Quiz 10
undefined, object
copy deck
- adherent
- a faithful supporter, follower, or believer.
- Servile
- submissive, like a servant or slave.
- Ruminate
- to ponder, to contemplate.
- Imperial
- like an emperor or an empire.
- Resolute
- determined, firm, unwavering.
- Plethora
- an excess, a super abundance, too much.
- Renaissance
- a rebirth, a revival.
- Ideology
- a set of doctrines or beliefs, especially as relates to the political or social realm.
- Frugal
- thrifty, economical, not wasteful.
- deride
- to ridicule, to laugh at contemptuously, to mock.
- exasperate
- to thoroughly annoy, to irritate to the point of total frustration.
- Furtive
- secretive, sly, clandestine.
- Vestige
- a trace, a slight remnant.
- flaunt
- to show off, to try and impress others with a display.
- culminate
- to climax or reach the highest point.
- hiatus
- a break or interruption, often from work.
- spawn
- to bring forth, to produce in large number.
- Eminent
- wellknown and respected, distinguished, noteworthy, prominent.
- incantation
- a chant or words repeated as a chant, with the intention of creating an effect, often with the intention to do magic The suburban witches met at the full moon to dance and drum and mumble incantations intended to make them more powerful.
- Congenital
- from birth, inborn, inherent.
- Astute
- shrewd, especially with regard to one's interests, clever, crafty.
- Unwitting
- unintentional, unaware, without knowing.
- Contrived
- artificial, calculated, forced, strained.
- Tacit
- unspoken, implied, understood without being expressed.
- Introspective
- inward, inclined to examine one's thoughts and feelings.
- Proletariat
- to the industrial working class, including unskilled laborers, casual laborers, and tramps.
- Rancor
- bitter resentment, long-lasting ill will, extreme hatred or strife.
- engender
- to bring into existence, to create, to cause.
- Penitent
- sorry, especially for sinning; contrite, repentant.
- Inveterate
- habitual, deeply rooted, firmly established.
- Invective
- abusive speech, a violent attack in words.
- Profound
- very deep, penetrating.
- caricature
- a distorted portrait that exaggerates certain features.
- Reparation
- to compensation for a wrong or an injury.
- Peremptory
- leaving no choice, final, categorical, absolute, dictatorial.
- Tenable
- defensible.
- Sporadic
- appearing now and then or appearing in bursts every once in a while.
- incense
- to enrage, to make very angry.
- maxim
- a proverb or short rule of conduct.
- Redundant
- an unnecessary duplication, using too many words to express the same idea.
- Utilitarian
- functional, stressing usefulness above beauty or other qualities.
- Imminent
- about to happen, almost certain to occur.
- Pejorative
- negative, disparaging, derogatory, having a belittling effect.
- Solicitous
- anxiously concerned; eager and attentive, almost to the point of hovering.
- rogue
- a scoundrel.
- Hedonism
- the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life.
- Tautological
- uselessly repetitive, redundant, displaying circular reasoning.
- denizen
- an inhabitant, and occupant.
- Solvent
- financially sound, not broke or bankrupt, able to pay one's bills.
- inundate
- to flood or to overwhelm.