Ch. 26
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- Frederick Jackson Turner/ Turner Thesis
- Author of "The Significance of the Frontier in American History". He says that the spirit and success of the U.S. is due to westward expansion
- Homestead Act of 1862
- Allowed a settler to have 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, and paying $30.
- Bonanza Farms
- Very large farms performing large-scale operations, mostly growing and harvesting wheat, made possible through technological advancements.
- The Farmers ' Alliance
- Allowed farmers to come together to socialize and break the suppression from railroads and manufacturers.
- Greenback Labor Party
- A political party that combined the inflationary appeal of the Greenback Laborites with a program for improving the lot of labor.
- Long Drive
- Cowboys would drive their herds across the Midwestern plains until they reached a railroad terminal.
- Buffalo Soldiers
- A name that the Indians used for the African American U.S. Army personnel on the frontier because their hair resembled a bison's furry coat
- Helen Hunt Jackson
- Author of children's literature who wrote "A Century of Dishonor", which chronicled government wrongdoings in dealing with the Indians, and "Ramona" which further inspired sympathy for the Indians.
- Eugene V. Debs
- Organized the American Railway Union
- The Grange
- Founded by Oliver H. Kelley in 1867, it strove to enhance the lives of isolated farmers through social, educational, and fraternal activities.
- Marcus Alonzo Hanna
- Used the money he made in the iron business to support William McKinley's presidential campaign. He became a personification of big business in politics.
- George Armstrong Custer
- Former army general turned Indian hunter; he led a "scientific" expedition through Sioux territory and claimed to have found gold, leading a swarm of people to go there, provoking the Sioux to war. Custer and his army attacked the Indians but failed in battle.
- Dingley Tariff Bill
- Established average rates at 46.5% after over 850 amendments were added. This was much higher than the Wilson-Gorman Act of 1894 and the McKinley Act in some categories
- William McKinley
- Republican candidate who sponsored the McKinley Tariff in 1890.
- The Populists
- (the People's Party) They called for nationalizing the railroads, telephones, and telegraph, creating a gradual income tax, and creating a federal subtreasury where farmers would be provided with loans for crops stored in government owned warehouses.
- Battle of Wounded Knee
- Battle in which the U.S. army suppressed the Ghost Dance cult of the Dakota Sioux and killed 200 Indians.
- Dawes Severalty Act of 1862
- Dissolved many tribes as legal entities, wiped out tribunal ownership of land, and set up individual Indian families with 160 free acres of land. If the Indians behaved like good settlers, they received full title to their holdings and citizenship in 25 years. Reservation land not given to the Indians was sold to railroads and white settlers in order to civilize the Indians.
- William Jennings Bryan
- Instantly became the Democratic candidate opposing William McKinley. He supported inflation through unlimited coinage of silver.
- Pullman Strike of 1894
- Workers rebelled because the Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages by 1/3 and the American Federation of Labor refused to support the strikers. Military action was needed in order to keep mail delivery on track.
- Battle of Little Bighorn
- Custer's army set out to suppress the Indians and return them to the reservation, and camped along the Little Bighorn River. Custer's army was completely wiped out when they failed to be rescued.