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Poetry Test Vocab


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the use of words to imitate the sounds they describe; ex. buzz, crack
the repetition of similar vowel sounds in a line of poetry or prose
End Rhyme
occurs when the two rhyming words both are indicated at the ends of their line, it can be either pure rhyme or slant rhyme; ex. "The year's at the spring, The lark's on the wing"
Pure Rhyme
occurs when the final sounds of two words are exactly alike, ex. glance-dance, quite-bright, delightful-insightful
the voice of the poem
Figurative language
a form of language used in which writers and speakers convey something other that the literal meaning of their words; ex. similes, metaphors, personification
Internal Rhyme
occurs when one or both of the rhyming words is located at the beginning or middle of the line instead of at the end
the repetition of sounds in words usually, but not exclusively, at the end of lines of poetry
descriptions that appeal to any one or combination of the five senses
an object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself, usually for something abstract
Slant (Half) Rhyme
occurs when the final sounds of two words are very similar but not exactly alike; ex. broods-woods, chatters-waters
the repetition of consonant sound; ex. add & read, mill & ball, town & burn
the dictionary meaning of a word
the repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words; Ex. sad steps, gloomy as the gray sky, noble knight
Free Verse
poetry without a regular pattern of meter or rhyme
the beat of words which gives poetry a musical quality
a figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as or as though; ex. "My love is like a red, red rose"
the endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with living/ human qualities; ex. "the yellow leaves flaunted their color gaily in the breeze"
a comparison between essentially unlike things without using the words similar to like or as; ex. "My love is a red, red rose"
a method for poem analysis; Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shift, Title revisited, Theme
the emotional associations called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning
a brief reference to a historical or literary figure, event, or object
Lyric poem
a type of poem characterized by brevity, compression, and the expression of feeling
the attitude of the writer or speaker toward the subject or audience

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