how long, what time; place- may limit assembly to certain streets; manner- what assembly is doing
- class-action suit
- when multiple plaintiffs band together and say that something is affecting large numbers of americans
- logrolling
- voting to help a colleagues bill in exchange for a vote on another bill; reciprocity;
- leadership PAC
- A PAC formed by an office holder that collects contributions from individuals and other PACs and then makes contributions to other candidates and political parties.
- confederation
- Constitutional arrangement in which sovereign nations or states, by compact, create a central government but carefully limit its power and do not give it direct authority over individuals
- vouchers
- money government provides to parents to pay their children's tuition in a public or private school of their choice
- Ninth
- the enumeration of rights in the Constiturion shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people; just because it isn't in the Constitution, does not mean it isn't a right
- Texas v. Johnson
- burning a flag is a form of symbolic speech
- staggered terms
- not all offices are up for election at once; 1/3 of senate are up for election every two years
- Grutter v. Bollinger
- affirmative action case (lost) ; race could be used as a factor in admissions as long as there was no point system and race was not a major factor; upheld Bakke case
- 527 organization
- A political group organized under section 527 of the IRS Code that may accept and spend unlimited amounts of money on election activities so long as they are not spent on broadcast ads run in the last 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election in which a clearly identified candidate is referred to and a relevant electorate is targeted.
- external political efficacy
- the belief that one is effective when participating in politics; i.e. that the government will respond to one's demands
- civil law
- a law that governs the relationships between individuals and defines their legal rights; cases that deal with contract issues and cases that define the legal rights of individuals
- reasons for appointing judges
- judicial ideology, age, no paper trail (Borked), senatorial courtesy, senate judiciary committee
- party registration
- The act of declaring party affiliation; required by some states when one registers to vote.
- policy offices
- advise the president on domestic and international issues
- permissive federalism
- implies that the states' share of power rests upon the permission and permissiveness of the national government
- independent agencies
- smaller and more focused than departments; mst report to the president
- reasons bureaucracies are difficult to control
- dense layers of management, overlap across departments and agencies, red tape and paper pushing
- Twenty Fourth
- Amendment that abolished poll tax
- beauty contest
- a popularity vote during the primary; candidates are chosen but delegates are not
- Annapolis Convention
- A convention held in September 1786 to consider problems of trade and navigation, attended by five states and important because it issued the call to Congress and the states for what became the Constitutional Convention
- nonpartisan election
- A local or judicial election in which candidates are not selected or endorsed by political parties and party affiliation is not listed on ballots.
- Baker v. Carr
- "one man, one vote," prohibited racial gerrymandering; ordered state legislative districs to be near equal in population as possible
- Hispanics
- cubans= republican; mexicans= democratic, liberal agenda, labor, immigration
- Antifederalists
- Opponents of ratification of the Constitution and of a strong central government generally.
- political predisposition
- A characteristic of individuals that is predictive of political behavior
- minor party
- A small political party that rises and falls with a charismatic candidate or, if composed of ideologies on the right or left, usually persists over time; also called a third party.
- public choice
- Synonymous with "collective action," it specifically studies how government officials, politicians, and voters respond to positive and negative incentives.
- candidate activists
- followers of a particular candidate who see the party as the means to elect their candidate
- gender gap
- The difference between the political opinions or political behavior of men and women.
- Fifth
- Amendment that says grand juries, no double jeopardy, no self incrimination, DUE PROCESS, eminent domain
- US v. Curtiss-Wright
- president given wide abilities for foreign policy
- fighting words
- words that by their very nature inflict injury on those to whom they are addressed or incited them to acts of violence; very hard to prove
- states' rights
- Powers expressly or implicitly reserved to the states.
- Schenck case
- clear and present danger test; shouting "fire" in a crowded theater; limits on speech especially in wartime
- Baron de Montesquieu
- man who influenced the Founders to include a set of checks and balances in the Constitution
- White House Office of Global Communications
- political office; makes US look good in foreign countries; propaganda
- voter suppression
- negative advertising discourages some voters who might support a candidate
- franking privilege
- the privilege of incumbents of sending mail free to the electorate
- candidate-based system
- politicians are nominated largely on the basis of their qualifications and personal appeal, not party loyalty
- Newdow case
- although a lower court decided that the phrase "under god" was unconstitutional based on the separation of church and state, the supreme court ruled that this guy did not have legal standing to bring the case to court because he did not have custody of the daughter
- Second
- militia and the right to bear arms
- cloture
- procedure for terminating debate (stops a filibuster)
- direct popular election
- abolishing the electoral college and basing the presidency solely on the popular vote
- plea bargain
- agreement between a prosecutor and a defendant that the defendant will plead guilty to a lesser offense to avoid having to stand trial for a more serious offense
- Twenty Second
- Amendment that limits the number of presidential terms to two
- dual federalism
- Views the Constitution as giving a limited list of powers to the national government and leaving the rest to sovereign states. Each level of government is dominant within its own sphere.
- Schenck case
- clear and present danger test; shouting "fire" in a crowded theater; limits on speech especially in wartime
- African Americans
- poorer, Democratic, civil rights
- executive agreement
- a formal agreement between the US president and the leaders of other nations; does not require senate approval; Mexico smart border, NAFTA
- Miranda warning
- Miranda v. Arizona; making sure that suspected criminals are brought before a magistrate and informed of their right to remain silent, right to an attorney
- Engel v. Vitale
- upheld establishment clause; prohibited school sponsored prayer in public schools; Warren court's judicial activism
- horse race
- a focus on who is ahead in the primaries rather than substantive differences between candidates; more media attention to winning candidates, less time to issues
- presidential election
- Elections held in years when the president is on the ballot.
