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Ch. 23


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Louis Blanc
Wrote Organization of Work, Stressed having a universal vote and a peaceful takeover of the current government.
A prince born in the Ottoman Empire, he fought as an officer in Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. He also headed a secret society called Filiki Eteria, which sparked the beginning of Greek independence.
Six Acts
aimed to prevent radical meetings, like the one that sparked the Peterloo Massacre. It called such meetings 'overt act[s] of treasonable activity'. The laws passed, despite opposition from the Whigs.
Revolutionary Etude, The Wish
Quadruple Alliance
Started March of 1813) United Kingdom, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, wanted to maintain the settlement after the Napoleonic wars.
Louis XVIII and Charles X
With their reign known as the Bourbon Restoration, Louis XVIII was put on the French throne due to Talleyrand's influence, and although people were immediately glad to have him, public support wained as he tried to undo the things the revolution created. He lost his power to a ministry led by Comte de Villele, who quietly made the decisions for him. Louis finally died in 1824, leaving the throne to Charles X. Charles didn't last long because of some weird, complicated controversy that I don't feel like figuring out for you guys (sorry dudes), and he left for England, putting Louis Phillipe in power.
Louis Napoleon
Was not only the first president of the French Republic (for two terms), but was also the last emperor. As emperor, he was called Napoleon III and he was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Was a German philosopher who wrote and influenced many others (like Marx) with his writings. He is most often characterized by his 'three-step process' of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.
Economic interpretation of history
1st Marxian Principle
6th Marxian Principle
Joseph M.W. Turner
The Battle of Trafalgar, Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Troops Crossing the Alps
Dictatorship of the proletariat
5th Marxian Principle
Sturm & Drang
'Storm and Stress' was a movement in German literature and music. Extreme emotions were freely expressed, such as greed, revenge, love and hate.
People's Charter
A movement for political and social reform in England from 1838 to 1848. The main goals were: universal suffrage for all men over the age of 21, equal-sized electoral districts, voting by secret ballot, an end to the need for a property qualification for Parliament, pay for members of Parliament, annual election of Parliament
Pierre Joseph Proudon
Wrote What is Property? Said that property is theft, and that it should all be communal land of the people. Stressed fear of state because the government could take over your property. He said that the people should get the property and determine its uses.
Whigs and Tories
higs were fans of constitutional monarchy and were opposed to absolute rule. Tories believed in Divine right, and were strong fans of the Anglican Church.
Possible Prussian Governments
Liberal National state, conservate Prussian empire
Holy Alliance
Was a Coalition between Russia, Austria and Prussia created in 1815. It was supposed to install Christian values all throughout Europe, and also to prevent French ideas of Revolution from entering their countries. Metternich was responsible for spreading its goals from just Christian values to preventing Revolution. All European countries would join except for Great Britain, the Vatican, and the Ottoman Empire.
Third Symphony
Henri de Saint Simon
Parasites and Doers, Wanted to improve the poor. He had the idea similar to "only being as strong as your weakest link."
Alexis de Tocqueville
Was a French philosopher and historian who wrote 'Democracy in America' and 'The Old Regime and the Revolution'.
Germany, Britain and Romanticism
believed in powerful emotions, imagination and the greatness of nature, thought man was insignifican. British writers were the first to focus on romantic poetry and were influenced by German romantics some British romantics
Metternich and Nationalism (Greeks)
Austria was strong because of their large population and vast territory, but weak because of potentially dissatisfied nationalities, making Metternich want to oppose Liberalism and Nationalism, and support conservatism. so when the greeks asked him for help to rebel he said no because he was against nationalism in case it somehow was spread to the Austrain people.
All of history is a class struggle
2nd Marxian Principle
Corn Laws (1815)
Revised in 1815 these laws didn't allow for importing of cheap grain, this gave way to great anger towards the landed aristocracy who imposed them for their own good. Only about 8% of the people inn England could vote causing a need for reforms, but the French revolution scared the nobility into further restrictions against the peasants.
