The civil war
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- What was the result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in Kansas (2 legislatures)
- There was a protest about the act and President Peirce and Stephen Douglas tried to get fellow democrats to vote for it. Congress would not approve the consruction of such a railroad until 1862.
- What was the purpose of John Brown's raid n Harper Ferry
- Incedent when john Borwn and 21 other men captured a federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry Virginia in hopes of starting a slow rebellion
- Why did Lincoln suspend the right habeas corpus
- he believed the copperheads threatened the war effort
- define sectionalism
- people favor the interests of one region over the interests of the country as a whole
- What was the central issue of the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858
- it involved and its future in the west
- Define Fugitive slave act
- made it a federal crime to help runaway slaves
- Explain 3 parts of the Dred scott Decision as handed down by Chief Justice Roger Taney
- 1. Taney Said nation founders believed African Americans had no rights- they are not citizens- thus could not file suit in federal court 2. Taney said living on free soil had not made scott free- his status depended on the laws of missouri 3. Taney said missouri compromise restriction on slavery north of 36/30 was unconstitutional - used 5th amendment to support
- Ironclad
- worships heavily armed wit iron
- What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 state?
- It would divide the rest of Louisiana into two territories and popular sovereignty would decide the question of slavery
- What was the 54th Massachusetts Infantry
- consisted mostly of free blacks and became e most famous Black unit
- What advantages did the south have
- 1. Better Military 2. only to defend itself until the North grew tired of war
- What happened at Fort Sumter to start the Civil War
- It was attacked by the Confederates on April 12, 1861
- Border states
- Delaware,Maryland,Kentucky,Missouri
- Name the 5 different parts of the compromise of 1850
- 1. urged congress to allow CA to enter the union as a free state 2. mexican cession to be organized as a federal territory, new Mexico popular sovereignity would decide the status of slavery, 3. Texas agreed to give up its land claims in New Mexico, 4. called for an end to the slave trade, but not slavery in the country's capital, 5. called for a new more effective fugitive slave law
- What were the casualties at Gettysburg on both sides?
- Union - more than 23,000 Confederate - more than 28,000
- What did Lincoln promise the south in his inauguration address on March 4, 1861
- Pledge he would not ban slavery in the South and promised the Federal gov't wouldn't be attacked
- Who is Sojourner Truth?
- A woman who wrote how bad slavery really was and was a slave in NY not the south
- Why did Dred Scott believe he was a free man?
- Because he was a slave in Missouri and moved to Illinois which was a free state and then Illinois to Wisconsin which was also a free state
- What did Frederick Douglas do?
- At 20 escaped to freedom in the North. Published the narrative of the life of frederick douglas started an anti-slavery newspaper called North Star
- What happened at the Battle of Gettysburg?
- Lee cut across Maryland and raided a small town in southern pennsylvania called Gettysburg. Lee didn't know Union troops were just northwest of the town and the confererates had raiding party and they went under fire
- Who was Harriet Tubman
- The main supporter of the underground railroad
- What was important about the Gettysbug address?
- Lincoln spoke of the importance of liberty, equality and democratic ideas
- How did John Brown affect the attitudes of Southerners
- Most Southerners felt threatend the John Brown the 2nd would attack
- What advantages did the North have
- 1. More soldiers 2. More factories and shipyards 3. Better railroads 4. More money to spend on the war
- Robert E. Lee
- General of the confederates and the most talented officer on either side
- What were Abe Lincoln's views of Blacks
- He believed in racial equality
- What did William Tecumseh Sherman do?
- Provided the union with a huge victory
- What was the significance of the BAttle of Antietam
- Union soldiers entered Maryland and found Lee's battle Plans so the union were ready for everything
- How were blockades used against the south
- Union navy blockaded the south ,cutting off southern trade and hurting the economy
- What did Jon C. Calhoun think would happen in CA entered the Union as a free state?
- If CA wold enter as a free state it would destroy the balance between the two sections of the country
- Battle of Shiloh
- civil wr battle in Tennesse in which the union army gained greater control over the mississippi river valley
- what did popular sovereignty mean in the mid-1800'a?
- it wold allow voters in a territory to decide whether they wanted to ban or allow slavery
- Emancipation Proclamation
- order issued by Abe Lincoln that freeing slaves in areas rebelling against the union ; took effect January 1, 1863
- What were the Confederate states of America 2. Who was rthe presdent of the CSA?
- Mississippi,Florid,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas- Established a new nation known as the confederacy- 2. Jefferson Davis
- How did he affect he attitudes of Northerners
- Northerners mourned the death of John Brown
- What ws the Union strategy in the west
- the strategy was focused on controlling the mississippi rivr
- What happened at first battle of bull run
- the confederates broke the union's hopes of winning the war quick and easy
- What happened at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865?
- Grant had surrounded Lee in North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia and Lee had to call it quits
- Bleeding Kansas and the Pottawatomie Massacre
- John Brown and seven other men killed five men
- ulysses S. grant
- was the most important figure in the war in the west
- Why was the battle of gettysburg a turning point?
- Lee's troops would never again try to final on northern soil. The union win came on the same day as General Grant's capture of vicksburg in Mississippi.
- why did california grow so quickly?
- the california gold rush
- Cotton Diplomacy
- Southerners believed British gov't would support them b/c cotton was important to great Britain textile industry
- Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
- wrote the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin)