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Civil War


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poll tax
charge/tax given to African Americans in order for them to vote
belief in your area/region versus the country as a whole
Compromise of 1850
California became a free state; agreed to enforce a stronger Fugitive Slave Act; popular sovereignty: people decide about slavery in the new states
Causes of Civil War
slavery; Dred Scott Decision; Missouri Compromise; Compromise of 1850; South's secession; Kansas-Nebraska Act
wanted to end slavery
Frederick Douglas
former slave; abolitionist; wrote "North Star"
John Wilkes Booth
assassinated President Lincoln
Stephen Douglass
pro-slavery; held debates with Lincoln
pre-judging a group; unreasonable opinion
protective tariff
tax on imported goods so people buy US goods
John Brown
organized slave revolt at Harper's ferry to get ammunition
Ku Klux Klan
secret society created by white southerns that used terror & violence to keep people from obtaining their civil rights
Andrew Johnson
became president after Lincoln; was a Southerner from Tenn.
cotton gin
invented by Eli Whitney; helped South; expanded slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe
wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
states' rights
south wanted states' rights; felt they could go against the federal government
rebuilding of the country after the Civil War
Northern economy
industry/ manufactoring
Fugitive Slave Act
law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves; people now required to return slaves to slaveholders; Compromise 1850
15th amendment
gave African American men the right to vote
power split between central gov. & state gov.; more power goes to central
to bring formal charges against the president; Johnson is 1st president to be impeached
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Conventnion; women's rights
Robert E. Lee
Southern general from Virginia; believed in sectionalism
General Sherman
"march to the sea"; destroyed cities in the South
Fort Sumter
South attacked the Union fort; war begins here
Southern economy
agriculture/ plantations
Gettysburg Address
key ideas were liberty, equality, and democratic ideas; purpose of war was to portect those ideas
Ulysses S. Grant
Northern general; later became 18th president
Abraham Lincoln
president during the Civil War
Underground Railroad
system set up in secrecy to help slaves escape
13th amendment
abolished slavery
black codes
laws passed in the Southern states during Reconstruction that limited the freedom and rights of African Americans
formally withdrawing from an organization; South Carolina was the first
Missouri Compromise
North against because the Senate would be unequal; compromise was Missouri=slave Maine=free and no slavery above 36'30 line
14th amendment
gave full citizenship rights to all men born in US except American Indians
Kansas-Nebraska Act
slavery decided by popular sovereignty-- led to Bleeding Kansas
way to keep African Americans enslaved
Dred Scott Decision
slave who went above 36'30 and tried to sue owner for freedom; Supreme Court ruled he wasn't free so still slave & declared 36'30 line unconstitutional
Battle of Gettysburg
turning point of the war
North against & South for; forcing people to work against their will
border states
Northern states that still had slavery but helped Union (KY, MO, MD, DE)
argument with rules
Jefferson Davis
president of the Confederate (South)
Emancipation Proclamation
freed all slaves in the South

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