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10% plan
Under Lincoln's ____ plan, a minority of voters, 10% of those who had cast ballots for the election of 1860, would have to take an oath of allegiance to the Union & accept emancipation. They then could create a loyal state government.
thaddeus stevens
one of the leaders of the radical republicans
constitutional union party
In 1860 former Whigs who joined the Know-Nothings, who opposed Lincoln and Douglas, started a new party and nominated John Bell who was opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Lecompton constitution.
draft riots
reaction to the enrollment act; also a racist reaction by some
14th amendment
Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws
harriet beecher stowe
United States writer of a novel about slavery that advanced the abolitionists' cause (1811-1896)
tenure of office act
Makes it illegal for president to replace officers who have been confirmed by Congress without Congressional approval
ostend manifesto
In 1854 the American ambassadors to GB, France, and Spain met in Belgium and issued this which said that the US would get Cuba by any means necessary. Realizing that the North was mad, Pierce denied the manifesto.
black codes
understood laws against blacks not written in books
transportation revolution
Began with the improvements in road construction and expansion of canal systems.
pottawatomie creek massacre
In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces, John Brown and a band of abolitionist settlers killed five pro-slavery settlers north of Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, Kansas
Democrats who opposed the civil war
american party
a former political party in the United States active in the 1850s to keep power out of the hands of immigrants and Roman Catholics
freeport doctrine
Idea authored by Stephen Douglas that claimed slavery could only exist when popular sovereignty said so
dred scott
A supreme court Ruling that a slave taken into a free state was not free
john wilkes booth
United States actor and assassin of President Lincoln (1838-1865)
samuel morse
United States portrait painter who patented the telegraph and developed the Morse code (1791-1872)
harper's ferry
Location of federal arsenal that John Brown raided to get guns to arm slaves
thomas jackson
general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War whose troops at the first Battle of Bull Run stood like a stone wall (1824-1863)
ulysses s grant
Union military commander who won victories when others had failed and defeated Lee
charles sumner
Radical Republican against the slave power who insults Andrew Butler and subsequently gets caned by Preston Brooks
clement vallandigham
was an Ohio unionist of the Copperhead faction of anti-war, pro-Confederate Democrats during the American Civil War.
cotton gin
machine that produced a more efficient way to get the seeds out of cotton, and expanded southern development
ex parte milligan
Habeas Corpus
sewards folly
the purchase of alaska which was mockingly called _____ ice box
force acts
the government banned the use of terror, force or bribery to prevent someone from voting because of their race. Other laws banned the KKK entirely and brought forth military help to enforce these laws.
james buchanan
Antebellum president who claimed that secession was illegal but going to war was also illegal, indecisive
United States politician who as secretary of state in 1867 arranged for the purchase of Alaska from Russia (known at the time as Seward's Folly) (1801-1872)
trent affair
Foreign event involving Union seizure of British ship with Confederate diplomats.
ku klux klan
a secret society of white Southerners in the United States
15th amendment
citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude
panic of 1857
Economic downturn caused by overspeculation of western lands, railroads, gold in California, grain. Mostly affected northerners, who called for higher tariffs and free homesteads
new england immigrant aid society
1854 was created to pay antislave settlers to go into Kansas, so when the state voted on whether or not to allow slavery the vote would be on the antislave side.
bleeding kansas
Nickname given to the Kansas Terrietory because of the bloody violence there
wade davis bill
bill passed by congress and vetoed by president lincoln that would have given congress control of reconstruction
napoleon III
Emp of FR who sent armies to MX City in 1863 while US was busy w/ Civil War (violated Monroe Doctrine)
uncle tom's cabin
written by harriet beecher stowe
clara barton
Nurse during the Civil War; started the American Red Cross
the system a wealthy and the smalll to a farmer in
john crittenden
In December, 1860 he promoted a last minute compromise to hold the Union together, the Crittenden Compromise. It consisted of six unamendable amendments to the Constitution
freedman's bureau
gave blacks education
13th amendment
Abolished institution of slavery, proposed 1/1865, ratified 12/1865
industrial revolution
the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in england in the middle 1700's
george mcclellan
Union genereal
southern nationalism
THe idea that the south would develop into its own country like, its how they became the confederates
September 1862, Union: McClellan, Confederacy: Lee, and 10,000 die in one day.