Revolution of 1848
The Year of Revolutions," Revolutions broke out all across Europe for that year, triggered by the French Revolution. They were all subdued, but they had some sort of long lasting effects. The people were probably upset that they were silenced and they had no voice, that's my guess.
George Sand
Congress of Europe
Also know as the 'Congress System', it is the periodic meeting of leaders in Europe in an international conference as a result of the Napoleonic Age.
Ferdinand I
Austrian Hapsburg ruler who promised reforms and a liberal constitution after nationalistic Hungarians had demanded more liberties. He was asked to abdicate by Sophia, his brother's wife, in favor of Francis Joseph, Sophia's son.
Irish potato famine
1845-1851, 1.5 million died of starvation and many more emigrated to the US
Alex I
Surplus value "labor theory of value"
3rd Marxian Principle
The belief in emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, and spontaneity in both arts and social life.
Carlsbad decrees
A set of restrictions on Germany introduced by Metternich in 1819 to end reform movements and rebellions.
Reform Bill of 1832
Was an act of the British Parliament that changed many aspects of the electoral system. Gave more seats in the House of Commons to large cities and took away seats from 'rotten boroughs'.
Germaine de Stael
On Germany
Francis Joseph
Was a Hapsburg Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and King of Bohemia from 1848 until 1916.
Frederick William IV
Pressured by liberals who called for a constitutional monarchy, he allowed officials to draw up a constitution that would also unify Germany. Meeting in Frankfurt the delegates quickly got into a debate with Denmark over who controlled Schleig and Holstein. Denmark invaded these provinces and the Germans there revolted. The assembly at Frankfurt called on the Prussian military to take action. In March of 1849 the assembly completed its drawing up of the national German constitution, but the reaction had been so successful everywhere else Fredrick William revoked it and set back up the monarchy. Austria and Russia frightened by the German unification forced Prussia to un-unify Germany and reset up the confederation.
Massacre at Chios, Liberty Leading the People
Victor Hugo
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Austrian Ethnic Groups
The Czechs, The Slovens, Croats, Serbs, Ruthenians
For the rights of women and equal status
Peterloo Massacre
In 1819, during a public meeting in St. Peter's Fields (Manchester, England), calvary charged into the crowd, killing 11. The purpose of the meeting was to protest the Corn Laws.
John Constable
Salisbury Cathedral, The Cornfield
This is either French Utopian Socialism which is the desire to reorganize French society, to establish cooperation, and develop a new sense of community, or Marxism Socialism the belief that the working class was constantly being oppressed by the upper class so that the lower class could never rise up. He also used the history of economics to explain a never ending cycle of progression that would eventually lead to revolution.
Franz Liszt
The Legend of St. Elizabeth
Von Hardenburg
Charles Fourier
Calculated everything for a self-sufficient society with 1,620 people (who are all doers). He was a big Feminist He was anti-marriage, calling it a "form of prostitution" and said that it lowered women's class.
Louis Phillipe
King of the French from 1830 to 1848 during the 'July Monarchy' and was the last king to rule France.
The principles ideas of this are liberty and equality,
Metternich and the Dual Revolution
The period after the defeat of Napoleon when the middle class demanded a more representative government.
Coalition of March
The combination of students and workers fighting for rights for the serfs
When a group of people who share a common language, relligion, and culture want to form a country. It can also be anestablished country that its citizens have pride in their own country.
Inevitability of communism
4th Marxian Principle
Frankfurt Assembly
The first freely elected parliament in Germany. It's existence can be attributed to the 'March Revolution'
This art movement stressed strong emotion was beautiful, such as that shown in the musical composition Sturm and Drang. It had an emphasis on women and children. It was also strongly nationalistic.
Emphasizes liberty, freedom of rights, and equal opportunities. It supports ideas like freedom of speech, limitations of power, and a mixed economy.

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