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Ch. 7 World History


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After the English Revolution, Cromwell abolished the monarchy ad the House of Lords and declared England a republic, or _______________
Peter the Great
One of the most prominent members of the Romanov dynasty under whose influence Russia became a great military power
English Revolution
civil war in England that involved a struggle between king and Parliament
Cromwell's army was made up chiefly of more extreme Puritan's known as ____________ who believed they were doing batle for God.
divine right of kings
kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God
Charles I
king who was executed by Cromwell
King Philip II of Spain
the greatest supporter of militant Catholicism in the second half of the 16th century
Ivan IV
the first ruler to take the title of czar
Protestants in England inspired by Calvinist ideas
Peace of Westphalia
officially ended the Thirty Years' War and stated that all German states, including the Calvinist ones, could determine their own religion
All major European powers except England
What countries were involved in the Thirty Years' War?
Cardinal Mazarin
When Louis XIV came to the throne at the age of four, the chief minister, ________________took control of the government
supporters of the parliament in the English civil war
sank during storms
What happened to many of the Spanish ships during the invasion of England?
General War Commissariat
Agency set up by Frederick William to levy taxes for his army and oversee its growth.
rising prices
Jean Baptiste Colbert
controller-general of finances for Louis XIV who sought to increase the welath and power of France by following the ideas of mercantilism
nightly gatherings where witches were thought to feast and dance in worship of the devil
St. Petersburg
After a long and hard-fought war with Sweden, Peter began construction of a new city on the Baltic sea that would become his window on the West.
line of rulers who followed the Tudors
Exclusion Bill
Introduced by Parliament to bar Charles II's brother James, who was Catholic, from the throne
the house of _________, was made up of nobles who ruled the southern French kingdom of Navarre
a system in which a ruler holds total power
fleet of warships
Thirty Years' War
called the last of the religious wars
poor, single or widowed women over 50 years old
people most often accused of witchcraft
advisors told him the people of England would rise up against the queen
Why did Philip II send out his fleet knowing he did not have enough ships or manpower?
Rump Parliament
What was left of the parliament after Cromwell purged everyone who had not supported him
Elizabeth Tudor
During her reign, England became the leader of the Protestant nations of Europe and laid the foundations for a world empire
Bill of Rights
helped create a system of government based on the rule of law and a freely elected Parliament
the Russian word for caesar
Edict of Nantes
recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France but also gave the Huguenots the right to worship
supporters of the king in the English civil war
French Protestants influenced by John Calvin
Act of Supremacy
named Elizabeth as the only supreme governor of both church and state
Russian nobility
William the Silent
Dutch leader who led the resistance against Philip of Spain
William of Orange
Dutch leader who was husband of James's daughter Mary
Cardinal Richelieu
Louis XIII's chief minister, who strengthened the power of the monarchy by taking away the political and military rights of the Huguenots
miltary dictatorship
After destroying both king and Parliament, Cromwell set up a _____________________.
Charles II
Cromwell ruled until his death and more that a year later, Parliament restored the monarchy by appointing _____________to the throne.
dismissed Parliament
To foil the Exlusion Bill, Charles __________________ and when he died, James II became king.
Oliver Cromwell
parliamentary forces proved victorious due larely to the New Model Army of _________________, a military genius
Louis established his royal court at ______________
James I
King of Scotland who ascended to the throne of England after the death of his cousin Elizabeth I
Frederick William the Great Elector
laid the foundation for the state of Prussia
In 1588, Philip II of Spain tried to invade _____________ by sea with too few ships, too little manpower and inferior weapons
personal household of the king, chief offices of the state, place where powerful subjects came to find favors and offices for themselves
What purposes did the royal court at Versailles serve?
Ivan the Terrible
Nickname of Russia's first czar
Toleration Acto of 1689
granted Puritans, but not Catholics, the right of free public worship
Henry of Navarre
political leader of the Huguenots and member of the Bourbon dynasty who succeeded to the throne as Henry IV and then converted to Catholicism
Glorious Revolution
William and Mary raised an army and invaded England while James, his wife and infant son fled to France. With almost no bloodshed, England had undergone a _____________

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