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Words on SSAT Test


undefined, object
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abase (v.)
to lower, demean, degrade
abate (v.)
to lessen, to reduce in severity
abbreviate (v.)
to shorten, reduce
abduct (v.)
to kidnap
aberration (n.)
a deviation from the expected course
abhor (v.)
to hate, loathe
abide (v.)
to put up with, tolerate
abject (adj.)
of the most miserable or contemptible kind
abort (v.)
to give up unfinished
abridge (v.)
to shorten, cut down
abrogate (v.)
to abolish, often by authority
abscond (v.)
to sneak away and hide
abundant (adj.)
in great numbers
accede (v.)
to agree
accentuate (v.)
to emphasize, to highlight
accommodating (adj.)
obliging, helpful
accost (v.)
to approach or confront aggressively
acumen (n.)
keen insight
acute (adj.)
sharp, severe
affable (adj.)
friendly, amiable
affluent (adj.)
rich, wealthy
aggrandize (v.)
to increase or make greater
aggregate (v.)
to gather, amass
aghast (adj.)
struck by amazement or terror
agoraphobia (n.)
an abnormal fear of open or public places
akimbo (adj.)
with hands on hips and elbows extending outward
alacrity (n.)
speed, readiness
algid (adj.)
frigid, cold
allay (v.)
to sooth, assuage
alleviate (v.)
to relieve
aloof (adj.)
reserved, distant
altercation (n.)
an argument, dispute
amalgamation (n.)
a union, a merger
ambivalent (adj.)
having contradictory feelings
amble (v.)
to stroll, walk
ameliorate (v.)
to improve, to make better
amend (v.)
to change for the better, improve
amiable (adj.)
friendly, affable
amorous (adj.)
relating to or showing love
amorphous (adj.)
without shape or borders
anomaly (n.)
something that does not fit into the normal order
antechamber (n.)
a waiting room
anxiety (n.)
aphorism (n.)
a short saying
apocalypse (n.)
total devastation, the end of the world
apparitional (adj.)
ghostly, spectral
arbitrator (n.)
one who settles controversy between two sides
ascetic (n.)
one who practices restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious
assuage (v.)
to ease, pacify
atone (v.)
to apologize, make amends
audacious (adj.)
excessively bold
augment (v.)
to increase or make larger
austere (adj.)
very bare, bleak, simple
baleful (adj.)
harmful, threatening
bard (n.)
a poet, often a singer as well
battery (n.)
an assault or an array of similar things intended for use together
belligerent (adj.)
contentious, ready to fight
benevolent (adj.)
kind, good, caring
benign (adj.)
non-threatening, innocuous
berate (v.)
to scold severely
bereft (adj.)
without, devoid of
bide (v.)
to wait, or remain in a condition
bilk (v.)
to cheat, to swindle
blandish (v.)
to coax through flattery
bloated (adj.)
swollen, bigger than desired
boisterous (adj.)
loud, energetic
bourgeois (adj.)
middle class
brash (adj.)
hasty or lacking in sensitivity
brazen (adj.)
excessively bold, brash
brumal (adj.)
wintry, relating to winter
brusque (adj.)
short, abrupt, dismissive
buffet (n.)
a spread of food involving choices
buffet (v.)
to hit or strike
burgeon (v.)
to come forth, blossom
cacophony (n.)
noise, discordant sound
cadence (n.)
cajole (v.)
to urge, coax
callous (adj.)
harsh, cold, unfeeling
calumny (n.)
an attempt to defame another’s reputation
camaraderie (n.)
cheerful unity among a group
canvas (n.)
a piece of cloth on which an artist paints
capricious (adj.)
impulsive, unpredictable, subject to whim
captivate (v.)
to hold the interest of, to gain the attention of
carouse (v.)
to revel, to party
cavity (n.)
a hole
celestial (adj.)
relating to the sky or the heavens
chastise (v.)
to criticize, to scold
choreographed (adj.)
arranged, as in dance
circumlocution (n.)
indirect language
circumspect (adj.)
clairvoyant (adj.)
able to see things that others cannot
claustrophobia (n.)
an abnormal fear of closed or crowded spaces
cliché (n.)
a trite, overused expression
coalesce (v.)
to combine into one
cogent (adj.)
intelligent, viable
collusion (n.)
a conspiracy, a secret agreement
colossus (n.)
an enormous structure
comatose (adj.)
commendable (adj.)
worthy of praise
commodious (adj.)
spacious, roomy
compel (v.)
to force
complicit (adj.)
being an accomplice in a wrongful act
concede (v.)
to give in, to accept
conciliatory (adj.)
agreeable, friendly
concoct (v.)
to make up or invent
concord (n.)
conduit (n.)
a pipe,passage,channel
confluence (n.)
a convergence,a coming together
confound (v.)
to frustrate
connotation (n.)
a meaning or association suggested by a word beyond its definition
contusion (n.)
bruise, injury
convalescence (n.)
the gradual return to health after illness
copious (adj.)
abundant, plentiful
corpulent (adj.)
very fat
cosmopolitan (adj.)
worldly, sophisticated
credulity (n.)
readiness to believe
cursory (adj.)
brief to the point of being superficial
daft (adj.)
insane, foolish
daunting (adj.)
dearth (n.)
a lack, scarcity
defame (v.)
to destroy the reputation of
deft (adj.)
skilled, adept
defunct (adj.)
no longer used or existing
deleterious (adj.)
delude (v.)
to deceive, to mislead
deluge (n.)
a great flood or something that overwhelms like a flood
derelict (adj.)
