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Shay's Rebellion
more than a thousand farmers were burdened with personal debts caused by economic problems stemming from the states' Revolutionary War debts. These farmers seized a federal arsenal in Massachusetts in just one of many protests debt-ridden farmers made during this period.
Bill of Rights
a statement of states' rights and individuals' rights
Battle of Yorktown
the last battle, site where Cornwallis surrendered in the American Revolution.
Marquis de Lafayette
A French Noble. He commanded American troops and fought battles in many states. He also returned to France for a time to work with Franklin and the French king on how best to win American Independence.
Benjamin Franklin
He served as the American ambassador to France, convinced the French to form a military alliance with the Americans, and France agreed to wage war against Britain until America gained independence.
Tran Atlantic Trade (Navigation Acts)
Parliament's attempt to control trade with its American colonies. All goods shipped to or from British North America had to travel to British ships, and any goods exported to Europe had to land first in Britain to pay British taxes
Proclamation of 1763
Parliament forbade Americans from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains in an effort to limit their conflicts with Native Americans
John Adams
Like Washington, the second President set examples that influenced future presidents as well as the course of American history, but his administration was plagued by conflicts with France and Great Britain that crippled the nation's economy and he received harsh political criticism from supporters of Vice President Jefferson.
Executive Branch
The Presidency.
Declaration of Independence
the philosophical and legal reasons for seeking independence from Britain.
Half-Way Covenant
allow partial church membership for the children and grandchildren of the original Puritans.
It was a colony founded by the religiously tolerant Quakers, led by William Penn
Stamp Act
It rwquired the colonists to print newspapers, legal documents, playing cards, ect., on paper bearing special stamps.
Middle Passage
The sea voyage that carried Africans to North America.
Alexander Hamiliton
The first Secretary of Treasury.
Name for those who supported the Constitution and a strong central government.
Sons of Liberty
a secret orgsnization. To show thier dislike of British rule, they damaged British property, including government offices and the homes of wealthy supporters of the British.
This theory held that Earth had a limited supply of wealth in the form of natural resources, especially gold and silver, so the best way to become a stronger nation was to acquire the most wealth.
Rhode Island Seetlement
colony founded by religious dissenters from Massachusetts who were more tolerant of different religious beliefs.
Political Parties
Jefferson believed that the national governement must limit its power to those areas described by the Constitution, while Hamiliton wanted to expnad the power of the government to stabilize the nation and its economy. These differences led to the first ?
the first permanent French settlement in North America. The French instructed their colonists to spread the Catholic faith in the New World.
The Federalists
a series of articles that supported ratification of the Constitution and explained the intent behind its Constitution
Crossing the Delaware
a surprise attack on a fort occupied by Hessiam mercenaries fighting for the British. This victory proved Washongton's army could fight as well as an experienced European army.
New Amsterdam
the British conquered this colony and renamed it New York. A diverse population kept alive this center of trade and commerce founded by the Dutch, whom the British invited to remain there.
Bacon's Rebellion
Poor English and slave colonists staged an uprising against the govenor of Virginia and his landowning supporters. In what is called ?, the landless rebels wnated harsher action against the Native Americans so more land would be availiable to the colonists.
James Madison
Father of the Constitution.
Charles de Montesquieu
French political thinker whose ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence.
Great Awakening
A religious movement. Ministers said that people would feel God's love only if they admitted their sins. The people were told that each believer should seek his or her oen personal and emotional relationship with God.
Salem Witch Trials
Causes of the trials included extreme religious faith, stress from a growing population and its bad relations with Native Americans, and the narrow opportunities for women and girls to participate in Puritan society.
House of Burgesses
the first European-type legislative body in the New World
Valley Forge
winter camp where Washington ordered an intense training program-like a modern boot camp-that turned the Continental Army into a capable and self-assured infantry.
Mid-Atlantic Colonies
the territory between New England and Virginia.
Separation of Powers
Powers were divided in two ways within the new governement. First, power was divided between national and state governments.
Daughters of Liberty
women who joined the Sons of Liberty in protesting British rule in North America. They wove homespun fabric to make clothes and other goods so the colonists would not need to rely on British imports.
Native Americans had lived for centuries on the land the English called Virginia. A notable Native American chieftain in the region was ?. Soon after the English settlers arrived, they forced the Native Americans off their own land so it could be used by the settlers for agricultural purposes, especially to grow tobacco.
Massachusetts Bay
The name of the first New England colony established by the Puritans.
French and Indian War
This war broke out in 1754 when Great Britain challenged the French for control of the land that is now Ohio and western Pennsylvania.
John Locke
His ideas of natural rights were important to the Declaration of Independence.
Checks and Balances
To safeguard against an abuse of power, the Constitution gave each branch of government a way to check and balance the power of the other branches.
General Cornwallis
British general who surrendered British forces at Yorktown.
Great Compromise
called for the creation of a legislature with two chambers, a House of Represntatives with representations based on population and a senate with equal representation for all states.
Articles of Confederation
It reflected Americans' fear of a powerful national government. As a result, it create a government that had no executive branch and lacked the power to tax, regulate commerce, or establish one national currency.
King Philip's War
Many colonists died in this war, but it caused such a heavy loss of life among the Native Anerican population that large areas of southern New Englan became English settlements.
African-American Culture
Slave communities were rich with music, dance, basket-weaving, and pottery-making. Enslaved Africans brought them the arts and crafts skills of their various tribes.
They believed the government created by the Constitution would be too powerful and would eliminate the power of the states. They also argued that the Constitution did not describe the rights guaranteed to the states and to each citizen.
Virginia Company
an English firm that planned to make money by sending people to America to find gold and other valuable natural resources and then ship the resources back to England
Thomas Paine
He published Common Sense. This small pamphlet had a big effect and moved many Americans to support independence from Great Britain.
1783 Treaty of Paris
Treaty which ended the American Revolutionary War. The United States won its independence from Great Britain and gained control of land strtching to the Mississippi River.
Whiskey Rebellion
resulted when, up and down areas west of the Appalachians, armed violence broke out as farmers frightened and attacked federal tax collectors. George Washington led a large militia force into the western counties and put down the rebellion. Washingotn's response showed his constitutional authority to enforce the law and that if Americans did not like a law, the way to change it was to petition Congress peacefully.
Intolerable Acts
closed the port of Boston as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. These acts allowed British officials accused of major crimes to be tried in England and forcd the colonists to house British troops on their property.
Committee of Correspondence
formed because American patriots could not communicate publicly. One commitee would exchange written communications with another committee within or between the colonies.

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