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The Supreme Court has held that sexual harassment is prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

True or False
The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution

A) forced states to alter their own constitutions to end slavery by making the children of slaves free
while allowing slavery for existing slaves.

B) had little impact on state gover
prohibited slavery.
The Civil War Amendments had all of the following results except:

A) by the abolition of the three-fifths rule, an increase in the number of southern seats in the House of

B) the abolition of slavery.

an effective and enforceable right to vote for African Americans.
The Dred Scott decision

A) abolished slavery.

B) established the doctrine of “separate but equal.”

C) was the first case to challenge the concept of judicial review.

D) held that no one descended from slave
held that no one descended from slaves can be a citizen of the United States.
The major reason for the creation of the Articles of Confederation was the

A) need for a powerful judicial branch.

B) fear of too much power in state governments.

C) need for a powerful central government.

D) f
fear of a powerful central government.
School integration resulted in all of the following except:

A) the use of busing to achieve racial balance in many districts.

B) "white flight."

C) serious riots in several southern states.

D) a guara
a guarantee that students could always attend the closest neighborhood school.
The supremacy doctrine

A) asserts the superiority of non-slave states over slave states.

B) asserts the superiority of large states over small states.

C) asserts the superiority of natural law over man-made law.

asserts the superiority of national law over state law.
In the case of Gibbons v. Ogden, commerce is defined as

A) only navigation and the transport of people.

B) only the shipment of goods.

C) trade between nations.

D) all commercial intercourse, including navigati
all commercial intercourse, including navigation and the transport of people.
Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called

A) concurrent powers.

B) reserved powers.

C) statutory powers.

D) cooperative powers.
concurrent powers.
Civil Rights

A) refer to the rights of all Americans to equal treatment under the law.

B) are limitations placed on the government to protect citizens.

C) are identical to civil liberties.

D) are protected by t
refer to the rights of all Americans to equal treatment under the law.
The following is an example of ____ opinion. "To reduce the threat of terrorism, would you be willing
or not willing to allow government agencies to monitor the telephone calls and e-mail of ordinary
Americans on a regular basis?" (Wi
In opinion polling, the difference between what the sample results show and what the true result would
be if everybody had been interviewed is termed

A) inaccurate sampling.

B) misleading and questionable.

C) samplin
sampling error.
Rights held to be inherent in natural law are called
A) compact rights.

B) natural rights.

C) common rights.

D) constitutional rights.
natural rights.
A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government
and abiding by its rules is called

A) a confederation.

B) a social contract.

C) a constitution.

D) a synd
a social contract.
Affirmative action

A) requires numerical quotas by gender and race in jobs with a "history of discrimination."

B) has been found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

C) applies to African Americans, but
gives special consideration to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome the
effects of past discrimination.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964

A) did not deal with the issue of equality of opportunity in employment.

B) was relatively symbolic.

C) established a Civil Rights Division within the Justice Department.

D) forbade
forbade discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, and national origin.
A democratic republic is

A) a republic in which the people elect representatives to make laws.

B) impossible.

C) a direct democracy.

D) liberal.
a republic in which the people elect representatives to make laws.
The concept of separation of powers was included in the Constitution to prevent

A) the imposition of export taxes.

B) tyranny either of the majority or the minority.

C) a major dispute over power between the House and the
tyranny either of the majority or the minority.
According to Federalist #10, "There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction." Which of the
following did Madison prefer?

A) Eliminating the need for factions.

B) Prohibiting the establishment of factions.
Controlling the effects of factions.
The movement that supports political, economic, and social equality for women is called

A) Glass Ceiling

B) Feminism

C) Equality Now

D) Suffrage
To say that authority is legitimate is to

A) imply that the ruler has not always been perceived as the legal power.

B) state the obvious.

C) suggest an obligation to comply with its decisions.

D) suggest that d
suggest an obligation to comply with its decisions.
Because there is no one "public," but rather many different publics, surveying public opinion actually

A) focusing on one identifiable opinion among all the competing ideas.

B) describing the distribution of opi
describing the distribution of opinions among the public about a particular issue.
The Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution

A) forced states to abolish poll tax requirements.

B) allowed women the right to vote.

C) forced states to allow all residents the right to vote.

D) allowed males of
allowed males of all races the opportunity to vote.
In a federal political system power is

A) shared between the central government and state or regional governments.

B) concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government.

C) bestowed in the central
shared between the central government and state or regional governments.
Which of the following best describes incorporation theory?

A) The legal process by which state constitutions are incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.

B) The incorporation of ratified amendments into the Constitution.

The application of most of the provisions in the Bill of Rights to the state governments.
According to John Locke, the purpose of government is to:

A) protect the majority from the minority.

B) protect life, liberty, and property.

C) protect the society at the expense of the individual.

D) protect e
protect life, liberty, and property.
In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court:

A) ruled in favor of abortion rights.

B) guaranteed the right to life.

C) articulated the right to privacy.

D) fundamentally altered the Constitution.
articulated the right to privacy.
A limited government is based on the principle of

A) non-expansion, with the current geographic size of the government as large or small as it can be.

B) a limitation on the power of the government.

C) a pre-determined pe
a limitation on the power of the government.
The “Lemon Test” addresses:

A) limits on freedom of speech.

B) prohibition

C) freedom to worship without government interference.