- House of Representatives
- tighter rules, tax bills, more powerful committee leaders, Rules Committee sets terms of debate, may have closed rule, no filibusters allowed
- commercial speech
- advertisements and commercials; not very protected
- Marbury v. Madison
- ruled by John Marshall; Marbury wanted the Supreme Court to order Madison to deliver his commission; ruled section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional; established Judicial Review
- Dickerson v. US
- 2000; court upheld the miranda decision; struck down a congressional act allowing voluntary confessions to be accepted before their miranda rights had been read; Rehnquist judicial restraint
- administrative discretion
- authority given by congress to federal bureaucracy to use reasonable judgement in implementing the laws
- Dickerson v. US (2000)
- court upheld the miranda decision; struck down a congressional act allowing voluntary confessions to be accepted before their miranda rights had been read
- clear and present danger test
- started by Schenck case; government cannot interfere with speech unless the speech presents a clear and present danger that it will lead to evil or illegal acts; to shout "Fire" falsely in a crowded theater
- open shop
- A company with a labor agreement under which union membership cannot be required as a condition of employment.
- types of interest groups
- economic, single issue, public interest, foreign policy, public sector,
- substantive information
- includes information like the impact of proposed laws
- National Bonus Plan
- a reform plan that would give the winner of the popular vote 102 electoral votes, in order to secure that the popular candidate did win
- Gitlow v. New York
- established selective incorporation of the Bill of rights; states cannot deny freedom of speech; protected through the 14th amendment
- take care clause
- laws must be faithfully executed even if president disagrees--> president claiming inherent powers to faithfully protect the nation
- political socialization
- The process -- most notably in families and schools -- by which we develop our political attributes, values, and beliefs.
- corporate welfare
- supported by taxes but rarely used by poor; ex: college loans, tax deductions
- US v. Nixon
- executive privilege does not work when president has committed a crime
- part-time citizens
- Participate selectively in elections; are not greatly interested in politics and government, pay only minimal attention to the news, rarely discuss candidates or elections with others.
- civil rights
- the right not to be discriminated against because of race, religion, or gender; constitutional rights to the due process and equal protection clauses
- Roemer v. Evans
- CO created an amendment that prohibited counties from passing laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination; ruled unconstitutional
- Ways of Choosing Delegates
- proportional representation, winner take all, delegate selection without commitment to a candidate, delegate selection and separate presidential poll
- Lawrence v. Texas
- overturned Bowers v. Hardwick; a law stating that homosexual relations were sodomy is unconstitutional
- non-preferential test
- Constitution does not prohibit aid given to all religions as long as no religion is favored; favored by conservatives
- patronage
- the dispensing of government jobs to persons who belong to the winning political party; "spoils system"
- Fourteenth
- Amendment that says people born in US are citizens of the US, citizens living in a state are citizens of that state; states cannot deny people of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, equal protection of laws
- Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act
- congress regains control of the budget; creates the congressional budget office, required president to submit requests for recissions of appropriations
- Federalist No. 78
- written by Alexander Hamilton; talks about the federal judiciary; judiciary must depend on other two branches to uphold its decisions
- Rodriguez Case
- (1973) stated that education was not a fundamental right; a school-financing system based on local property taxes did not violate the 14th amendment because there was de facto segregation not de jure segregation
- Shay's Rebellion
- Rebellion led by Daniel Shays of farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, protesting mortgage foreclosures. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out.
- Buckley v. Valeo
- this SC decision stated that spending money was a form of symbolic speech and that therefore individual expenditures could not be limited
- Head Start
- preschool programs for poor students
- Fourteenth
- people born in US are citizens of the US, citizens living in a state are citizens of that state; states cannot deny people of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, equal protection of laws
- Congressional Record
- a publication of all congressional proceedings
- soft money
- Unlimited amounts of money that political parties previously could raise for party-building purposes. Now largely illegal except for limited contributions to state and local parties for voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts
- faithless elector
- a member of the electoral college that votes differently than the majority in their district
- competitive federalism
- views the national government, 50 states, and thousands of local governments as competing with each other over ways to put together packages of services and taxes
- Supreme Court Original Jurisdiction
- cases that involve ambassadors, other public ministers, other diplomats, cases that involve a state or states as a party
- Majority/Minority leader
- floor leaders and legislative strategists
- candidate appeal
- How voters feel about a candidate's background, personality, leadership ability, and other personal qualities.
- Skokie case
- supreme court allowed the Nazi party to march through the predominantly Jewish section of a city in Illinois; had been previously prevented by the city; time, place, and manner regulations
- trade association
- businesses with similar interests band together in order to push their ideas; eg: regulation issues
- Gregg v. Georgia (1976)
- made capital punishment constitutional; overturned a previous decision which stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- liberalism
- belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity; regulated economy, help society
- substantive due process
- what the government can do; government should not be allowed to do certain things; mostly limits the legislative branch; helped economic regulation
- racial gerrymandering
- drawing election districts to ensure that African Americans or other minorities are in the minority in as many districts as possible; contrary to the 15th amendment
- concurring opinion
- an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion but for different reasons
- Furman v. Georgia (1972)
- stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- socioeconomic status (SES)
- A division of population based on occupation, income, and education.
