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Civil war and reconstruction

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Fort Sumter
One of the two southern forts that remained in Union hands.First battle of Civil war
Monitor versus Merrimack
fought in a historic duel
Election of 1864
presidential election, lincoln thought he would be beaten, but he won second term.
Shermans March to the Sea
Sherman marched across Georgia with troops- they wiped out Georgia
Henry Clay
tried to make a compromise between north and south. finally people aggreed on: North+California=free states, South=new effective slave law.
Fredrick Douglas
born into slavery. Taught to read and write by a wife of one of the owners, decided to escape. Reached freedom and gave speeches about freedom.
Emancipation Proclamation
an executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln on Jan. 7, 1867, freeing the slaves in all regions behind confederate lines.
"A House Divided" speech
a speech made by lincoln about slavery
carpet baggers
a northener who moved to the south after the civil war.
13th Amendment
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Jackson was standing on a stone wall- Stonewall (General before lee)
John Floyd wrote a wish for law: NO SLAVERY. 73 to 58 were the votes, most were eastern slave holders...debate was colsed on slavery
Anaconda Plan
after a snake that suffocates its victims in its coils000
Sojourner Truth
born into slavery, arguing about abolitionism. "Ain't I a women." Women got rights but black women didn't
Booth, John Wilkes
leaped down to the stage- he caught his spur on one of the flags, broke his left leg, he escaped and was found in a barn, put barn on fire.
John C. Calhoun
Tariff of Abolminations(Vice Pres.) of South Carolina.
Harriet Tubman
helped slaves get through the underground railroad.
Robert E. Lee
followed his father into a military career, graduated from the U.S. military academny at west point
Uncle Tom's Cabin
a best selling novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852 that portrayed slavery as a great moral evil.
The most decisive battle of the war was fought near gettysburg, pennsylvania
Lincoln-Douglas debates
issue of slavery in the territories...held through-out Illinois- Douglas won.
Davis, Jefferson
served in army and became planter, elected for pres. of U.S
movement to end slavery
Ulysses S. Grant
a west point graduate who faile at everything he had tried in a civilian llife- became a brave and tough military comander.
Confederate states of America
a confederation formed in 1861 by the southern states after their secession from the union
Bull Run
a little creek where an unexperienced union army and an unexperienced Confederate army met up.
Gettysburg Address
a famous speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln in Nov. 1863 at the dedication of a national cemitary on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg
Brown, John
60 towns people were held hostge by him, he hoped the slaves would get away, but they didn't. He was captured and hung for treason
Dred Scott
lived in free states...still a slave, he thought he should be free. 1854 he sued federal court for his freedom, they said no...went to supreme court, said no.

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