Civil war and reconstruction
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- Fort Sumter
- One of the two southern forts that remained in Union hands.First battle of Civil war
- Monitor versus Merrimack
- fought in a historic duel
- Election of 1864
- presidential election, lincoln thought he would be beaten, but he won second term.
- Shermans March to the Sea
- Sherman marched across Georgia with troops- they wiped out Georgia
- Henry Clay
- tried to make a compromise between north and south. finally people aggreed on: North+California=free states, South=new effective slave law.
- Fredrick Douglas
- born into slavery. Taught to read and write by a wife of one of the owners, decided to escape. Reached freedom and gave speeches about freedom.
- Emancipation Proclamation
- an executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln on Jan. 7, 1867, freeing the slaves in all regions behind confederate lines.
- "A House Divided" speech
- a speech made by lincoln about slavery
- carpet baggers
- a northener who moved to the south after the civil war.
- 13th Amendment
- Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States
- Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
- Jackson was standing on a stone wall- Stonewall (General before lee)
- antebellum
- John Floyd wrote a wish for law: NO SLAVERY. 73 to 58 were the votes, most were eastern slave holders...debate was colsed on slavery
- Anaconda Plan
- after a snake that suffocates its victims in its coils000
- Sojourner Truth
- born into slavery, arguing about abolitionism. "Ain't I a women." Women got rights but black women didn't
- Booth, John Wilkes
- leaped down to the stage- he caught his spur on one of the flags, broke his left leg, he escaped and was found in a barn, put barn on fire.
- John C. Calhoun
- Tariff of Abolminations(Vice Pres.) of South Carolina.
- Harriet Tubman
- helped slaves get through the underground railroad.
- Robert E. Lee
- followed his father into a military career, graduated from the U.S. military academny at west point
- Uncle Tom's Cabin
- a best selling novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852 that portrayed slavery as a great moral evil.
- Gettysburg
- The most decisive battle of the war was fought near gettysburg, pennsylvania
- Lincoln-Douglas debates
- issue of slavery in the territories...held through-out Illinois- Douglas won.
- Davis, Jefferson
- served in army and became planter, elected for pres. of U.S
- abolitionism
- movement to end slavery
- Ulysses S. Grant
- a west point graduate who faile at everything he had tried in a civilian llife- became a brave and tough military comander.
- Confederate states of America
- a confederation formed in 1861 by the southern states after their secession from the union
- Bull Run
- a little creek where an unexperienced union army and an unexperienced Confederate army met up.
- Gettysburg Address
- a famous speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln in Nov. 1863 at the dedication of a national cemitary on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg
- Brown, John
- 60 towns people were held hostge by him, he hoped the slaves would get away, but they didn't. He was captured and hung for treason
- Dred Scott
- lived in free states...still a slave, he thought he should be free. 1854 he sued federal court for his freedom, they said no...went to supreme court, said no.