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Chapter 5 vocab section 1-3


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Chief Joseph
Tribal Chief of Nez Perce tribe. He fought to preserve his homeland and did much to awaken the conscience of America to the flight of Native Americans.
Ghost Dance
Dance that Plain' Indians hoped would help them revclaim thier old way of life.
Settlement House
A place where voluteers offered immigrants services.
Native born Americans.
George Pullman
He made his fortune by designing and building sleeper cars that made longer distance rail travel more comfortable.
Bessemer Process
Made steel making faster and cheaper.
Gilded Age
A crucial time period for U.S including the civil war and reconstruction, in prosperity (economy), corruption, Jim Crow, poverty, greed.
Gold Standard
Made republican party win.
Sitting Bull
American, Idian medicine man, chief and political leader of his tribe at the time of the custer massacre during the Sioux War.
Social Darwinism
Lifestyle according to Darwin's theory as natural selection which explained why some people in society prosper and others dont.
Vertical Intergation
Involves the gathering of many functions into a single firm. Vertical Integration, horizontal integration. (monopoly)
Push and Pull factors
Reasons why people left their homes and reasons why people came to the West.
Rundown apartment buildings in extremely poor conditions.
Apache leader who led raids on the Arizona-Mexico border.
Risks takers who started ne ventures within the economic system.
An economic ststem in which most buisnesses are privately owned.
Territories where the U.S. government moved Native Americans to.
Thomas Edison
One of America's greatest scientist who created the lightbulb ect.
Sand Creek Massacre
U.S Army's killing of about 150 Cheyenne elderly, women, and children at Sand Creek Reservation in Colorado Terrirtory.
Andrew Carnegie
Scotish born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded Carnegie steel comp. in 1892. By 1901, his country dominated the American steel industry.
French term "to let things alone." An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the min. necessary for a free-enterprise system.
Chisholm Trail
Important cattle trail, which began in San Antonio and ended in Kansas.
Homestead Movement Act
Allowed any head of household over age of 21 to claim 160 acres of land.
Battle of Little Big Horn
June 25, 1826 was the battle between the U.S army and the Sioux; Indians; the Sioux defeated the U.S army outnumbered.
Tammany Hall
The most notorious political machine.
John D. Rockefeller
Industrialist that actively participated in the managment of the company; standard oil.
Ellis Island
Was an entry point for 12 million immigrants to the U.S. between 1892 and 1954.
Sherman Anit-trust Act
A law that made it illegal to create monopolies or trusts that restrain free trade.
Wounded Knee Massacre
The Sioux Indians were captured by the U.S army and were forced to surremder their weapons. The deaths of the Soux Indians of 153 came the next morning.
Populist Party
Political party that supported free coinage of silver, work, reforms, immigration reactions, and government ownership of railroads, telegraph and telephone system. Mostly farmers. William Jennigs Byon.
Is a business with legal status of an individual.
Labor Unions
Pressure employers into giving better pay and safer work places.
George Armstrong Custer
He was known for the custer massacre during the Indians wars in America.
Dawes Act
Represented an attempt to speed the assimilation of Native Americans into U.S society, proposed to break up tribal communities, and redistribute communal land to individual Indians assimilated of American culture.
Murder of an individuals by a group or mob.
Cornelius Vanderbelt
He began investing in railroads during the Civil war.

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