- who is biased in media
- journalists- more liberal; editors/owners- conservative
- justiciable dispute
- a dispute growing out of an actual case or controversy that is capable of settlement by legal methods
- Dickerson v. US (2000)
- court upheld the miranda decision; struck down a congressional act allowing voluntary confessions to be accepted before their miranda rights had been read
- Twenty Fourth
- abolished poll tax
- defendants
- in a criminal action, the person or party accused of an offense
- Fourth
- no unreasonable searches and seizures, warrants only with probable cause
- mandatory spending
- money that must be spent but Congress has no control over the spending rate; interest on national debt, social security,
- direct primary
- Election in which voters choose party nominees
- delegate
- legislator who follows belief of people
- political predispositions
- women vote more, more democratic; old people vote more, conservative, more educated, wealthier vote more
- Miller v. California
- established guidelines for obscenity; lacks serious redeeming value
- coattail effect
- boost that candidates may get in an election because of the popularity of candidates above them on the ticket
- Rodriguez Case
- (1973) stated that education was not a fundamental right; a school-financing system based on local property taxes did not violate the 14th amendment because there was de facto segregation not de jure segregation
- US v. Lopez
- court ruled that gun-free school zone act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce; Congress must defer to states
- Asian Americans
- japanese= democrat; others= republican; higher education and income;
- Gitlow v. New York
- established selective incorporation of the Bill of rights; states cannot deny freedom of speech; protected through the 14th amendment
- John Marshall
- created the precedent of judicial review; ruled on many early decisions that gave the federal government more power, especially the supreme court
- due process
- established rules and regulations that restrain those in government who exercise power
- Brown v. Board (1954)
- school segregation was unconstitutional; overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; Warren's court judicial activism, unanimous decision so that no one could dispute
- fair housing act of 1968
- forbids discrimination in housing and loans; helped prevent segregation
- representative democracy (republic)
- Government in which the people elect those who govern and pass laws
- rule
- ticket to the floor of the House
- Baker v. Carr
- "one man, one vote," prohibited racial gerrymandering; ordered state legislative districs to be near equal in population as possible
- nonprotected speech
- lacks redeeming social value and is not essential to democratic deliberations and self-governance; eg: libel, obscenity, fighting words, commercial speech
- appellate jurisdiction
- the authority of a court to review decisions made by lower courts
- Engel v. Vitale
- upheld establishment clause; prohibited school sponsored prayer in public schools; Warren court's judicial activism
- cases of equity
- those cases that cannot be resolved by common law; judges may be asked to issue injunctions or award damages
- majority opinion
- an explanation of a decision made by an appellate court; includes the facts issues and reasoning of the decision; it may ask Congress to act on something; needs at least 5 judges to sign
- marble cake federalism
- all levels of government are involved in a variety of issues and programs rather than with fixed divisions between levels of government
- Third
- Amendment that says no quartering of soldiers
- president pro tempore
- ceremonial head, fills in for VP when gone
- life-cycle effects
- as people age they vote more conservative
- gag orders
- court orders preventing lawyers and jurors from commenting on ongoing trials
- Twenty Sixth
- eighteen-year old vote
- Marbury v. Madison
- ruled by John Marshall; Marbury wanted the Supreme Court to order Madison to deliver his commission; ruled section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional; established Judicial Review
- canvass
- Campaigners learn which issues matter to potential voters and which candidates these voters prefer by conducting interviews on the telephone or in person.
- party identification
- An informal and subjective affiliation with a political party that most people acquire in childhood.
- fundamental rights
- rights that are implicitly or explicitly guaranteed by the constitution; laws that interfere with constitutional rights are subject to strict scrutiny
- factors that affect voting
- race, ethnicity, wealth, income, gender, religion, education
- common law
- based on the legal concept of stare decisis; disputes based on custom and tradition; no federal common law, therefore appeals to the federal courts become cases of equity
- bully pulpit
- president able to use media and influence to get programs passed
- Twenty First
- repeal of prohibition; only amendment ratified through state special conventions
- polarized
- When two opposing sides feel intensely about an issue.
- House- assigning members to committees
- Dem- Steering and Policy Committee; Reps- Committee on Committees
- writ of mandamus
- Court order directing an official to perform an official duty
- bill of attainder
- legislative acts inflicting punishment to individuals or a group of individuals without a trial
- de facto segregation
- segregation occurring because of economic or social conditions or because of personal choice; unnecessary to force integration
- Miranda v. Arizona
- est. warnings of counsel and silence for the accused; must be given before questioning; warren court's judicial activism for criminals
- permanent Congress
- the state of congress being permanent due to the lack of term-limits and the advantages of incumbency
- trustee
- legislator who votes independently of constituency based on personal judgement of circumstances
- dual citizenship
- citizenship in more than one country, usu. due to former country not giving a right to expatriation
- Lee Atwater
- the Republican president maker (think Karl Rove); he made the Willie Horton commercial for George Bush Sr. against Dukakis
- Miranda v. Arizona
- est. miranda warnings of counsel and silence for the accused; must be given before questioning; warren court's judicial activism for criminals
- executive orders
- formal order by president to direct action by the federal bureaucracy,
- literacy tests
- literacy requirement (understanding of the constitution) as a condition of voting
- Miller v. California
- established guidelines for obscenity; lacks serious redeeming value
- safe seats
- an elected office that is predictably won by one party or another; leads to less competition
- general election
- Elections in which voters elect officeholders.
- issue advocacy
- Unlimited and undisclosed spending by an individual or group on communications that do not use words like "vote for" or "vote against," although much of this activity is actually about electing or defeating candidates.
- realigning election
- An election during periods of expanded suffrage and change in the economy and society that proves to be a turning point, redefining the agenda of politics and the alignment of voters within parties.
- majority rule
- governance according to the opinions of the majority; determined by regularly held elections
- legislative veto
- when Congress vetoes agency regulations; declared unconstitutional in INS v. Chadha
- conference committee
- also called the third house of congress; reconciles the passed versions of bils from both houses and then sends a nonamendable version back to both houses for passage
- quid pro quo
- Something given with the expectation of receiving something in return.
- regulatory takings
- when government regulation of a property becomes so extensive that, although the original land holder remains the title owner of the property, the government is required to give just compensation
- Roe v. Wade
- established national abortion guidelines based on trimesters; 1st no state interference, 2nd state may regulate to protect health of mother; 3rd state may regulate to protect health of unborn child
- Gratz v. Bollinger
- affirmative action case; a point system for admission in which points were given for race was ruled unconstitutional; too much like a quota system; upheld Bakke case
- issue advocacy
- promoting a position or issue; paid for by interest groups or individuals, not candidates
- three-fifths compromise
- Compromise between northern and southern states at the Constitutional Convention that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.
