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AP Chpt 5 #2


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What is the order of the groups of the brain from least specailzed to most specialized (old-new)
Brain stem- Cerebellum- Forebrain (Made up of Diencephalon (made up of Hypothalamus and thalamus) and Cerebrum(made up of basal nuclei and cerebral cortex))
What layer are steallate cells found in?
layer 4
was is the largest portion of the brain?
cerebral cortex
fxn of stellate cells?
Perception; inital processing of sensory input TO cortex
what layer are pyramidal cells?
thick layer 5
What does grey matter consist of?
neuronal cell bodies dendrites, glial cells
what is in charge of primitive sensory processing?
How long can the brain go without O2- then wat happens?
4-5 min or stroke
Where do homones enter the brain to get to their site of action?
Which fluid has a great exchange rate?
What is the oldest region of the brain?
brain stem
what colors is considered "wires"
white matter
Where can you find the diencephallon?
tucked in cerebellum- top of the brain stem
What is the fxn of the surronding of astocytes along the BBB capiliaries?
signal them to "get tight" and participate in cross cell transport (k+)
what is a part of the brain NOT subjected to BBB? why?
hypothalmus-responsible for homeostatis ("samples" blood- then has to adjust) and NOT sealed with tight junctions
"Information super high way"
Corpus callosum
What is hydrocephalus condition?
CSF accumulates- inrease CSF pressure= head hurts
how do brain capillaries and body capillaries differ?
brain have tight juntions= only can pass THRO capillaries- not btw
What two things does the dienchephalon house?
Hypothalamus and thalamus
wat two parts of the brain are made up of grey matter?
cerebral cortex (thin outer) and basal nuclei (cept this is deep within the white matter)
What does the cerebrum house?
Basal nucei and Cerebral cortex
what part of the brain is responsible for: FINAL sensory perception
what is the pressure in the head?
10 mm Hg
Highest level of the brain?
Cerebral cortex
how are the six layers divided
by diff fxn from different layer patters NOT different cells
Concentration of K and NA in the CSF?
lower in K- HIGH in Na
corpus callosum
connects two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
Fxn of hypothalamus
What makes up white matter?
meylinated nerve fibers (lipid=white)
process of knowing/ awarness/judgement
What is the only "fuel" the brain can use?
How often is CSF replaces?
3 times a day
which fluid does not have a great exchange rate?
how many nuerons?
100 billion
How much CSF is there?
125-150 ml
What forms the CSF?
choroid plexues
Two type of cells in the layers of the cerebral cortex?
Stellate cells and pyramidal cells
What color matter is considered the "computer"
grey bc intergate neuronal inputs and out puts
What is the smallest blood cessle?
What fluid do neurons and glial cells come into contact with?
Intersitial fluid- not the CSF or blood
what controls proper postion of the body in space?
what part of the brain is responsible for: VOLUNTARY initiation of movement?
what controlls learned skilled motor task? (dance routine)
what controls suboncious coordination of motor activities?
Where is the basal nuclie housed?
cerebral cortex
what is the more convoluted part of the brain?
Vegetative fxn
can do them unconsciously- respiration, circulation, digestion
where is the cerebellum located?
top rear ortion of the brain stem
Fxn of brain stem?
controls life sustaining processes (vegetative fxn)
What do the choroid plexues look like?
cauliflour on ependymal cells on the pia matter dips
What makes up 80% of brain weight?
fxn of pyramidal cells
controls output FROM cotrex TO skeletal mucles (down spinal cord to efferet motor nerons on skeletal muscles)
What is the more advance part of the brain?
How long can the brain go without glucose?
10-15 inutes or stroke
O2 binding protein like Hb
Lowest level of the brain?
Spinal cord
what part of the brain is responsible for: personality
What three things make up the brain stem?
midbrain pons medulla
what part of the brain is responsible for:language
how many LAYERS are there (of the cerebral cortex) ?
What is not found in lower species?
what part of the brain is responsible for:concicous though
what part of the brain is responsible for: mind or intellect
Where does exchange btw blood and intersital fluid take place?
across walls of capilaries

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