Hexapoda: Diptera
Bolded words from the Hexapoda Lab
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- Cyclorrhapha
- Hover flies
- Diptera
- true flies; if wings present: only 1 pair + halteres;
- Brachycera
- larva with incomplete head and vertically biting mandibles; pupa obtect, generally free; antennae of adult generally three segmented; pleural suture of mesothorax twice bent
- obtect
- Having the wings and appendages enclosed or covered by a secretion that forms a hard shell or horny case, as the pupae of most butterflies and moths.
- Cyclorrhapha (Hover flies)
- mimics of bees/wasps; eat aphids; important pollenators
- Robber flies
- huters of mid-flight insects; long legs for catching, strong proboscis; hairs to protect eyes
- Horse flies
- large, biting flies, bite for food
- Dung flies (several families)
- northern temperate dung
- Soldier flies
- pollen/nectar feeders as adults; larva have CaCO₃ thickened skin
- Nematocera
- mosquitoes; small, delicate flies; long legs, antennae, long, thin wings; many are ancient;
- holometabolous
- undergoing complete metamorphosis
- Bee flies
- large flies with a thin proboscis; nectar feeders; 2 distinct larval stages; worm-like larvae crawl into burrow of solitary wasp, eats stored pollen, then becomes a maggot, eats wasp young, then metamorphoses, leaves
- Cyclorrhapha
- larva with vestigial head; pupa exarate, usually in a puparium; antennae of adult with three segments; pleural suture twice bent; head with frontal lunule and a ptilinum
- Dance flies
- look and act like robber flies; differences: eyes bluge less, larvae are carniverous
- Nematocera
- larva with complete head and horizontally biting mandibles; pupa obtect, generally free, antennae of adults usually many segmented; pleural suture of mesothorax generally straight
- Drosophilidae
- fruit flies!
- Brachycera
- Horse flies, Robber flies, Soldier flies, Bee flies, Dance flies
- ___ --> hatches into grub --> ___ --> pupates --> ___
- egg --> ___ --> grows, sheds skin ---> ___ --> adult fly