- public defender system
- arrangement whereby public officials are hired to provide legal assistance to people accused of crimes who are unable to hire their own attorneys; Gideon v. Wainwright
- voter registration
- System designed to reduce voter fraud by limiting voting to those who have established eligibility to vote by submitting the proper documents
- naturalization
- a legal act giving citizenship to an alien
- advantages of incumbency
- gerrymandered districts, franking privileges, media and name recognition, PAC and interest group money, case work
- Roberts Court
- the current chief justice who is very conservative
- limited forums
- available for assembly and speech for limited purposes, times, and speakers, provided the distinctions between the people allowed access and thsoe excluded are not biased; eg: other public property such as city hall, schools
- Libertarian party
- A minor party that believes in extremely limited government. They call for a free market system, expanded individual liberties such as drug legalization, and a foreign policy of nonintervention, free trade, and open immigration.
- Connecticut Compromise
- Compromise agreement by states at the Constitutional Convention for a bicameral legislature with a lower house in which representation would be based on population and an upper house in which each state would have two senators
- health care reform proposals
- single payer, spending caps, individual responsibility for coverage
- majority-minority districts
- when states redraw district lines in order to create districts in which minority groups make up the majority of the population; unconstitutional to make race the main factor when redrawing district lines upheld in Shaw v. Reno
- whips
- assistant floor leaders, informp party leaders of mood in House, keep head count for important votes, persuade members to vote with party
- congressional-executive agreements
- formal agreement between the US president and leaders of other nations but still requires approval by Congress
- redistributive policy
- programs that take benefits from some (taxes) and give to others; medicaid, food stamps
- caucus
- a meeting of local party members to discuss and choose party officials or candidates for public office; Iowa
- speech and debate clause
- Congress cannot be sued for slander when in session
- First
- Freedom of religion (exercise and practice), speech, assembly, redress of grievances
- informal powers of president
- war powers, executive privilege, executive orders, media, precedent, mandate
- Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs)
- groups that independently investigate and report on government and corporate action relating to consumer interests
- democracy
- Government by the people with free and frequent elections
- ethnicity
- A social division based on national origin, religion, language, and often race.
- primary election
- Election in which voters determine party nominees.
- interest group pluralism
- Competition among open, responsive, and diverse groups help preserve democratic values and limits the concentration of power in any single group.
- regressive tax
- tax where people with lower incomes pay a larger percent of their income (sales tax)
- distributive policy
- programs that give benefits to all citizens; Social Security, education, national defense
- majority rule
- Governance according to the expressed preferences of the majority
- Twenty Seventh
- Amendment that says congressional salaries cannot be raised until an election of representatives has intervened
- faction
- A term the founders used to refer to political parties and special interests or interest groups.
- statism
- The idea that the rights of the nation are supreme over the rights of the individuals who make up the nation
- Eighth
- Amendment that says no excessive bail, no cruel or unusual punishment
- necessary and proper clause
- Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) setting forth the implied powers of Congress. It states that Congress, in addition to its express powers, has the right to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out all powers the Constitution vests in the national government
- independent regulatory commissions
- govt. entities that are independent of the president; regulate the economy; ex: SEC, FBR, FCC
- Members of the current supreme court
- activists- steven breyer, ruth bader ginsburg, john paul stevens, david souter; restrainers- clarence thomas, samuel alito, john roberts, antonin scalia; swing vote- anthony kennedy
- McCulloch v. Maryland
- John Marshall ruled that a state could not tax the Bank of the US; commerce clause, necessary and proper, "the power to tax involves the power to destroy"
- Eighteenth
- Amendment that started prohibition
- Positions of President
- commander in chief, diplomat in chief, administrator in chief,
- sedition
- defaming, criticizing, or advocating the overthrow of government; seditious libel is no longer punishable
- blanket primary
- Used to be held in Washington and California -- all voters could vote for any candidate, regardless of party.
- democratic consensus
- widespread agreement on the fundamental principles of democratic government and the values that support them
- margin of error
- Sample accurately reflects the population within this certain range.
- obscenity
- Miller v California; quality or state of a work that taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex by depicting sexual conduct in a patently offensive way and that lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value
- sunset law
- law passed for a short amount of time to decide whether a bureaucracy should remain; otherwise money fades into sunset
- hard money
- Political contributions given to a party, candidate, or interest group that are limited in amount and fully disclosed. Raising such limited funds is harder than raising unlimited funds, hence the term's name.
- divided government
- Governance divided between the parties, especially when one holds the presidency and the other controls one or both houses of Congress
- Sixth
- Amendment that says criminal court procedures: speedy and public trial, informed of charges against
- civil disobedience
- deliberate refusal to obey a law or comply with the orders of public officials as a means of expressing opposition
- Mapp v. Ohio
- established the exclusionary rule; evidence illegally obtained cannot be used in court; Warren Court's judicial activism
- party unity score
- percentage of members of a party who vote together on roll call votes in Congress on which a majortiy of the members of one party vote against a majority of the member of another party.