robert e lee
General of the Confederates (South)
george meade
Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg
robert fulton
American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815)
charles francis adams
convinced England to stop making ships for the south during the civil war
clipper ships
Fast sailing ship of the mid-1800's, first on was the rainbow, had mast and huge sails, Very fast and America won large share of the worlds sea trade in the 1840s and 50s from this
Catharine Beecher
was a noted educator, renowned for her forthright opinions on women's education as well as her vehement support of the many benefits of the incorporation of a kindergarten into children's education.
molly maguires
the name commonly applied to members of a secret organization that originated in Ireland
preston brooks
Responsible for beating radical republican Charles Sumner with his cane
ancient order of hibernians
Semisecret Irish organization that became a benevolent society aiding Irish immigrants in American.
bull run
1st real battle, Confederate victory, Washingtonian spectators gather to watch battle, Gen. Jackson stands as Stonewall and turns tide of battle in favor of Confederates, realization that war is not going to be quick and easy for either side
samuel slater
sailed to the U.S. under a false name to give Americans the secret of Britain's textile machines
jeffersons plitical party and ancestors of todays democratic party
cult of domesticity
the ideal woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband, social customs that restricted women to caring for the house
laird rams
Two Confederate warships being constructed in GB that were designed to destroy Union wood ships that were blockading the So.
the ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will
pony express
Service begun in 1860 that used a relay of riders on horses to deliver mail from Missouri to California in 10 days.
salmon chase
Overambitious Secretary of the Treasury who had a faction vying for his succession of Lincoln
tammany hall
a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York city (late 1800's and early 1900's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism
jefferson davis
an American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865
carpet baggers
Northeners who went to the South during Reconstruction to work
Eli whitney
cotton gin and interchangeable parts
interchangeable parts
identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufactoring
a policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones
Lowell system
dormitories for young women where they were cared for, fed, and sheltered in return for cheap labor, mill towns, homes for workers to live in around the mills
edwin stanton
Popular Secretary of War who is fired by Johnson and leads to Johnson's impeachment
george pickett
ordered pickett's charge
lecompton constitution
pro-slavery government in Kansas constitution
emancipation proclomation
Issued by Abraham Lincoln on Sept. 22, 1862 - declared all slaves in rebellious Confederate states would be free.
union party
The Republicans cleverly united w/ War Democrats to create this party, temporarily passing the Repub. Party out of existence
High-tech ship the confederates purchased from Britain
john brown
An abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing Armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves, was hung in Harpers Ferry after capturing an Armory
DeWitt Clinton
American politician who as governor of New York (1817-1823 and 1825-1828) was a principal supporter of the Erie Canal (completed 1825).
merrimack and monitor
was a naval battle of the American Civil War, famous for being the first fight between two ironclads
abraham lincoln
helped preserve the United States by leading the defeat of the secessionist Confederacy; an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery
andrew johnson
17th U.S. President. 1865-1869. Democratic National Union
general incorporation law
allows corporations to be formed without a charter from the legislature. It also refers to a law enabling a certain type of corporation, such as a railroad, to exercise eminent domain and other special rights without a charter from the legislature.
john bell
In 1860, he was among a group of Presidential candidates defeated by Abraham Lincoln in a bitterly divided election that helped spark the American Civil War.
kansas nebraska act
This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.
impending crisis of the south
book written by Hinton Rowan Helper in 1857, condemns the institution of slavery
lincoln douglas debates
1858 Senate Debate, Lincoln forced Douglas to debate issue of slavery, Douglas supported pop-sovereignty, Lincoln asserted that slavery should not spread to territories, Lincoln emerged as strong Republican candidate
southern whites who supported republican policy throught reconstruction

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