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endowed with flesh; invested with bodily form; personified; Ex. devil incarnate; V: give bodily form to; embody
s finish
surface texture; completeness of execution
n hoary
white with age
n illimitable
infinite; limitless
n hermitage
home of a hermit
n gouge
overcharge (with high price); extort from; Ex. gouge the public; CF. usury
n immure
imprison; shut up in confinement; CF. wall
n gouge
tear out; cut out (as if with a gouge); Ex. gouge his eyes out; N: chisel for cutting out hollow areas in wood
n ignominy
deep disgrace; shame or dishonor; ADJ. ignominious; Ex. ignominous defeat
brief explanation of words used in the text
n haven
place of safety; refuge; harbor; Ex. tax haven
lacking caution; not prudent; injudicious
deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning; Ex. persuade her by guile
n impolitic
not wise; not expedient; not politic
n glaze
cover with a thin and shiny surface; apply a glaze to; N: thin, smooth, shiny coating (as for pottery); Ex. unglazed pottery
n hubris
arrogance; excessive self-conceit
n gestate
evolve as in prenatal growth; N. gestation: period of development from conception until birth
n impinge
infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of our lives.
n hibernal
wintry; wintery; of or like winter
n imbue
saturate(soak thoroughly); fill; Ex. imbue someone with feelings
n importunate
urging; always demanding; troublesomely urgent or persistent
tendency to disbelief
n herpetologist
one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology: branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians
n gorge
stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
s hail
frozen rain drop; V: salute or greet; precipitate hail
n glean
gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty
n inane
silly; senseless; Ex. inane remarks; N. inanity
s grim
causing great fear; unrelenting; determined in spite of fear; Ex. grim smile
n gustatory
affecting or relating to the sense of taste
someone who eats too much; ADJ. gluttonous: given to gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony: habit of eating too much
n glut
overstock; fill beyond capacity (with food); fill to excess; N: oversupply
n impuissance
powerlessness; feebleness
s charm
quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a spell on; bewitch
s imperil
put in danger
arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)
individual trait usually odd in nature; behavioral peculiarity; eccentricity; attitude, behavior, or opinion peculiar to a person; anything highly individual or eccentric; ADJ. idiosyncratic
s finished
properly made and complete; Ex. finished product/performance
s graduate
arrange into categories or grades; divide into marked intervals (for use in measurement); Ex. graduated ruler
imperceptible(not easily understood); intangible; OP. palpable: tangible; easily perceptible
n hackles
hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog; Ex. make someone's hackles rise
sleep throughout the winter; N. hibernation
n grotto
small cavern
fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural (causing fear or amusement)
n gourmet
connoisseur of food and drink; epicure
please; satisfy; Ex. gratify a desire
beginning; in an early stage
s scowl
frown angrily; N: angry frown
not repentant
n hue_and_cry
outcry; loud cry or clamor; strong protest; Ex. hue and cry against the new rule
n harrowing
agonizing; distressing; traumatic; V. harrow: break up and level (soil) with a harrow; inflict great distress on; agonize; N: farming machine to break up the earth
weightless; that cannot undergo precise evaluation; CF. pound
n grate
make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred by rubbing against a rough surface; Ex. grated cheese N: framework of metal bars to hold fuel in a fireplace
s groom
man employed to take care of horses; V: make neat and trim; clean and brush (an animal)
n hinterlands
back country; inner part of a country; OP. foreland
n grouse
complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump chickenlike game bird
n hortatory
encouraging; exhortive; marked by exhortation; CF. exhort
n husbandry
frugality; thrift; economy; agriculture; farming; Ex. animal husbandry; CF. husbandman
n humus
substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter; CF. soil
n impugn
dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); attack as false or questionable; challenge; gainsay; CF. fight
incapable of being pacified; impossible to appease; Ex. implacable enemy
unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable
s mat
not shiny; matte; having a dull finish; N: flat piece of material used as a floor covering; V.
start; beginning
n husband
use sparingly; conserve; save; Ex. husband one's energy; CF. house holder
burden; very worriying problem; mental care; nightmare; male devil; CF. succubus
affectedly grand; pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive; great in size or scope; grand; Ex. grandiose ideas
understood but not stated; implied; unquestioning and complete; Ex. implicit trust
n hilarity
boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious: full of laughter
n igneous
produced by fire; of fire; volcanic; (of rocks) formed from lava; Ex. igneous meteorite
n habituate
accustom or familiarize; addict
impressiveness; stateliness; majesty
teach (ideas or principles); instill
n hapless
unfortunate; luckless
n incrustation
hard coating or crust; V. incrust: encrust; cover with a crust
of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout
s mutter
utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones
n hew
cut to pieces with ax or sword; chop; N.
n hermetic
sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; airtight
n glossy
smooth and shining; N. gloss: shiny brightness on a surface; superficially attractive appearance; Ex. gloss of good manners
insolent; rude; not pertinent; N. impertinence
lacking self-restraint; not continent; licentious
n headlong
hasty; rash; headfirst; ADV.
s gloss
brief explanation note or translation of a difficult expression; V.
illusive; deceptive; not real
freedom from punishment or harm; CF. punish
not essential; minor; N: something incidental
n hindmost
furthest behind; farthest to the rear
seriousness; ADJ. grave
s mongrel
plant or animal (esp. a dog) of mixed breed; ADJ.
s vivid
(of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike mental images; Ex. vivid red hair/description
given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for; done without good reason; Ex. gratuitous comment
n impute
attribute; ascribe; charge; N. imputation
pride; arrogance; ADJ. haughty
n idiom
expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style (of expression); Ex. idiom of the modern popular music; ADJ. idiomatic
pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described
n gory
bloody; N. gore: blood (from a wound)
n gratis
free; without charge; ADJ.