run-down, abandoned
desolate (adj.)
deserted, lifeless
despondent (adj.)
discouraged, hopeless, depressed
destitute (adj.)
diaphanous (adj.)
transparent, light, airy
dictate (v.)
to pronounce, command, prescribe
differentiate (v.)
to distinguish, to make different
dilapidated (adj.)
in a state of disrepair
diligent (adj.)
careful, showing care
diminish (v.)
to decrease or make smaller
diminutive (adj.)
miniature, small
discreet (adj.)
prudent or inconspicuous
discrete (adj.)
separate, distinct, individual
disparage (v.)
to criticize, degrade, belittle
dissonance (n.)
lack of harmony or agreement
divergent (adj.)
different, deviating, contrary
diverse (adj.)
divisive (adj.)
cusing conflict, opposition
domicile (n.)
a residence, a home
doppelganger (n.)
a ghostly double of a living person
douse (v.)
to drench, saturate
dutiful (adj.)
careful to fulfill obligations
dynamic (adj.)
characterized by continuous change or activity
elocution (n.)
the art of public speaking
elucidate (v.)
to clarify
empathetic (adj.)
feeling another’s pain as one’s own
empathy (n.)
the experience of another’s feelings as one’s own
enervate (v.)
to weaken,make weary
enervated (adj.)
lacking energy, weakened, exhausted
entity (n.)
something that exists as a discrete unit
entomology (n.)
the study of insects
envious (adj.)
erect (v.)
to construct, to raise
erroneous (adj.)
mistaken, incorrect
espouse (v.)
to support, or to marry
espy (v.)–
catch sight of, glimpse
ethereal (adj.)
heavenly, exceptionally delicate or refined
euphoric (adj.)
elated, overjoyed
exacerbate (v.)
to make more violent, intense
excursion (n.)
a trip, an outing
exemplary (adj.)
serving as an example
exigent (adj.)
critical, urgent
existential (adj.)
relating to existence
exorbitant (adj.)
extol (v.)
to praise
extravagant (adj.)
excessive, over-the-top
fabricate (v.)
to invent, make-up, concoct
fabulist (n.)
a teller of fables; a liar
facile (adj.)
fallacious (adj.)
incorrect, misleading
familial (adj.)
relating to family
fatuous (adj.)
silly, foolish
fecund (adj.)
fertile fruitful
feign (v.)
to fake or pretend to
feral (adj.)
savage, wild, untamed
fetter (v.)
to restrain, chain, tie
fey (adj.)
fickle (adj.)
characterized by changeableness, whimsical
figurative (adj.)
firmament (n.)
the sky, the heavens
flabbergasted (adj.)
astounded, stupefied
flaccid (adj.)
flattery (n.)
compliments, sycophancy
flout (v.)
to scorn, ignore, show contempt for
fluctuate (v.)
to vary irregularly
flux (n.)
a state of constant change or a flow
forage (v.)
to rummage, scavenge, graze for food
forestall (v.)
to delay, impede
lonely, hopeless
formidable (adj.)
arousing fear or alarm
forsake (v.)
to abandon, forget
fortify (v.)
to strengthen
fortitude (n.)
strength, bravery
fortuitous (adj.)
lucky, occurring by chance
foster (v.)
to stimulate, promote, encourage
frenetic (adj.)
frenzied, hectic, frantic
gape (v.)
to open the mouth and stare stupidly
gay (adj.)
happy, cheery, or homosexual
gluttonous (adj.)
insatiable in appetite
goad (v.)
to urge, to provoke into action
gourmand (n.)
one who likes eating and drinking
grandiose (adj.)
extraordinary, grand in scope
gregarious (adj.)
sociable, outgoing
grotto (n.)
a small cave or cavern
guile (n.)
deceitful actions or behavior
hail (v.)
to come from
hapless (adj.)
harmony (n.)
agreement, often of sound
harrowing (adj.)
agonizing, distressing
hedonist (n.)
one whose primary pursuit is pleasure
henchman (n.)
a trusted follower, goon
hiatus (n.)
an interruption in continuity, a break
hiemal (adj.)
wintry, relating to winter
hierarchy (n.)
a ranking system of groups or individuals
histrionic (adj.)
excessively dramatic or emotional
idolatrous (adj.)
worshiping excessively an object or person
illusory (adj.)
deceptive, produced by an illusion
immaculate (adj.)
impeccably clean, spotless, pure
immutable (adj.)
not susceptible to change
impecunious (adj.)
excessivly poor
impervious (adj.)
unable to be penetrated, unaffected
impudent (adj.)
rude, improper
incessant (adj.)
without interruption
incisive (adj.)
clear, sharp, direct
inclement (adj.)
stormy, bad, severe
inclination (n.)
a tendency, propensity
indictment (n.)
accusation of wrongdoing
indignation (n.)
anger due to an unfair situation
inextricable (adj.)
hopelessly confused or tangled
infuse (v.)
to inject
ingenious (adj.)
marked by special intelligence
inimical (adj.)
hostile, threatening
iniquity (n.)
a wicked act, a sin
innate (adj.)
inborn, native, inherent
innocuous (adj.)
inquisitor (n.)
someone who asks questions or makes an inquiry
inundate (v.)
to flood
invariable (adj.)
not susceptible to change
invective (n.)
a verbal attack
inveterate (adj.)
habitual, natural
irascible (adj.)
easily angered
jubilant (adj.)
joyful, happy
judicious (adj.)
of sound judgment
juvenile (adj.)
young or immature

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