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Creative Arts Chapter 4 & 5


undefined, object
copy deck
light, heavy, sudden, or sustained qualities of movement that require varying degrees of muscular tension
The Schematic Stage
Definite concept of human beings and the environment. Repeat the same drawings. Individualized. There is order and space with relationships. Deviations and personal meaning to drawings.
Identify 4 learning stages
visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read & write
5 materials to be used with art
crayons, chalk, tempera paint, glue, and construction paper
most important drawings of young children, random markings made for pleasures, recognizing the ability and power to create art, express pride and show off their art
true representational drawings, they describe drawings, tell stories about them, and elaborate to expand meaning
logical-mathematical intelligence
a sensitivity and a capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns (including rhythm, meter, time signature, and note value) and the ability to handle long chains of reasoning
Singing, movement, dancing provide young children the opportunity to do what? 4 reasons to use in the classroom
1. mental capacity and intellect 2. mastery of the physical self 3. development of the affective aspect 4. development of creativity
the area used for movement
5 materials/props used to express music
scarves, streamers, hoops, beanbags, parachutes
7 major movements
walking ("Pantomime"), marching, hopping, swaying ("The Swan"), rocking, sliding, gliding
What does multi-sensory learning mean
to learn uses multiple styles
The Preschematic Stage
Children are involved in a relationship with what they see and make recognizable art forms. Flexibility in drawings. Use appealing colors not actual representations. Use a baseline for the environment.
The Scribbling Stage
early attempts at artistic expression is shown through random scribbling. Children find pleasure in kinestics and random movement. Scribbling slowly becomes more organized. Later part of stage children label their scribbles and think symbolically.
4 aspects of music and movement
dance, singing, playing instruments, dramatic movement, and action songs
7 elements of music
rhythm, harmony, tempo, tone color, pitch, dynamics, texture
Lines and Shapes
random scribbles develop into drawn shapes, universal symbols take place (mandala, sun, ladders, spirals, wavy lines, and rainbows), early form of communication
Why do we use art material?
to provide children the opportunity for self-expression, exploring a range of colors and textures, developing visual-motor skills, and providing an emotional outlet and a truly artistic experience
musical intelligence
the ability to perceive, produce, and appreciate pitch and rhythm, and our appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness
a quality of tempo or rhythm
Young children are action oriented. Music and Movement allow young children to do what
listen, respond, imitate, and use their voices, fingers, hands, arms, and bodies in ways that are creative and uniquely theirs
Kellogg's Developmental Stage
Stage 1- Scribbles, Stage 2- Lines and Shapes, Stage 3-Semirepresentational
6 instruments for children
triangles, rhythm sticks, wood blocks (small, hollow blocks of wood that produce a resonant sound), maracas (made from gourds and filled with seeds or pebbles), drums, and jingle bells
the quality of moving through space
body kinesthetic intelligence
the ability to control one's body movements and to handle objects skillfully
How would you help early childhood special education children know the importance of visual art and music
allow them to participate. Art = lap trays for steady surface, hand signals, provide tracing patterns. Music = comfort, adult near, rhythmic activities, descriptions, space
Lowenfeld's Theory of Creative and Mental Growth
The Scribbling Stage (ages 2-4), The Preschematic Stage (ages 4-7), and The Schematic Stage (ages 7-9)
Why is the process of valuing important in the continuum of development of affective domain?
concerned with the worth we attach to creative arts

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