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Learn in Your Car Español by Henry Raymond


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1. My house is facing the theater
Mi casa está enfrente del teatro.
2. I paid for the drinks in addition to the food.
Yo pagué los tragos encima la comida
3. sure, of course, why not?
(1) ¡cómo no! ⬦.(2) ¡claro! ⬦.(3) ¡por supuesto!
4. of course (name 3)
(1) ¡cómo no! ⬦.(2) ¡claro! ⬦.(3) ¡por supuesto!
5. sure (name 3)
(1) ¡cómo no! ⬦.(2) ¡claro! ⬦.(3) ¡por supuesto!
6. why not? (as in 'sure thing!) (name 3)
(1) ¡cómo no! ⬦.(2) ¡claro! ⬦.(3) ¡por supuesto!
7. sometimes [an 'indefinite' time] (NAME 3)
(1) algunas veces ⬦.(2) a veces ⬦.(3) de vez en cuando
8. on top of (NAME 2)
(1) arriba de ⬦..(2) encima de
9. waiter, waitress (NAME 2)
(1) camerero/camerera ⬦..(2) mesero/mesera
10. to have dinner or supper (intr.)
(1) cenar (intr.) ...(2 meanings, intr. & tr.)
11. beside (NAME 2)
(1) junto a (next to) ⬦..(2) al lado de (contraction for 'a el lado de')
12. the menu (NAME 2)
(1) la carta (2) el menú
13. the pastry shop (NAME 2)
(1) la dulceria (2) la pasteleria
14. the post office (NAME 3)
(1) la oficina de correos ⬦.(2) el correo ⬦.(3) la casa de correos
15. however (NAME 2)
(1) no obstante (conj.) ⬦..(2) sin embargo
16. The "3 P Words": (1) heavy (2) piece (3) past
(1) pesado: heavy ⬦.(2) pedazo: piece ⬦.(3) pasado(a): past
17. to mean (to want to say) (NAME 2)
(1) querer decir ⬦..(2) significar
18. a delay (name 2)
(1) un retraso ⬦.(2) una demora
19. to have [something] for dinner or supper (tr.)
(2) cenar (tr.) ...(2 meanings, intr. & tr.)
20. come in!, come on ahead!
21. go ahead!
22. certainly not!
¡por supuesto que no!
23. all together now!
¡todos a la vez!
24. how much are strawberries today? (using the idiom)
¿a cómo están las fresas hoy?
25. how much, at what price? (using the idiom)
¿a cómo? (id.)
26. How far is the town? (using the idiom)
¿a qué distancia está el pueblo?
27. How far? (using idiom)
¿a qué distancia? (id., distance)
28. did you eat enough? (familiar)
¿comiste suficientemente?
29. how is that possible? (using the idiom)
¿cómo así? (id.)
30. how are you?
¿cómo está usted?
31. why didn't you come yesterday?
¿cómo no viniste ayer?
32. What did you say? (NAME 2)
¿qué dijiste?
33. How far? (Henry Raymond)
¿Que tan lejos?
34. across, through
a través de
35. through it
a través de ello
36. across the plains
a través de las praderas
37. sometimes (as in 'occasionally') (NAME 2)
a veces
38. down
abajo (2 meanings)
39. downstairs
abajo (2 meanings)
40. to reduce the price of, to reduce the value of, to cheapen
41. to polish, to make shiny
42. to open
43. bored or boring (depending upon usage)
aburrido (2 meanings)
44. to end (NAME 2)
acabar (2 meanings)
45. to finish (NAME 2)
acabar (2 meanings)
46. to finish, to end (NAME 2)
acabar, terminar (2 meanings)
47. ahead
adelante (2 meanings)
48. come in!, come on ahead!
adelante (2 meanings)
49. forward
adelante (adv.) (2 meanings)
50. forward, ahead
adelante (adv.) (2 meanings)
51. outside (of) {as in: 'on the outside'} (NAME 2)
afuera (de)
52. now or later
ahora o despues
53. to the end of the street
al final de la calle
54. to the front
al frente
55. beside (NAME 2)
al lado de
56. across from, on the other side of
al otro lado de
57. something
58. something and "some thing"
algo y "alguna cosa"
59. some day
algun dia
60. some thing
alguna cosa
61. sometime [singular]
alguna vez
62. some people
algunas personas
63. some (as in 'several') (m/f)
algunos, algunas
64. to eat lunch
65. lunch
66. to rent (NAME 2)
67. to rent (NAME 2)
alquilar, rentar
68. about, approximately (name 2)
alrededor de
69. around or about (as in 'about 10 o’clock')
alrededor de ⬦..(pron., ah - rreth' - a - door - day)
70. about 10 o'clock
alrededor de las diez ⬦..(pron., ah - rreth' - a - door - day)
71. around the year 1450
alrededor del año catorce cincuenta ⬦..(pron., ah - rreth' - a - door - del)
72. high
alto/alta (2 meanings)
73. tall
alto/alta (2 meanings)
74. to love (NAME 2)
amar, querer
75. ahead of (id.) (name 2)
antes de (id.)
