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1. Introductions to Humanities


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This term refers to nonreligious activities such as conducting business or voting for a political candidate.
The Renaissance
The humanities can be traced to a historical period in Europe known as this . This is a French word that means "rebirth". This was a great artistic, literary, and cultural movement that began in Italy and eventually spread to England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and other European countries in the late 1400's. This period actually began around 1300 A.D. and continued through 1600 A.D.
Through the nonmaterial cullture, ideas, beliefs, and rules are passed down from generation to generation, which is known as this. This must be done to ensure the survival of the cultlure.
Secular Humanism
The influence of humanism continues to the present day. Many people use this term to describe the belief that the values of the modern world are more important than religious or personal values.
Natural Sciences
Which one of the sciences involves a study of the physical world including earth, space, and life. This science includes biology, astronomy, chemistry, physics, earth science, ecology, zoology, and botany.
The Dark Ages
This was the time period from 476 to 1000 and was a time in Europe when there was a low level of learning and very little commercial activity. Leaders of the Renaissance reflected many of the attitudes and ideas of the Middle Ages. For example, European thinkers in medieval times believed that the people's chief responsibility was to pray to God and concentrate on saving their souls. They thought society was filled with evil temptations.
This is a group of academic subjects that examine the artistic and cultural accomplishments of a people. It focuses on the philosophical, spiritual, and artistic aspects of life on earth. Subjects in the humanities include both the visual and performing arts.
Social Sciences
Which one of the sciences examines how people have organized the way they live and their relationship with other human. These social sciences include: anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, history, and geography.
Material Culture
This culture consists of items a society makes and uses including computers, houses, trucks, airplanes, televisions, clothing, highways, and schools. It also includes the knowledge needed to make such items, and this knowledge is known as technology.
Some leaders of the Renaissance movement rejected the attitudes and ideas of the Middle Ages and the authority of the Catholic church. They wanted to recapture the spirit of the Greek and Roman cultures in their own artistic, literary, and philosophic works. Some of these individuals became part of the cultural movement known as this and emphasized people's responsibilities and duties to the society in which they lived. They believed that society civilized people rather than made them wicked.
Cultural Traits
Things such as customs, values, social institutions, art music, dance, language, and tradition are part of a society's culture and are called what? These are part of the material and nonmaterial aspects of a culture.
This man was another famous humanist and was a Dutch priest and scholar who condemmed the corrupt practices of the Catholic church. He wanted the church to reform and focus on the needs of the people more than with ceremony. He believed that the conflict between the secular world and religion could be resolved through education. He opposed the Protestant Reformation and the creation of a seperate church.
Saint Thomas More
This man was a famous humanist in England who believed a society should exist to eliminate the unequal treatment of the people. He challenged the Authority of King Henry VII and was executed for his beliefs.
This is defined as the way a society lives.
This man believed that there did not have to be a conflict between ancient classics and Christian thought of his day. His thinking was a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
The Medieval Period
The Renaissance overlapped the end of a period in European history known as this? (Also known as the Medieval period).
The Enlightenment
This perion of time was also referred to as the Neoclassical Period, or the Age of Reason. It was based on the concept that people could use reason to find happiness and knowledge. These thinkers believed that social progress could be enhanced through the search for scientific knowledge. They did not support the religious and social values of their day.
The Scholastics
The leading scholars of this period were theologians who studied the classic works of ancient Greek and Roman authors. These theologians wanted to study the classics to gain a better understanding of God.
The Middle Ages
This was the period that began around 455 and lasted about 1000 years.

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