n gibe
mock; make jeering remarks; N: jeering remarks
grain-eating; CF. herbivore
not noticing; disregarding
harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks); raid
impertinence; insolence
s sleek
smooth and shining (as from good health); V.
impervious; not permitting passage through its substance; impossible to permeate
act of assuming a human body and human nature; one who personifies something; personification; Ex. previous incarnation/reincarnation
forerunner (which foreshadows what is to come)
n halcyon
calm; peaceful; Ex. halcyon days
s masquerade
wear a mask or disguise; pretend; N: costume party or ball at which masks are worn; pretense; disguise
apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.
fluent (with insincerity or superficiality); facile; slick
not spacious; inconvenient
not able to be traveled or crossed
cause of complaint; complaint
urge on; drive with a goad; cause (someone) to do something by continued annoyance; Ex. They goaded him into doing it by saying he was a coward; N: sharp-pointed stick for driving cattle; stimulus; CF. annoy continually
n grapple
wrestle; come to grips with; take hold of and struggle with; Ex. grapple with the burglar
n glutinous
sticky; viscous; gluey
n impeccable
irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety
rate of occurrence; particular occurrence; Ex. high incidence of infant mortality
n holocaust
destruction by fire; CF. burnt whole; CF. Holocaust
n immolate
offer or kill as a sacrifice (by fire)
n hirsute
hairy; having a lot of hair
s graphite
black form of carbon used in lead pencils
n hap
chance; luck
n imbroglio
complicated situation (as in a play); painful or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement; confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil
without feeling; expressionless; imperturbable; stoical; Ex. impassive face
n gourmand
epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
n grill
question severely; cook on a grill; broil; N: cooking surface of parallel metal bars
n gorge
narrow canyon; steep rocky cleft; ravine (made by a stream which runs through it)
s sheer
pure; thin and transparent; very steep
s gerontology
study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age
n harangue
long, passionate, and vehement speech; V.
n gull
trick; deceive; hoodwink; N: person who is easily tricked; dupe
s primal
first in rank or importance; being first in time; original; Ex. man's primal innocence
n gruel
thin liquid porridge
n hummock
small hill; hillock
(of a person or speech) using high sounding or important-sounding language; pompous; bombastic
n hermetic
concerning alchemy or magic; obscure and mysterious; occult
n ignoble
unworthy; not noble; dishonorable; Ex. ignoble deed
s spin
rotate swiftly; make (thread) by twisting (cotton, wool, etc.); N.
n iconoclastic
attacking cherished traditions; N. iconoclast: one who attacks traditional ideas; one who destroys sacred images
n gossamer
sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb
n hale
s wage
begin and continue (a war)
n imperious
domineering; too commanding; haughty; CF. imperial/emperor
n inchoate
(of desire, wish, plan) recently begun; not explicit; at the beginning of development; rudimentary; elementary; Ex. inchoate mass
arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks; body of persons having authority
n imprecation
curse; swearword
n hyperbole
exaggeration; overstatement; ADJ. hyperbolic: of hyperbole; of a hyperbola
s matin\'ee(matinee)
dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon
n hone
sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a tool
s natal
connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal
n hireling
one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. hireling politician
n incantation
singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula; (the saying of) words used in magic; CF. enchant
n incorporeal
without a material body; insubstantial
n gloat
express evil satisfaction; look at or think about with evil satisfaction; view malevolently; Ex. The thief gloated over the stolen jewels.
s impart
grant a share of; make known; Ex. news to impart
n histrionic
theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior
s idyll(idyl)
short poem idealizing rural life; simple happy period of life (in the country); scene from such a time; Ex. idyll of two young lovers
pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N. hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess; CF. hypocrite
s totem
animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; Ex. totem pole
n glimmer
shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim or unsteady light; faint indication; Ex. glimmer of hope
n hovel
shack; small wretched house
thriftless; not providing for the future
s glamor
compelling charm; ADJ. glamorous
commonplace; trite
s gnarl
protruding knot on a tree; V.
n glaring
(of something bad) highly conspicuous; harshly bright; shining intensely and blindingly
n glower
scowl; glare; look or stare angrily
n heterodox
(of beliefs) against accepted opinion; unorthodox; unconventional
improperness; unsuitableness
n gesticulation
motion; gesture; V. gesticulate: make gestures (while speaking)
drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action
like an emperor; related to an empire; CF. imperialism
n guy
cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied; CF. guide
n hurtle
crash; rush; move with great speed; Ex. hurtling runaway train
domestic; made at home; spun or woven at home; simple and ordinary; Ex. homespun philosophy
sociable; (of an animal) tending to form a group
(appreciatively) cutting; sharp; Ex. incisive remarks; V. incise: make a cut into
deceiving; based on illusion; causing illusion; deceptive
n gnarled
n importune
beg persistently; make repeated requests (in an annoying way)
s slick
make smooth or glossy; N: smooth surface; Ex. oil slick; ADJ: smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib
n hubbub
confused uproar; loud noise; din
without money
s shudder
shake uncontrollably; tremble; V.
s high-flown
highly pretentious or inflated
dwarf; underground spirit who guards treasure hoards
block; obstacle; V. hinder
n hegemony
dominance especially of one nation over others
s glitter
shine brightly with flashing points of light; Ex. glittering diamond ring; N: sparkling light; attractiveness; glamor; Ex. glitter of the sun on the waves
n granary
storehouse for grain
system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture
n guffaw
boisterous laughter; V.
n gerrymander
change voting district lines in order to favor a political party; N. CF. Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander
picture writing; ADJ.
n granulate
form into grains or granules; N. granule: grain or particle
s recital
act of reciting publicly; detailed account; performance of music or dance (by a solo performer)
s stately
formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic
n gloss_over
explain away with the intention of deceiving or hiding faults

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