D) public aid to parochial schools.
public aid to parochial schools.
The institution in which the public had the most confidence in 2004 was

A) the Supreme Court.

B) the military.

C) the media.

D) the public schools.
the military.
Liberals endorse all of the following except:

A) government regulation of the economy.

B) libertarianism.

C) civil liberties.

D) civil rights.
Conservatives endorse all of the following except:

A) redistribution of income.

B) patriotism.

C) a limited role for the national government in helping individuals.

D) government action to support traditional v
redistribution of income.
A system in which many groups are able to make themselves heard and felt somewhere in the policy
process is called:

A) bureaucratic

B) pluralism

C) elitism

D) hyperpluralism
According to Robert Putman, what is the most likely culprit for the decline in social capital in America?

A) suburbanization

B) busyness

C) television

D) the changing role of women
In legal challenges to “separate but equal” facilities in higher education (McLaurin v. Board of Regents,
Sweatt v. Painter), the Supreme Court held that:

A) separate facilities are equal if they share faculty and resources with mains
separate facilities for higher education can never be equal.
The direct result of the case of Plessy v. Ferguson was

A) the development of a system of legal racial segregation known as "Jim Crow."

B) the end of racial segregation.

C) the integration of public schools in t
the development of a system of legal racial segregation known as "Jim Crow."
A set of value-based beliefs about the nature of people and the role of government is called

A) a dogma.

B) the political spectrum.

C) a political culture.

D) an ideology.
an ideology.
Barriers used to prevent African Americans from voting included

A) the grandfather clause.

B) the poll tax.

C) the white primary.

D) all of the above
all of the above.
With regard to telephone polling,

A) most people in the United States are happy to participate.

B) nonresponse rates have declined.

C) many Americans now refuse to respond to telephone polls.

D) none of the abo
many Americans now refuse to respond to telephone polls.
Which of the following are essential components of any government?

A) popular elections

B) democratic institutions

C) the ability to make rules for society and the power to enforce them

D) all of the above
the ability to make rules for society and the power to enforce them
Examples of checks and balances do not include

A) Congressional determination of the number of federal judges.

B) the presidential veto.

C) judicial ratification of federal budgets.

D) Senate confirmation of fe
judicial ratification of federal budgets.
Many people believe that the media's influence on public opinion

A) is decreasing.

B) has grown to equal the influence of the family.

C) has remained constant.

D) is negligible.
has grown to equal the influence of the family.
A random sample means that

A) there is no pre-planning in the selection process.

B) researchers decide how many persons of certain types they need in the survey.

C) every person in the target population has an equal chanc
every person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected.
Pluralists see public policy as

A) the result of elite interaction and debate.

B) having little relevance to the common person.

C) resulting from competing group interactions.

D) more important than how governm
resulting from competing group interactions.
“What we take from the media is more likely to reinforce what we already believe that it is to change
our values.” Which of the following terms describes this statement?

A) cultural bias

B) media reinforcement

selective perception
Imagine a poll that asked a random sample of 1,500 registered voters the following question: “Do you
favor the Republican candidate (Smith) or the Democratic candidate (Baker) in the upcoming
congressional election?” The margin of error for
none of the above.
The two interpretations of the First Amendment’s freedom of religion clause that have emerged are:

A) the view that all religious practices must be protected and the view that many religious practices
can be prohibited.

B) th
the view that there should be a wall of separation between church and state and the view that
government can promote religion so long as it does not favor one religion more than others.
Judicial review is

A) the process of confirmation of federal judges by Congress.

B) a method by which the president can check the judiciary.

C) the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislature and executive un
the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislature and executive unconstitutional.
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the differences between Martin Luther
King, Jr. and Malcolm X?

A) Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated violent confrontation while Malcolm X advocated an approach
of peaceful n
Malcolm X sought the support of the Nation of Islam, while Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed to the
Christian community.
A brief memorable comment that easiy can be fit into news broadcatst is called

a. managed news

b. selected coverage

c. spin

d. a sound bite
a sound bite
Tracking polls are used

a. by the government to determine if a candidate is receiving illegal campaign contributions.

b. primarily in countries which have a multiparty political structure.

c. on a daily basis to determine
on a daily basis to determine last minute changes in the mood of the electorate.
One of the ways in which lobbyists make themselves valuable to decision makers is by

a. invithing them to parties.

b. providing bribes.

c. providing information and expertise whenever asked.

d. threatening to c
providing information and expertise whenever asked.
A free rider is

a. a civil rights activist

b someone granted free passage to washington to lobby or demonstrate.

c. a participant in a social movement.

d. someone who benefits from the actions of a group witho
someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it.
In Madison's view, in Federalist 10, a multitude of interests

a. creates a tyranny

b. works to discourage the formation of a oppressive majority interest

c. places a stranglehold on the system of checks and balances.
works to discourage the formation of a oppressive majority interest
An interest group is

a. an organization that actively attempts to influence gov policy.

b. an association of individuals

c. a group of people who want to gain control of the gov.

d an organization step up supp
an organization that actively attempts to influence gov policy.
Under the constitution, members of the Electoral College.

a. are not required to cast their ballots for the candidate to which they are pledged

b can be members of congress

c gather to cast their ballots in washington, d.
are not required to cast their ballots for the candidate to which they are pledged

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