- issue networks
- temporary alliances among loosely connected groups for a specific issue
- dissenting opinion
- an opinion disagreeing with the majority decision in a Supreme Court ruling
- Judicial activism
- interpret constitution to reflect current views; keep constitution changing with the times (contemporary); loose interpretation; allows discretion when interpreting laws; psychological, sociological, physiological factors; allows the federal/central power to make decisions that help the people; accepts more writs of certiorari and more cases
- hold
- way of preventing legislation by delaying a bill hearing, force compromise; (asking for more time for a personal reason)
- Zelman case
- stated that vouchers were constitutional; did not break the establishment clause
- important senate committees
- appropriations, armed services, finance, foreign relations
- immunity
- exemption from prosecution for a particular crime in return for testimony pertaining to a case
- candidate appeal
- tendency in elections to focus on the personal attributes of a candidate
- double jeopardy
- trial or punishment for the same crime by the same government; unconstitutional
- prior restraint
- censorship imposed on a speech before it published in a newspaper; usually unconstitutional
- Twenty Sixth
- Amendment that says eighteen-year olds may vote
- Shared values
- liberty, equality, individualism, respect for the common person, democratic consensus, justice and the rule of law, patriotism, optimism, individualism
- Pitchfork of Unelected
- how things get done, pressure; lobbyists and think tanks, media, congressional staff
- theocracy
- Government by religious leaders, who claim divine guidance
- affirmative action
- programs designed to provide special help to people who have been disadvantaged because they belong to a certain group
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- ordered states to provide lawyers for those unable to afford them; Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments; Warren Court's judicial activism
- demographics
- The study of the characteristics of populations
- eminent domain
- power of government to take private property for public use; state and national governments are required to give just compensation; 5th amendment- first provision in the Bill of Rights (due to selective incorporation) regulating state as well as national gov
- Virginia Plan
- Initial proposal at the Constitutional Convention made by the Virginia delegation for a strong central government with a bicameral legislature dominated by the big states.
- uncontrollable spending
- portion of federal budget that is spent on programs that Congress and president are unwilling to cut; ex: Social Security
- fundamentalists
- Conservative Christians who as a group have become more active in politics in the last two decades and were espeically influential in the 2000 presidential election.
- Nineteenth
- women's suffrage
- interstate compact
- An agreement among two or more states. Congress must approve most such agreements.
- Senior Executive Service
- a flexible mobile corps of senior career executives who work closely with presidential appointees to manage government
- Senate majority leader
- true leader in senate, recognized first for debates, true leader of majority party
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- The total output of all economic activity in the nation, including goods and services.
- contract clause
- clause in constitution intended to prevent state governments from altering contracts made between individuals; later used to prevent states from taking away property rights; now no longer significantly restrains state government in order to protect states' police powers
- political information
- includes such matters as who supports or opposes legislation and how strongly they feel about it.
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- ordered states to provide lawyers for those unable to afford them; Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments; Warren Court's judicial activism
- divided government
- Governance divided between the parties, as when one holds the presidency and the other controls one or both houses of Congress.
- implied powers
- Powers inferred from the express powers that allow Congress to carry out its functions
- US v. Leon
- weakened Mapp v. Ohio; allowed a "good faith" exception to the exclusionary rule as long as the core values of Mapp v. Ohio were not violated
- Reform party
- A minor party founded by Ross Perot in 1995. It focuses on national government reform, fiscal responsibility, and political accountability. It has recently struggled with internal strife and criticism that it lacks an identity.
- laissez-faire economics
- Theory that opposed governmental interference in economic affairs beyond what is necessary to protect life and property.
- salience
- measures the extent to which people believe issues are relevant to them.
- UAW v. Johnson Controls
- allowed women to work in a battery factory even though there was a chance that working there would render them infertile
- ethnocentrism
- Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic grou
- electoral college
- the indirect way of selecting a president set up by the framers
- Bush v. Gore
- this case ruled in favor of Bush by saying that recounting the votes in certain counties of Florida was unconstitutional because of equal protection of the law; Gore's wish to make the process as simple and painless as possible backfired
- Roe v. Wade
- established national abortion guidelines based on trimesters; 1st no state interference, 2nd state may regulate to protect health of mother; 3rd state may regulate to protect health of unborn child
- Barron v. Baltimore
- 1833; court ruled that Bill of Rights only applied to the national government, not the states; created dual citizenship
- popular sovereignty
- ultimate power resides in the people; government serves the people
- preferred position doctrine
- freedom of expression should rarely if ever be limited; the freedom of speech is so essential to democracy that governments should only punish people for what they do not what they say
- federalism
- Constitutional arrangement in which power is distributed between a central government and subdivisional governments, called states in the United States. The national and the subdivisional governments both exercise direct authority over individuals.
- economic policies
- laissez-faire, Keynesian, trickle-down, supply side, monetarism
- federal mandate
- A requirement the federal government imposes as a condition for receiving federal funds
- mass media
- the means of communication that reach the public
- Clear and present danger test
- Weather the words are inappropriate in the context. "FIRE" in a movie theater... Supporters concede that speech is not an absolute right, but the government should not be able to limit it unless they can demonstrate a close connection between the speech and an imminent lawless act.
- entitlement programs
- programs that provide benefits to eligible citizens
- natural rights
- aka human rights; everyone has an equal right to protection against arbitrary treatment and an equal right to the liberties in the Bill of Rights; John Locke,
- Twenty Second
- limits the number of presidential terms to two
- judicial review
- The power of a court to refuse to enforce a law or a government regulation that in the opinion of the judges conflicts with the U.S. Constitution or, in a state court, the state constitution
- restrictive covenants
- provision in a property deed preventing sale to a person of a particular race or religion; loan discrimination; ruled unconstitutional
- pluralism
- A theory of government that holds that open, multiple, and competing groups can check the asserted power by any one group.
- Mapp v. Ohio
- established the exclusionary rule; evidence illegally obtained cannot be used in court; Warren Court's judicial activism
- nonpublic forums
- open to the public but are not public forums; must use facilities within a normal bound of conduct, may be excluded if assembly uses building for purposes which it was not intended; no right to interfere with programs or try to take over a building; eg: libraries, courthouses, prisons, schools, swimming pools, government offices
- open seats
- a seat that does not have an incumbent due to redistricting or retirement; very rare
- Planned Parenthood v. Casey
- states may regulate abortion as long as there is "no undue burden" on the mother; did not overturn Roe v. Wade but gave states mroe leeway in regulating abortion (parental consent for minors, 24 hour waiting period)
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- allowed segregation, "separate but equal"
- plurality
- Candidate or party with the most votes cast in an election, not necessarily more than half.
