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Anatomy and Physiology

A&P definitions for Massage and Bodywork National Certification Exam Review


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lengthwise plane running from the front to back dividing the body or any oof its parts equally into right and left halves
Avascular Tissue
contains no blood vessels, specializes inmoving substances into and out of the blood (absorbtion and secretion). The cells undergo rapid division (mitosis). a fact of practical importance, so that old or destroyed epithelial cells can be replaced by new ones
the science which studies the structure of an organism
Toward the side of the body - away from the midline
Toward the midline of the body
Ventral Cavity
Consists of the thoracic/chest cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity
Mucous Membranes
contain epithelial cells which line cavities or passageways of the body that open to the exterior, such as the lining of the mouth and entire digestive tract, the respiratory passages, and the genitourinary tracts, it consists, ad do serous and cutaneous membranes, of a surface layer of epithelial tissue over a deeper layer of connective tissue. Mucous membranes perform the functions of protection (against microbial invasion), secretion (of mucous), and absorption of water, salts, and other solutes
Coronal or Crontal
a lengthwise plane running from side to side dividing the body or any of its parts into anterior and posterior sections
Away from or farthest from the trunk or the point of origin of a part
Vascular Tissue. Cells are suspended in a liquid intercellular matrix called plasma
General Characteristics of Connective Tissue
Intercellular material predominates in most connective tissues and determines thier physical characteristics; consists of fluid, gell, or silid matris, with or without fibers (collangenous, reticular, and elastic). It connects muscles to muscles, muscle to bones, and bones to bones
Transverse (Horozontal)
a crosswise plane dividing the body or any of its parts into upper and lower sections
Dorsal cavity
contains the cranial cavity, which houses the brain and the spinal cavity, which contains the spinal cord. this cavity is bounded by the cranial and spinal bones (All cavities are bounded by membranes)
Cardiac Muscle
composes the walls of the hears. it is involuntary and striated. at the end of the cell, where it touches another cell, is a band called an intercalated disc, which only occus in cardiac tissue
Synovial Membranes
contain connective tissue cells that line joint capsules, tendon sheaths, and bursa. Smooth, moist surfaces also protect against friction
An organization of varying numbers and kinds or organs so arranged that together they can perform complex functilons for the body
Inferior or Caudal
Toward the foot end of the body - away from the head
Visceral Muscle
Is in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, intestines, uterus, stomach, urinary bladder, and many others. It is involuntary and smooth. It does not contain striations
the simplest unit of living matter that can maintain life and reproduce itself
Epithelial tissue
covers the body, organs, and surfaces, which are exposed to the outside as well as lining cavities. Serves as a protective barrier. Cells are packed closely together with very little inetcellular matierial between them
Thoracic/Chest Cavity
contains a right and left pleural cavity and mid portion called the mediastinum. A fibrous tissue wall around the right lung, and the left pleural sac, which houses the left lung, The only organs not located in the mediastinum are the lungs. organs located in the mediastinum are the heart, trachea, right&left bronchi, esophagus, thymus, and various blood vessels (thoracic aorta, superior vena cava), the thoracic duct and other lymphatic vessels, various lymph nodes, and nerves (phrenic & vagus). Thoracic cavity is bounded by sternum, ribs, spine and diaphragm. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity.
Anterior or Ventral
Toward the front of the body
an organization of several different kinds of tissues so arranged that together they can perform a special function
A lengthwise plane running from front to back dividing the body or any of its parts into right and left sides
Toward or nearest the trunk of the body or the point of origin of a particular part
Nervous Tissue
Specializes in rapid communication between various parts of the body and in integration of their activities. It is found in the brain, spinal cord, and associated nerves. The basic cells of this tissue are called neurons, which transmit impulses along cytoplasmic extensions to other neurons, muscles or glands. In addition to neurons, nerve tissue contains neuroglia, which function to support, insulate, bind, and protect the neuron
Superior or Cranial
Toward the head of the body
The science which studies the movement of muscles
Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue
