greeek ****
undefined, object
copy deck
- Covenant
- agreement w/god (circumcision)
- Pantomime
- music and dance
- Vault
- ceiling-like
- Divining
- interpreting animal entrails
- Skepticism
- nothing can be certain
- Forum
- agora
- Alexandrianism
- scholarly and historical
- Cynicism
- wants nothing, gets everything; autarky
- Barrel vault
- ceiling that looked like a barrel
- Groined/cross vault
- double-barrel vault
- Idylls
- portraits of greek life
- Hellenistic
- greek
- New Comedy
- satirical and middle class
- Keystone
- center stone
- Comedy of manners
- societal behavior play
- Epicureanism
- pleasure highest good, only atoms and void
- Genre subject
- scene taken from everyday life
- Neoclassicism
- nostalgic to older greek
- Cosmopolitan
- world view
- Sarcophagi
- marble tombs
- Corinthian
- tall, slender, ornamented
- Eschatology
- concern for end of world
- Satire
- rebuked the manners of the age
- Diaspora
- dispersion
- Pastoral
- poetic form from farming community
- Voussirs
- wedge-shaped stones
- Neoplatonism
- dealt with plato's dualism
- Koine
- colloquial greek
- Syncretism
- blending of religion
- Natural law
- higher justice than that made by humans