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History 8th Chapter 19.4


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an Apache leader who led the fight to resist the loss of their land and led raids into Arizona and New Mexico
Describe 2 conflicts between Native Americans and settlers.
1) The Chivington Massacre - they killed over 200 Cheyenne men, women and children after they surrendered 2) Custer's Last Stand - Gold found in the Black Hills or Sioux reservation - Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse
How did the reformers try to help Native Americans?
They lectured and wrote about the injustices and broken treaties between US government and Native Americans.
Battle of Little Bighorn
In 1876, Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who tried to force them back on to the reservation, Custer and all his men died
Ghost Dance
religious ceremony performed by Lakotas and Plains Indians in order to restore the Native American way of life, free from whites and filled with plenty
How did the loss of the buffalo affect the Native Americans?
The buffalo served as a living grocery store for Plains Indians. With disease, drought and destruction and hunting as a pleasure sport, buffalo began to disappear and so did the Plains Indians' way of life.
Chivington Massacre
1864 massacre, where Colonel John Chivington and his militia slaughtered more than 200 Cheyenne men, women, and children, who were trying to surrender
Sitting Bull
American Indian medicine man, chief of the Sioux, and a political leader; fought and defeated Custer
Susette LaFlesche
daughter of Omaha chief who wrote and lectured about the destruction of Native American way of life
What promises to the Native Americans did the US government break?
They promised to protect Indian hunting grounds
Fort Laramie Treaty
First major treaty between northern Plains tribes and the U.S gorvernment, signed in 1851.
Chief Joseph
Leader of Nez Perce. Fled with his tribe to Canada instead of reservations. However, US troops came and fought and brought them back down to reservations
Dawes Act
encouraged Native Americans to become farmers
Wounded Knee
In 1890, after killing Sitting Bull, the 7th Cavalry rounded up Sioux at this place in South Dakota and 300 Natives were murdered and only a baby survived.
George Custer
United States military leader who was defeated by the Lakota in the Battle of Big Horn in 1876.
limited area set aside for Native Americans
Helen Hunt Jackson
reformer who published A Century of Dishonor about broken treaties between US and Native Americans
Sitting Bull
American Indian medicine man, chief of the Sioux, and a political leader

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