- ex post facto
- retroactive criminal laws that make an act a crime after it was committed or that increase the sentence of a crime after it was committed
- environmental impact statements
- must be filed by federal agencies for any project using federal funds to asses the potential effect of the new construction or development on the enviroment
- right of expatriation
- the right of people to renounce their citizenship
- party regulars
- place the party first; value winning elections and understand that compromise and moderation may be necessary to reach the objective; realize it is important to keep the party together.
- intensity
- how strongly people feel about their opinions.
- media consolidation
- companies merge to create large conglomerates of many newspapers and broadcasting stations; Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, 20th Century Fox, TV Guide
- New Jersey v. TLO
- weakened student rights, Tinker v. Des Moines; gave schools ability to search students suspected of violating school rules without limit; weakened student rights
- constitutional democracy
- A government that enforces recognized limits on those who govern and allows the voice of the people to be heard through free, fair, and relatively frequent elections.
- types of economic interest groups
- trade associations, labor unions, professional associations
- Preferred position doctrine
- The use of words / pictures should rarely if ever be limited. Judges had to draw lines between non protected and protected as well as speech and other forms once they had been given their responsibility
- riders (nongermane)
- may be added by senate; extra provisions in order to gain support or prevent it
- district trial courts
- the lowest level of federal courts; 97 districts across the country
- open primary
- Primary election in which any voter, regardless of party, may vote.
- stare decisis
- the rule of precedent, whereby a rule or law contained in a judicial decision is commonly viewed as bingind on judges whenever the same question is presented; Supreme Court overturns previous decisions very rarely and only with great cause
- Office of Personnel Management
- agency that administers civil service laws, rules, and regulations; incl. the Merits Systems Protection Board
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- allowed segregation, "separate but equal"
- civic journalism
- issue centered focus; talk to ordinary voters, write campaign stories from their point of view; media reform
- turnout
- The proportion of the voting-age public that votes, sometimes defined as the number of registered voters that vote.
- Federal Register
- An official document, published every weekday, which lists the new and proposed regulations of executive departments and regulatory agencies.
- media consultants
- campaign professionals who help candidates with media relations, advertising, and opinion polls
- party identification
- An informal and subjective affiliation with a political party that most people acquire in childhood.
- Gratz v. Bollinger
- affirmative action case; a point system for admission in which points were given for race was ruled unconstitutional; too much like a quota system; upheld Bakke case
- Mapp v. Ohio
- established the exclusionary rule; evidence illegally obtained cannot be used in court; Warren Court's judicial activism
- Miranda v. Arizona
- est. miranda warnings of counsel and silence for the accused; must be given before questioning; warren court's judicial activism for criminals
- Grutter v. Bollinger
- affirmative action case (lost) ; race could be used as a factor in admissions as long as there was no point system and race was not a major factor; upheld Bakke case
- establishment clause
- congress is prohibited form passing laws respecting the establishment of religion; this was meant to prevent government support of religion
- senatorial courtesy
- a presidential custom of submitting the names of prospective appointees for approval to senators from the states in which the appointees are to work (district courts)
- civil liberties
- constitutionally protected freedoms of all persons against government restraint: the freedoms of conscience, religion, and expression
- Lawrence v. Texas
- overturned Bowers v. Hardwick; a law stating that homosexual relations were sodomy is unconstitutional
- preemption
- The right of a federal law or regulation to preclude enforcement of a state or local law or regulation.
- selective perception
- people see and hear what they want to in media messages
- Cabinet
- heads of their departments: loyal to departments over President
- docket
- list of potential cases that reach the supreme court
- tests used for establishment clause
- Lemon test, endorsement test, non-preferential test
- due process clause
- 5th amendment, no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;" it protects people from the national government
- Constitutional Convention
- The convention in Philadelphia, May 25 to September 17, 1787, that debated and agreed upon the Constitution of the United States
- Newdow case
- although a lower court decided that the phrase "under god" was unconstitutional based on the separation of church and state, the supreme court ruled that this guy did not have legal standing to bring the case to court because he did not have custody of the daughter
- discretionary spending
- money spent on programs which the spending rate can be changed
- legal privileges
- granted by the government, may be restricted or subject to conditions
- random sampling
- In this type of sample, every individual has a known and random chance of being selected
- Gregg v. Georgia (1976)
- made capital punishment constitutional; overturned a previous decision which stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- US v. Leon
- weakened Mapp v. Ohio; allowed a "good faith" exception to the exclusionary rule as long as the core values of Mapp v. Ohio were not violated
- deficit
- the annual difference between revenue received and money spent
- Bakke case
- student wanted to be admitted into Davis Medical Program; strict quotas were unconstitutional but race is allowed as a factor in admission decisions as long as it is not the only one; affirmative action is constitutional;
- political ideology
- a consistent (sort of) pattern of beliefs about political values and the role of government
- Green party
- A minor party dedicated to the environment, social justice, nonviolence, and a foreign policy of nonintervention. Ralph Nader ran as its nominee in 2000.
- sunshine laws
- required government agencies to open their meetings to the public and the press
- writ of habeas corpus
- "produce the body," must produce all prisoners in court and explain why they are being held; Hamdan v. Rumsfield
- Planned Parenthood v. Casey
- states may regulate abortion as long as there is "no undue burden" on the mother; did not overturn Roe v. Wade but gave states mroe leeway in regulating abortion (parental consent for minors, 24 hour waiting period)
- special election
- Election in which voters replace members of the House of Representatives who have died or left office.
- public opinion
- The distribution of individual preferences for or evaluations of a given issue, candidate, or institution within a specific population.
