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TX FC Definitions


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A person who is: ten years of age or older and under 17 years of age
a person who is ___ years of age or older and under ___ years of age
10 and 17
The adult with whom the child resides
The person who, under court order, is the guardian of the person of the child or the public or private agency with whom the child has been placed by a court.
"Judge" or "Juvenile Court Judge"
The judge of a juvenile court.
A court designated under Section 51.04 of this code to exercise jurisdiction over proceedings under this title.
Juvenile Court
A Peace Officer as defined by Article 2.12, CCP.
Law-Enforcement Officer
A child who: (A)is subject to jurisdiction of a court under abuse, dependency, or neglect statutes under Title 5 for reasons other than legally prohibited conduct of the child; or
(B) has been taken into custody and is being held solely for deporta
The mother or the father of a child, but does not include a parent whose parental rights have been terminated.
The state, a child who is the subject of procedings under this subtitle, or the child's parent, spouse, guardian, or guardian ad litem.
The county attorney, district attorney, or other attorney who regularly serves in a prosecutory capacity in a juveline court.
Prosecuting Attorney
The referral of a child or a child's case to the office or official, including an intake officer or probation officer, designated by the juvenile board to process children within the juvenile jsutice system.
Referral to Juvenile Court
Any public or private residential facility, including an alcohol or other durg terament facility, that: (A)includes construction fixtures designed to physically restrict the movements and activities or juveniles or other individuals held in lawful custod
Secure Correctional Facility
Any public or private residential facility that: (A)includes construction fixtures designed to physically restrict the movements and activities of juvelines or other individuals held in lawful custody in the facility; and (B) is used for the temporary pl
Secure Detention Facility
A child who is accused, adjudicated, or convicted for conduct that would not, understate law, e a crime if committed by an adult, including:
(A) Truancy
(B) Running away from home
(C) A fineable offense(but only if the conduct constituting
Status Offender
A violation of a penal statute cognizable under Chapter 729 TC
except for the following:
*Driving while license is invalid
*Accident involving personal injury or death
Accident involving damage to vehicle
* Duty on striking unat
Traffic Offense
A court order concerning a child adjudicated to have engaged in coduct indicating a need for supervision as a status offender.
Valid Court Order

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