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Demeter- goddess of agriculture and harvest; symbols- cornucopia, basket, pomegranate, staff of wheat; story- searching for daughter, Proserpine, Pluto took her to underworld, nothing grew, die of starvation, Pluto brought her back, ate 6 pomegranate seeds, stay under for 6 months (winter), live with mom 6 months (summer), cereal
Hades- god of underworld and wealth; symbols- 2-prong trident (bident); story- minerals, gems, metals underground=money, spends most time in dark castle, Cerberus, 3-headed watch dog, stop trespassers, abducted Proserpine, married her, let no dead leave, no temples, few statues, seen on dark chariot with four black horses, avoid talking of him in Greece; Elysian Fields- blessed, Tartarus- sinners (erebus), plutocracy-rule of wealthy,
Poseidon- god of sea and earthquakes; symbols- trident, dolphin, horses, earthquakes, seas; story- patron deity of Attica, gift, struck trident in ground filled city with salt water, Athena gave them olive tree-peace, bark, oil, food; chose Athena to worship, Neptune kept flooding so both worship
Phoebus- god of dance, archery (hunt), intelligence, reason, sun (light), purity, music, prophecy, beauty, youth, poetry, medicine; symbols- bow and arrow, laurel hat, lyre, sun; Python- slay python (dragon or serpent) with bow and arrow on mt. olympus, mt parnassus, oracle at delphi; Daphne- 1st love, cupid struck her with repel arrow, him with love, so he ran after her, she asked father to save her, turned her into a laurel tree and he worshipped the tree; Marsyas- human, found flute, shepherd and satyr, good at flue, thrown away by Athena (inventor), cheeks puffed, looked weird, made fun of, Marsyas challenged Apollo to music competition, 9 muses=judges, said equal at instruments, Apollo said i can play upside down and sing while playing lyre, Apollo won and skinned him alive and nailed him to pine tree
Athena- goddess of war, wisdom, and weaving; symbols- owl, spear, helmet, weaving tools; story- born out of jupiter's head, as mortal told Arachne that she was a good weaver, as god challenged her to weaving contest, Arachne weaved gods committing sins, turned her into spider (outraged)
Dionysus-god of fertility, wine, grapes, parties, dancing, music; symbols- vines; story- Ariadne
Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty; symbols- dove, scallop shells, sea shells, swans, mirror; story- found an abandoned baby boy named Adonis, fell in love, someone took him, went to underworld, got him for summer, down in winter, male gods jealous of his handsomeness, rival sends boar to kill him, turned into red flower
Hephaestus- god of blacksmiths, volcano, fire; symbols- hammer, axe, anvil, thongs; story- should've been handsome as juno and jupiter's son, ugly, small, res hair, juno took him to mt, o where she threw him off, fell for days, landed in sea, broke leg, seen laying or crooked, Thetis found him and took as son; tricks on juno- thetis went to mt. o with necklace made by vulcan, juno asks about it, frustrated and suspicious, finds out that vulcan was there and alive, demands him to come home, makes silver/gold chair=trap for Juno, gets stuck in it for 3 days, Jupiter agrees with Vulcan to let Juno out if he gets Venus to marry for her freedom, statue in Alabama
Artemis- goddess of hunting and moon, child-birth; symbols- silver arrows- quick and painless death, moon; story- helped birth Apollo, born on floating island Delos, twin to Apollo, protected mom, Niobe bragged about having more kids than mom, killed all her kids, respected her privacy, Actaeon saw her bathing, turned him into stag, his own dogs ate him, virgin whole life, fell in love with orion, Apollo challenged her to hit something, took his head off, turned him into constellation
Zeus- god of sky, thunder, patron deity of Rome, KING OF GODS; symbols- eagle, thunder bolts, lightning bolts; story- Europa, daughter of King Agenor, captured by Zeus disguised as a white bull and taken to Crete, 3 kids, 3 gifts- bronze man/guardian, dogs, javelin never misses mark
Hera- queen of goddesses; symbol- peacock; goddess of fertility, matron (marriage), child-birth; story- jealous of Jupiter's affairs, torments his offspring, Io=cow to disguise girl from Juno, told Argus to watch it, Mercury play pipes to make him sleep, Io escapes across Ionian Sea, Juno put Argus' eyes on peacock, Io went to Egypt as human-June
Chronos- god of agriculture, harvest, fertility; symbols- scythe, sickle, capricorn; story- killed father, Uranus, exiled him, swallows his kids, Zeus went to Crete, used to be ruler of universe, went to Rome, Golden Age
Hermes- me
Hestia- goddess of hearth, home, and family; symbols- fire, flame, donkey; story- part of Vestal Virgins, Poseidon and Apollo wanted to marry her, didn't want to marry before Zeus died, flame tended by Vestal Virgins, represents energy of life, cold air invited if flame goes out, used for light, food, heat, kept in temple of vesta, little and round, chastity for 30 years, burned or buried if vow broken, can't show excessive care to others, can't let fire go out, viewed as highly respected in society, high prestige, festival in june where flame is re-ignited
Ares- god of war; symbols- shield, wolf, crested helmet; story- portrayed as warrior in full armor; Romulus slew Remus over a dispute about which one of the two brothers had the support of the local deities to rule the new city and give it his name. The name they gave the city was Rome. Supposedly, Romulus had stood on one hill and Remus another, and a circle of birds flew over Romulus, signifying that he should be king; venus and mars had flings, guard slept, vulcan chained/caged them on bed, caught and mortified, got people to laugh at them, guard--> rooster

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