- new judicial federalism
- the federal government should set minimum not maximum standards on the rights protected for each citizen; advocated by judicial restrainers
- closed primary
- Primary election in which only persons registered in the party holding the primary may vote.
- pocket veto
- if the president does not sign a bill within 10 days of congress adjourning then the bill is killed and is not sent back to congress
- Warren Court
- the chief justice that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson in Brown v. Board of Education (1954); he was the first justice to help the civil rights movement, judicial activism
- selective exposure
- people screen out messages that do not conform to their own biases
- iron triangle
- congressional committees, interest groups, media
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children; states matched federal funds, created a means testl congress set time limits on public assistance
- cooperative federalism
- stresses federalism as a system of intergovernmental relations in delivering governmental goods and services to the people and calls for cooperation among various levels of government.
- grand jury
- a group of jurors that vote on whether there is enough evidence to warrant a trial showing that a crime was indeed committed; need a 12 to 23 vote to go to trial
- types of standing committees
- authorizing, appropriations, rules and administrations, revenue and budget
- political party
- An organization that seeks political power by electing people to office so that its positions and philosophy become public policy.
- oversight
- responsibility to question executive branch officials to see whether agencies are complying with the wishes of Congress
- Zelman case
- stated that vouchers were constitutional; did not break the establishment clause
- Muller v. Oregon
- stated that there were inherent differences between men and women and that therefore women should not be allowed to work in certain jobs or conditions
- Keynesian economics
- (fiscal policy) Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms.
- caucus
- A meeting of local party members to choose party officials or candidates for public office and to decide the platform
- standing committee
- permanen committee established in a legislature; focuses on a specific policy area
- special/select committees
- address temporary priorities of Congress, conduct investigations
- nongovernmental organization (NGO)
- A nonprofit association or group operating outside of government that advocates and pursues policy objectives
- Inner Cabinet
- Treasury, State, Justice, Defense
- New Jersey v. TLO
- weakened student rights, Tinker v. Des Moines; gave schools ability to search students suspected of violating school rules without limit; weakened student rights
- Third
- no quartering of soldiers
- tax expenditures
- loss of tax revenue due to laws that provide tax incentives or benefits to individuals or businesses
- poll tax
- payment required for voting; abolished by the 24th amendment
- bundling
- A tactic in which PACs collect contributions from like-minded individuals (each limited to $2,000) and present them to a candidate or political party as a "bundle," thus increasing the PAC's influence.
- revolving door
- Employment cycle in which individuals who work for government agencies that regulate interests eventually end up working for interest groups or businesses with the same policy concern.
- exclusionary rule
- evidence obtained unconstitutionally or illegally must be excluded from a criminal trial; Mapp v. Ohio
- unitary system
- Constitutional arrangement that concentrates power in a central government
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- ordered states to provide lawyers for those unable to afford them; Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments; Warren Court's judicial activism
- devolution revolution
- The effort to slow the growth of the federal government by returning many functions to the states.
- national tide
- focus on national rather than local issues; if there is a popular public view, it may skew the election in one direction
- extradition
- Legal process whereby an alleged criminal offender is surrendered by the officials of one state to officials of the state in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.
- formal powers of president
- commander in chief, proposing treaties, appointment power, granting pardons, veto power, take care clause, special sessions of Congress
- House Rules Committee
- most important House Committee, decides calendar of bill hearings, grants rules to bills
- free speech tests
- bad tendency test, clear and present danger test, preferred position doctrine
- litigants
- those who file lawsuits (defended by prosecutors) in a civil suit
- Roemer v. Evans
- CO created an amendment that prohibited counties from passing laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination; ruled unconstitutional
- consensus
- When a substantial percentage of a sample agrees on an issue.
- petit jury
- jury of 6-12 people that determines or innocence in a civil or criminal action
- retrospective issue voting
- Holding incumbents, usually the president's party, responsible for their records on issues, such as the economy or foreign policy.
- selective incorporation
- process that protects freedoms in the Bill of Rights within the scope of the 14th amendment; started by Gitlow v. New York
- Office of Management and Budget
- creates budget requests and seeks to make the bureaucracy better
- Executive Office of the President
- informal advisers: loyal solely to the President; incl. Council of Economic Advisers, Office of Management and Budget, White House Office, and Office of Administration, Office of Faith Based Initiatives
- movement
- A large body of people interested in a common issue, idea, or concern that is of continuing interest and who are willing to take action. They seek to change attitudes or institutions, not just policies.
- Departments
- largest organization in the government with the largest mission; act as umbrellas over agencies
- full faith and credit clause
- Clause in the Constitution (Article IV, Section 1) requiring each state to recognize the civil judgments rendered by the courts of the other states and to accept their public records and acts as valid
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- agreement between US, Canada, and Mexico; largest free trade zone in the world; signed by Bush Sr in 1992
- direct democracy
- Government in which citizens vote on laws and select officials directly
- means-tested entitlements
- entitlement programs whose benefits are restricted to those in need
- executive order
- Directive issued by a president or governor that has the force of law
- Fifth
- grand juries, no double jeopardy, no self incrimination, DUE PROCESS, eminent domain
- name recognition
- voters vote with familiar incumbents
- redistricting
- redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census to accommodate population shifts and keep the districts as equal in population as possible
- capitalism
- economic system characterized by private property, competitive markets, economic incentives, and limited government regulation; free market
- collective action
- How groups form and organize to pursue their goals or objectives, including how to get individuals and groups to participate and cooperate. The term has many applications in the various social sciences such as political science, sociology, and economics.
- endorsement test
- forbids governmental practices that a reasonable observer would view as endorsing religion; championed by Sandra Day O'Connor
- Gregg v. Georgia
- made capital punishment constitutional; overturned Furman v. Georgia (1972) which stated that capital punishment was unconstitutional
- criteria for laws
- general, undiscriminatory; prospectivity for present and future; publicly made known; from legitimate authority; due process
- Second
- Amendment that allows for a militia and the right to bear arms
- egalitarian society
- everyone should be able to earn a decent living
- Sixth
- criminal court procedures: speedy and public trial, informed of charges against
- prospective issue voting
- Voting based on what a candidate pledges to do in the future about an issue if elected.
