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Chorale II


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a sonata for orchestra usually in four movements
an a cappella choral composition based on a religious text.
from "fuga" meaning flight. It is a strict form of counterpoint following very specific rules about subjects, counter-subjects, and imitation. Typically, there are three major sections, Exposition/Development/return to first subject in original key followed by a coda or ending.
a round. A part comes in followed by another part imitating exactly the first part.
Three-part form
piece in three sections (ABA)
Musical form
the structure of a piece.
an instrumental piece characterized by emphasis on whim, fancy, imagination rather than contemporary conventions of form, style, etc.
Classical Rondo
: a musical form with a repeating refrain (ABCADA,etc.) frequently used for final movements in multi-movement pieces.
Two-part form
piece in two sections (AB)
Ground Bass (Basso Ostinato)
single bass melodicd figure (usually between 4-8 measures in length) constantly repeated.
Chorale Prelude
organ composition based on a Protestant chorale and designed to be played before the chorale is sung by the congregation
an choral composition based on a secular text utilizing 3-6 voices, often sung a cappella.
Classical Sonata
piece with three or four movements for solo instrument or chamber ensemble.
moderately slow with continuous variation based on a repeated bass line written in ¾ time.
Concerto Grosso
standard three movement piece (slow-fast-slow) that is characterized by a concertino (small group of instruments) pitted against a ripieno (a larger group of instruments.)
Theme and Variations
a musical subject that is played in its original form and then altered by various means (rhythmic, melodic, key change, etc.)
smallest recognizable musical element (rhythmic or melodic).
Dance Suite
an important instrumental form consisting of a number of movements, each in the character of a dance.
a complete musical thought.
Classical Concerto
a piece usually in three or four movements for solo instrument(s) and orchestra.

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