Consists mainly of bundles of fibers arranged in parallel row in a fluid/gel matrix. It contains relatively few fibroblast cells. This tissue is flexible but very strong. it composes tendons and ligaments. Bundles of collagenous fibers endow tendons with great tensile strenght and non-stretchability, desirable characteristics for these structures that anchor our muscles to bones. In ligaments, however, bundles of elastic fibers predominate. Hence, ligaments exhibit some degree of elasticity. Examples are tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis, deep faschia, scar, and capsul of kidney
Posterior or Dorsal
toward the back of the body in humans
Main type of connective tissue - "gristle" Plastic like material composed largely of fibers and a protein called chondrin. functions to support parts, provide frameworks & attachments, and to protect underlying tissues
constitute a special class of organs in that they are thin sheets of tissues covering or lining various parts of the body.
Connective Tissue
Most abundandt and widely distributed in the body. good structual material, contains relatively few cells and a lot of matrix. functions to support the body and its parts, to connect and hold them together, to transport substances through the body and protect it form foreign invaders
Fascial Membranes
contain connective tissue cells and semi liqud, gel-like ground substance. Fascia covers, supports, and separates muscles and may be superficial, subcutaneous, or deep
Serous Membranes
contain epithelial cells that line closed cavities of the body, those that do not open to the exterior. The serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity is called pleura, that which lines the abdominal cavity is called peritoneium and that which lines the sac in which the heart lies is called pericardium. It also covers the organs lying in these spaces. The term visceral layer is applied to the part fof the membrane that covers the organs, whereas that which lines the cavity is called the parietal layer. Between the two layers, an organ moves agains the body wall, (as the lungs do in respiration or when the heart beats in its serous sac), friction between the moving parts is reduced. The mechanical principle that moving parts must have lubricated surfaces is thereby carried out in the body.
Abdominopelvic Cavity
Comprises of an upper abdominal portion and lower pelvic portion, extending from the diaphragm to the floor of the pelvis. The abdominal cavity contains the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, intestines, spleen, ureters. The pelvic cavity, enclosed by the pelvic bones, contains the bladder, certain reproductive orgnans (uterus, uterine tubes & ovaries in female, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, & par of vas deferens in male), terminal end of LI (sigmoid colon), and rectume. NOTE: the kidney are not located within a cavity they are retroperitoneal (located behind peritoneum
Skeletal Muscle
attached to bones. it is under voluntary control and its fibers are striated (alternating light and dark cross markings producing visible lines or striae)
Cutaneous Membranes
contain epithelial cells and are composed of two main layers, the superficial and thinner layer known as epidermis, and the deeper/thicker layer known as the dermis. The epidermis contains melanocytes which produce melanin and keratinoctes. The dermis is composed largely of fibrous connective tissue which includes tough white collagenous fibers and yellow elastin fibers. This gives the dermis its strength and elasticity. The dermis also contains Hair, Nails, Glands, Sebaceous Glands, Sweat Glands, and Ceruminous Glands
A state of equilibrium in which the internal environment of the body remains relatively constant
Muscle Tissue
Specializes in movement and has ability to contract. Moves the body and its parts. There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and visceral. On the basis of nervous control, muscle is considered either voluntary or involuntary
Main Type of connective tissue - consists of fat tissue to protect, insulate, and cushion internal organs
formation of blood and lymphatic cells in the red marrow cavities of bones. Importantin the defense against disease
an organization of a gread many similar cells and varying amounts and kinds of non living, intercellular substances between them
Reticular Tissue
Main type of connective tissue - sheet-like (web like) networks of cells. Associated with the linings of blood vessels in the bone marrow, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes
Anatomical Position
the body is standing erect, face forward, arms at the side, palms forward
Main type of connective tissue - most rigid due to the presence of mineral salts such as calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate; also contains a considerable amount of collagen, hard and calcified
Main Type of connective tissue its the glue, widely distributed, composed of fibers in a loose, sticky gel and used to hold adjoining structures together
science which studies the function of an organism

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