Lesson 7
undefined, object
copy deck
- /cele (noun)
- sac protruding, hernia
- /crine (adjective)
- secrete
- /cyesis (noun)
- pregnancy
- /dynia (noun)
- pain
- /lysis, /lytic (noun) (adjective)
- break down or apart, dissolve
- /pexy (noun)
- affix, attach into place
- /phobia (noun)
- fear
- /phoria (noun)
- bear
- /physis (noun)
- grow (plural is physes)
- /plasia (noun)
- growth, development
- /pnea (noun)
- breathing
- /poiesis (noun)
- formation
- /ptosis (noun)
- drooped, slipped down
- /rrhea (noun)
- flow
- /sclerosis, /sclerotic (noun) (adjective)
- hardening
- ana/
- positive, up
- ante/
- before
- bronch/o
- airway tubes in lung
- cephal/o
- head
- cervic/o
- neck
- chondr/o
- cartilage
- crin/o
- to separate from blood, secrete
- cutane/o
- skin surface
- dactyl/o
- digits, fingers, toes
- dys/
- bad, labored
- eosin/o
- rose colored
- erythr/o
- red
- eu/
- normal, even, good
- furc/o
- branch, fork
- gnos/o
- knowledge, understanding
- lapar/o
- abdomen
- lymph/o
- watery fluid
- mal/
- bad, abnormal
- meso/
- middle
- morph/o
- form, structure
- mort/o
- death
- necr/o
- dead
- nephr/o
- kidney
- ophthalm/o
- eye
- ot/o
- ear
- phag/o /phage
- eat, swallow, engulf
- phob/o
- fear
- physi/o
- nature, natural
- plasm/o
- plasma, cell substance
- pneum/o pneumon/o
- air, gas, lung air sacs
- pro/
- before
- pseudo/
- false
- psych/o
- mind
- radi/o
- rays or waves, x-ray, radius, forearm
- rect/o
- upright, rectum
- rhin/o
- nose
- semi/
- half
- seps/o sept/i
- infection, bacteria
- supra/ super/
- above, superior to
- thyr/o
- shield, thyroid
- tom/o
- cut, slice or a hole
- tonsill/o
- tonsils
- top/o
- location
- tox/o
- poison, damaging
- trache/o
- windpipe
- vertebr/o
- back bones