76. before (earlier than, time)
antes de (prep.)
77. ahead of (id.) (name 2)
antes que (id.)
78. ahead of (id.) (name 2)
antes que, antes de (id.)
79. before and after
antes y después
80. to learn
81. upstairs
arriba (2 meanings)
82. upstairs
arriba (also: up)
83. up
arriba (also: upstairs)
84. in addition (NAME 2)
arriba de (2 meanings)
85. on top of (NAME 2)
arriba de (2 meanings)
86. on top of / in addition (NAME 2)
arriba de ⬦.encima de (2 meanings)
87. as soon as (id.)
así como (id.)
88. to attend, to be present
89. behind (as in 'toward the rear', 'in a former place') (name 2)
atrás, detrás (adv.)
90. to dance
bailar (also, danzar)
91. download, downloaded, downloading (name 2)
92. download, downloaded, downloading (name 2)
bajar, descargar
93. low
bajo/baja (2 meanings)
94. short
bajo/baja (2 meanings)
95. enough (name 2)
96. enough (name 2)
bastante, suficiente
97. to drink
98. ticket(s) (NAME 2)
boleto(s) (f.)
99. to look for
buscar (tr.)
100. each
101. each day
cada dia
102. hot
103. almost, nearly
104. almost
105. very nearly (id.)
casi casi (id., colloquial)
106. almost nothing (id.)
casi nada (id., 2 meanings)
107. almost nothing, next to nothing (id.)
casi nada (id., 2 meanings)
108. next to nothing (id.)
casi nada (id., 2 meanings)
109. almost never (id.)
casi nunca (id., 2 meanings)
110. hardly ever (id.)
casi nunca (id., 2 meanings)
111. hardly ever, almost never (id.)
casi nunca (id., 2 meanings)
112. 1450
catorce cincuenta
113. dinner
cena (f.)
114. We had an omelet for dinner
Cenamos una tortilla
115. around (or, 'about') (NAME 2)
cerca de, alrededor de
116. zero
117. certainly (adv.)
118. sure/certain
119. fifty
120. five
121. to eat
122. to eat
comer (tr.)
123. they ate at home
Comieron en casa
124. we ate a lot of bread
Comimos mucho pan
125. about, approximately (name 2)
como (a)
126. about, approximately (name 2)
como (a), alrededor de
127. as (as in 'in the capacity of')
como (adv.)
128. like (as in 'similar to')
como (adv.)
129. how (as in 'why?)
como (adv.) (en 'por qué')
130. how (as in 'what condition')
como (adv.) (en 'qué condiciones')
131. as (as in 'according to')
como (adv.) (en 'según')
132. as (comparative)
como (adv.) (lo mismo que)
133. as (as in 'as soon as') "as he arrived..."
como (conj.) (así que),
134. such as (as in 'for example')
como (conj.) (en 'por ejemplo')
135. as (as in 'since')
como (conj.) (en 'puesto que')
136. about noon
como a mediodia (also: casi)
137. "as the Bible says"
como dice la Biblia
138. like this but bigger
como este pero mas grande (como: like: similar to)
139. How do I print?
Como imprimo?
140. As he arrived, the orchestra began to play
como llegó, la orquesta empezó a tocar
141. since we did not have time, we were not able to finish the project
como no teníamos tiempo, no pudimos terminar el proyecto
142. As president he must attend
Como presidente que es, tiene que asistir
143. as if (id.) (name 2)
como que
144. as if (id.) (name 2)
como que, como si
145. so to speak (id.)
como quien dice (id.)
146. as if (id.) (name 2)
como si
147. What did you say? (NAME 2)
Como? Como dijo?
148. to know people or places
149. fine things
cosas finas
150. to be hard (id.)
costar trabajo (id.)
151. to believe
152. when
153. vacancy (NAME 2)
cuarto desocupado (room unoccupied)
154. birthday
155. happy birthday
cumpleaños felices
156. in agreement with or in accordance with me (id.)
de acuerdo con(migo)
157. between now and then (id.)
de aquí a entonces (id.)
158. sometimes (as in 'occasionally') (NAME 2)
de vez en cuando
159. occasionally
de vez en cuando (adv.)
160. sometimes (as in 'occasionally') (NAME 2)
de vez en cuando or a veces
161. below, underneath
debajo de
162. under
debajo de (prep.)
