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AP World Ch 31


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Manifest Destiny
the belief that the United States was destined to stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
Louis Riel
Métis leader, leader of the North-West Rebellion
After the American Civil War, freed blacks___.
quickly lost their political and civil liberties in the South.
Fatt Hing Chin
One of the earliest Chinese migrants. Went to California for gold
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon needed funds to protect France from enemies in 100 years war so he sold the US Louisiana
Abraham Lincoln
Election spark that ignited civil war. Sided with northern states on policies
The Mexican-American War
Texas wanted to become part of U.S. Ended with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Wounded Knee
Sioux did Ghost Dance, ceremony that tried to make whites disappear. Sioux man accidentally shot off a gun, and cavalry overreacted
Little Big Horn
Sioux defeated Colonel George Custer
The Sioux
Resisted white encroachers with firearms and equestrian skills
The Cherokee
Tribe affected by the Trail of Tears
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (States?)
Ended Mex-Am War. US took 1/2 Mexico's territory and payed 15 mill for Texas, Rio Grande, California, New Mexico
Reasons for the American Civil War
1) slavery 2) nature of the Union 3) state's rights 4)industrial-capitalist sytem against plantation
Why did the North win the American Civil War?
They had more resources
What did the Civil War achieve?
Ended slavery, made the US politically united, enhanced fed gov authority
Mex. Revolutionary leader who called for land reform and the break up of large estates and ranches in order to give land to peasant farmers. S
President Benito Juarez
A mestizo who led a liberal reform movement to limit the power of the Catholic church and military. La Reforma
Porifrio Diaz
Mexican revolution started when middle/low class overthrew this dictator
Military leaders who came to power after the Mex revolution
Juan Manuel de Rosas
Argentinan caudillo who united the area but did so violently. Nicknamed "Argentine Nero"
Francisco Villa
Hated timid government reform and attacked US citizens in retaliation for US support of gov
The Seven Years War
The colony of New France passed into the British empire after the British victory
John MacDonald
first prime minister of Canada and moved to incorporate British North America into the Dominion; negotiated the purchase of huge territories; oversaw construction of a continental railroad
Simon Bolivar (Quote?)
"I fear peace more than war" strengthened South America militarily
British North America Act of 1867
designed to attract migrants, protect nascent industries through tariffs, and build national transportation systems was a policy in
United States foreign investment came from where?
Great Britain
The War of 1812
United Canada and caused anti-US sentiments
The National Policy
A program of economic development that made rairoads and caused problems with indigenous people in Canada
Walt Whitman
American poet who wrote "Song of Myself"
In terms of Industrial Revolution in the U.s, the most important economic development was?
By the 1860's, who was Britain's main supplier of beef?
American Reconstruction
The rebuilding of the American South after the Civil War
In 1907, the U.S government ordered a complete halt of migration from?
The Northwest Rebellion
An insurrection led by Riel that was metis vs canadian forces
final battle of the civil war
..., the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. After this "win" for the North, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation
Made the abolition of slavery the specific goal of the war, it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free
Where did "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" come from?
the declaration of independance
Missouri Compromise
an agreement in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States concerning the extension of slavery into new territories
Which Latin American country first tried to topple the grossly unequal system of landed states?
"swallows"; Italian workers who migrated annually between Europe and South America to take advantage of different growing seasons
The Fifth of may 1862
Cinco de Maya. When Mexico overcame France
La Reforma
Led by Juarez to limit power of Catholic church and military
Argentine cowboys
an emphasis on male strength and dominance
The Carlisle School
One of many boarding schools that NA children were forced to attend to "american-ize" them
A "Delcaration of Sentiments"
Made at Seneca Falls feminist convention that said all men and women were created equal
Seneca Falls Convention
Women's suffrage convention
What resources was the foundation for Canada's economic expansion?
gold, silver, copper, nickel, asbestos
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederate States of America
After what event did the Civil war turn into a war against slavery?
The Emancipation Proclamation

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