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Chapter 26

chapter 26 terms for bailey


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The Grange
an agrarian agitator's party, the Grange was an intricate society similar to the Masons with exclusive passwords and ranks from laborer to husbandman and maid to matron. the goal of this organization was to provide relief to the isolated and lonely farmers on the frontier and to improve conditions for independent farmers.
Battle of Wounded Knee
a clash where the army bloodily stamped out members of the "Ghost Dance" cult in the Sioux tribe, mistaking their dance for the illegal Sun Dance
Eugene V. Debs
the charismatic organizer of the American Railway Union of about 150,000 workers.
The Populists
this political party called for nationalizing the railroads, telephones, and telegraph; instituting a graduated income tax; and creating a federal subtreasury to allow farmers to recieve loans for crops stored in government-owned warehouses until market prices rose. they also demanded the coinage of silver
The Farmer's Alliance
a group formed to allow farmers to socialize and to break off of their dependence on railroads and banks by cooperatively buying and selling. it destroyed itself by ignoring the needs of the landless farmers and blacks.
Greenback Labor Party
this organization combined the earlier appeal of inflation from the greenbackers with the goal of improving the lot of laborers. they polled a million votes and elected 14 members to congress in 1878
William McKinley
The victorious candidate from the republican party in the 1896 election, he was the sponsor of the unpopular tariff bill of 1890, a major from the Civil War, and from Ohio
Long Drive
the drives of several thousands of longhorned cattle head across the plains at once by cowboys to the nearest railroad terminal to ship them to slaugherhouses
Helen Hunt Jackson
the author of a children's book chronicling the government's horrid and dishonest treatment of the indians
Bonanza Farms
gigantic commercial wheat farms in Minnesota and North Dakota that typified the industrialization of agriculture with "cash crops" and intimate ties to railroads and banks
Pullman Strike
1894- The Pullman Palace Car Company was forced to cut worker's waged by one third while staying firm on the rent owed by employees who lived in the company town. furious workers struck back. The american federation of labor refused to back them and the strike was squashed by troops when it got violent.
Frederick Jackson Turner/ Turner Thesis
author of "the significance of the frontier in american history", an influential essay about American history
Homestead Act of 1862
this act allowed a settler to earn as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for five years, improving it, and paying a $30 fee.
Battle of Little Bighorn
an attempt by Custer to stop the rebellion of the sioux after a gold rush had sent waves of whites into the sioux reservation. Custer was humiliated.
Buffalo Soldiers
a term for African American soldiers used by the plains indians
George Armstrong Custer
a former general, demoted to colonel, and turned to an indian hunter. he led an ambush against a group of sioux warriors after an uprising following a gold rush into the sioux reservation at little big horn creek and was humiliated.
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Mckinley's campaign organizer who was a fellow ohioan, had made his fortune in iron, and was often caricatured in a loud checkered suit with dollar signs in each square
Dawes Severalty Act of 1887
this act legally dissolved several tribes, wiped out tribal ownership of land, and granted 160 acres to the individual heads of indian families if they acted as proper settlers as well as granting citizenship after 25 years.

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