- Mapp v. Ohio
- established the exclusionary rule; evidence illegally obtained cannot be used in court; Warren Court's judicial activism
- lobbyist
- A person who is employed by and acts for an organized interest group or corporation to try to influence policy decisions and positions in the executive and legislative branches
- conservatism
- a belief that limited government ensures order, competitive governments, and personal opportunity
- Clinton's well fare reform
- turned welfare over to states; public assistance is limited, must be searching for a job
- Muller v. Oregon
- stated that there were inherent differences between men and women and that therefore women should not be allowed to work in certain jobs or conditions
- Fourth
- Amendment that says no unreasonable searches and seizures, warrants only with probable cause
- de jure segregation
- segregation imposed by law; integration must be supported by federal government
- precedents
- a decision made by a higher court (court of appeals, Supreme Court) or by a previous court that is binding on all other federal courts; stare decisis
- political know-nothings
- Individuals that not only avoid political activity but also have little interest in government and limited knowledge about it.
- Bakke case
- student wanted to be admitted into Davis Medical Program; strict quotas were unconstitutional but race is allowed as a factor in admission decisions as long as it is not the only one; affirmative action is constitutional;
- Lemon v Kurtzman (aka Lemon case)
- 1) law must have a secular legislative purpose, 2) law must neither advance nor inhibit religion, 3) must avoid "excessive government entanglement" with religion
- off-year elections
- Elections held in odd-numbered calendar years.
- White House Office
- the personal staff of the President, incl the chief of staff, policy offices and political offices; incl. National Security Council
- techniques of interest groups
- publicity through media, mass mailing, lobbying, litigation (court cases), supporting candidates, forming a political party
- Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
- enemy combatants in the US still have due process rights; 5th amendment
- midterm election
- Election held midway between presidential elections.
- strict scrutiny test
- in order to prove a law constitutional there must be a "compelling government interest" to justify a classification (of people based on race, etc.) and no less restrictive way to accomplish the purpose; also tests laws that interfere with fundamental rights
- Santeria Case
- prohibited a law in Florida banning animal sacrifice; upheld the free exercise clause in the First Amendment
- iron triangles
- the alliance among congressional committees, interest groups, and federal departments/agencies
- Bush v. Gore
- this case ruled in favor of Bush by saying that recounting the votes in certain counties of Florida was unconstitutional because of equal protection of the law; Gore's wish to make the process as simple and painless as possible backfired
- generational effects
- when a particular generation has had certain experiences, their experiences make them politically extinct
- Seventeenth
- direct election of senators, initiative, referendum, and recall
- focus groups
- small samples of people who are asked about candidates and issues in a discussion setting
- US v. Lopez
- court ruled that gun-free school zone act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce; Congress must defer to states
- national party convention
- A national meeting of delegates elected in primaries, caucuses, or state conventions who assemble once every four years to nominate candidates for president and vice president, ratify the party platform, elect officers, and adopt rules.
- The Federalist
- Essays promoting ratification of the Constitution, published anonymously by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison in 1787 and 1788.
- original jurisdiction
- the authority of a court to hear a case in the "first instance"
- Texas v. Johnson
- burning a flag is a form of symbolic speech
- political offices
- help president manage image, get reelected
- proportional representation
- political parties secure legislative seats and power in proportion to the number of votes received in the election
- free exercise clause
- Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion; Santaria Case
- Miranda v. Arizona
- est. warnings of counsel and silence for the accused; must be given before questioning; warren court's judicial activism for criminals
- rule of propinquity
- closer to the president, people feel they have more power; EOP more important than cabinet members
- continuing resolutions
- proclamations extending authority for federal spending for a specified amount
- issue network
- a policy-making alliance among loosely connected participants that coms together on a particular issue and then disbands
- interest group
- A collection of people who share a common interest or attitude and seek to influence for specific ends. They usually work within the framework of government and try to achieve their goals through tactics such as lobbying
- Twenty Seventh
- congressional salaries cannot be raised until an election of representatives has intervened
- Senate
- looser rules, unanimous consent, foreign treaties ratified, extended debate, amendments allowed, filibusters allowed
- actual voting
- voters elect delegates to go to the national convention to vote for a candidate
- Twenty First
- Amendment that repealed prohibition; only amendment ratified through state special conventions
- open-ended questions
- permit respondents to answer in their own words rather than in set categories.
- attentive public
- Those citizens who follow public affairs carefully
- judicial restraint
- strict interpretation of the Constitution giving power to state legislatures (less likely to use a writ of certiorari); believe in the 10th amendment; don't want to hear cases unless there is a Cosntitutional issue; interpret based on the framer's intent
- Brown v. Board (1954)
- school segregation was unconstitutional; overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; Warren's court judicial activism, unanimous decision so that no one could dispute
- Tenth
- Amendment that says powers not delegated to the US nor prohibited to the States are retained by the states
- fiscal policy
- attempts to manage the economy by controlling taxing and spending for programs
- impoundment
- Presidential refusal to allow an agency to spend funds that Congress authorized and appropriated
- The bad tendency test
- Judges presumed it was reasonable to forbid speech that tends to corrupt society or causes people to engage in a crime, Abandoned because it swept to broadly and ran contrary to the fundamental premise underlying the 1st amendment.
- race
- A grouping of human beings with distinctive characteristics determined by genetic influence.
- rational basis test
- litigants must show that the law has no rational or legitimate government goals; up to litigants attacking the law to prove; Romer v. Evans upheld that Colorado could not prohibit laws that protected homosexuals from discrimination