163. under the bed
debajo de la cama
164. We should leave.
Debemos irnos. [Debemos: we should ⬦ go]
165. to have to (as in 'should')
166. I should leave.
Debo irme.
167. sport, the sports
deporte, los deportes
168. to eat breakfast
169. breakfast
170. download, downloaded, downloading (name 2)
171. since
desde (adv.)
172. of course (name 3)
desde luego, por supuesto
173. of course (name 3)
desde luego, por supuesto
174. slowly (NAME 2)
175. slowly (NAME 2)
despacio, lentamente
176. afterward, later, next, then (time, behind in place or order)
después (4 meanings)
177. afterward (time, behind in place or order)
después (4 meanings)
178. later (time, behind in place or order)
después (4 meanings)
179. next (time, behind in place or order)
después (4 meanings)
180. then (time, behind in place or order)
después (4 meanings)
181. later (as in 'afterwards')
después (4 meanings)
182. next (as in 'afterwards')
después (4 meanings)
183. then (as in 'afterwards')
después (4 meanings)
184. after, afterward
después (adv.)
185. after, afterward (name 2) (time, behind in place or order)
después de
186. later than (as in 'behind' schedule)
después de (prep.)
187. (formal) after you
después de usted
188. after, afterward (name 2) (time, behind in place or order)
después de, detrás de
189. after, afterward (name 2) (time, behind in place or order)
detrás de
190. behind (as in 'in back of')
detrás de (prep.) (2 meanings)
191. in back of
detrás de (prep.) (2 meanings)
192. ten
193. the bottle opener
el abrebotellas
194. the department store
el almacen
195. last year
el año pasado
196. the airplane
el avion
197. The Central European Bank reduced the interest rates four times to the current 3.25 percent.
El Banco Central Europeo abarató cuatro veces los tipos de interés hasta el tres coma veinte y cinco actual.
198. the boat left behind schedule
el barco salió después de la hora
199. the locker (NAME 2)
el casillero
200. the locker (NAME 2)
el casillero, un cajon con llave
201. the little one ('little boy' and 'little girl')
el chico ⬦..el chica
202. he is even more intelligent than her
él es todavía más inteligente que ella
203. the end of the street
el final de la calle
204. the information (as in a report)
el informe (3 meanings)
205. the report
el informe (3 meanings)
206. the report, statement, information
el informe (3 meanings)
207. the statement
el informe (3 meanings)
208. the side
el lado
209. the menu (NAME 2)
el menu
210. the counter
el mostrador
211. the baggage check (NAME 2)
el mostrador del equipaje
212. The professor is boring.
El profesor es aburrido.
213. The professor is bored.
El profesor está aburrido.
214. trailer, the act or practice of towing, the act of being towed or drug behind
el remolque
215. he sat behind her
él se sentó detrás de ella
216. the postage stamp (NAME 2)
el sello
217. the postage stamp (NAME 2)
el sello, la estampilla
218. the service
el servicio
219. the flight
el vuelo
220. the self, the ego
el yo
221. to choose (NAME 2)
elegir (3 meanings)
222. to choose, to select, to elect
elegir (3 meanings)
223. to elect (as in politics)
elegir (3 meanings)
224. to select (NAME 2)
elegir (3 meanings)
225. she is not as tall as I
ella no es tan alta como yo
226. in this city it is not prudent to go out alone at night
en esta ciudad, no es prudente salir por la noche solo
227. at Garcia Street
en la calle de Garcia
228. in the middle of
en medio de
229. in addition (NAME 2)
encima (de) (2 meanings)
230. on top of (NAME 2)
encima (de) (2 meanings)
231. on top (of)
encima (de) (adv.)
232. facing, opposite, against [in opposition to]
enfrente (adv.)
233. in front (of)
enfrente (de)
234. then (at that time)
entonces (adv) ('en aquel momento')
235. then (as in 'in that case')
entonces (adv.)
236. then (in that case)
entonces ('en tal caso')
237. ticket(s) (NAME 2)
entrada(s) (f.)
238. ticket(s) (NAME 2)
entrada(s), boleto(s)
239. between
240. between a rock and a hard place (fig.)
entre la espada y la pared (figur.)
241. to choose (NAME 2)
escoger (2 meanings)
242. to select (NAME 2)
escoger (2 meanings)
243. desk
244. to wait
245. It's next to the hospital.
Esta a lado del hospital.
246. this address
esta direccion
247. Is the service included?
Esta incluido el servicio?
248. I am looking for Juan Pérez
Estoy buscando a Juan Pérez
249. I'm tired.
Estoy cansado.
250. I have been running since ten o'clock
estoy corriendo desde las diez

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