undefined, object
copy deck
- recant
- to formally take back a previous statement
- buttress
- to prop up or support
- complement
- something that completes a whole or brings to perfection
- apotheosis
- the ideal example; the elevation of a person to the rank of a god
- lionize
- to look upon or treat as a celebrity
- fetter
- to confine, to restrain, or keep down; chains; shackles
- implacable
- unable to be pacified; relentless
- epigram
- a short, cleverly-worded statemant
- tautology
- needless repetition of an idea in different words(e.g., "widow woman")
- contravene
- to act counter to; violate
- diligent
- painstaking and steady
- eminent
- outstanding, distinguished, towering above others
- enigma
- perplexing, usually ambiguous puzzle
- monopoly
- exclusive possession or control; a company or group having that control
- bona fide
- genuine
- penchant
- a strong liking
- requisite
- needed; necessary
- nonchalant
- seemingly to be unconcerned or indifferent
- didactic
- indeeded to teach; inclined to teach excessively
- aegis
- a protection; sponsorship
- hobbyhorse
- a favorite pastime; a topic with which one is obsessed
- distraught
- anxious or agitated
- vignette
- a small design or portrait; a brief scence (as from a movie) or literary sketch
- glean
- to gather bit by bit
- ascetic
- self-denying
- pathology
- the study of rhe cause and development of disase; a departure from a normal condition
- ostentatious
- showy; pretentious
- upshot
- the decisive or final result
- reproof
- an expression of disapproval; a rebuke
- watershed
- a critical point that marks a division
- peremptory
- having the nature of a command; permitting no denial
- oratory
- public speaking, esp. marked by pompous rhetoric
- ameliorate
- to improve; to become better
- esoteric
- known by or confined to a small number of people
- swagger
- to walk in an arrogant manner
- vex
- to disturb; to distress
- alchemy
- medieval chemistry, esp. the attempt to change common meatals into gold
- charisma
- a quality of leadership that inspires great devotion in ones followers; personal magnestism or charm
- tirade
- an abusive speech
- probity
- complete and confirmed honesty
- collaborate
- to work together, esp. at an intellectectual effort
- grandiloquent
- using excessively fancy or pompous words
- transcend
- to exceed; to go beyond or above the limits
- reluctant
- unwilling; disinclined
- attire
- clothes, espfancy or elaborate apparel
- trenchant
- keen and forceful; caustic
- debacle
- an overwhelming defeat or rout
- aberration
- a departure from what is right, true, correct
- ascendant
- in a position of power or superiority
- eccentric
- unconventional; odd