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bio pages 115-end


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structural features of bacteria
cell wall, glycocalyx, capsule, and slime layer
micro tubules of the mitotic spindle will enter the nucleus, and bind to the chromosomes via the KINETOCHORE
rod shaped bacteria
CYTOKENISIS occurs and the cell is separated into two daughter cells, cleavage furrow separates the cell into two
change caused by a alteration of a chromosome
histone and nonhistone
proteins associated with chromatin
division of a cell into 2 cells with 46 chromosomes (diploid) a body cell
formed from solenoids
recombinant DNA
a DNA molecule that is made in in-vitro with segments from other species
histone proteins form spools called _____________ around which the DNA of a cell is wound
this part of interphase is referred to as the first "gap" of cell growth and functioning. it occurs before the onset of DNA replication
DNA is synthesized (replicated)
the second "Gap" and occurs right before the cell begins cell division (mitosis)
anatomy of a chromosome
histone-> nucleosomes-> solenoid-> minibands->chromosome
binary fission
how bacteria reproduce their chromosomal DNA
positively charged proteins that bind to negative phosphate groups of the DNA in chromatin
division of a cell into 2 cells with (half) 23 chromosomes (haploid) sex cell
nonhistone proteins
are proteins that are involved in genetic regulation
spontaneous mutations
mutations that occur in nature
spiral shaped bacteria
induced mutations
mutations that result from human intervention or other identifiable causes (ultraviolet light, radiation, chemical agents, ect.)
rolling circle mechanism
replication of the plasmid
the science involved with the direct manipulation of organisms of their components in order to perform important tasks or provide useful products
a diffuse nucleoprotein mass that DNA exists in when not replicating
chromosomes will SEPARATE and MOVE to the opposite poles/ends of the cell
2 ways in which bacteria reproduce
binary fission(chromosomal DNA) and rolling circle mechanism(plasmid DNA)
genetic transfer of a plasmid from one living bacteria to another living bacteria using a pilus
genetic engineering
the science involved with manipulating the genes of a living organism to achieve practical results
Noun-lineage of genetically identical individuals or cells, Verb-production of one or more genetic replicas of an individual or cells
nuleosomes form groups of six known as __________
longest phase in cell cycle, end stages CENTROSOME is replicated, has 3 parts "G1", "S", and "G2"
cytokenesis on cleavage furrow
indentation/pinching where the cell will separate into two
total hereditary endowment of a cell
centrosomes are now located at the poles, and chromosomes line up in MIDDLE of the cell called the EQUATORIAL PLATE
Koch's Postulates
1) a specific organism must be observed from the tissue specimens of a dead or diseased animal, 2) these organisms must be isolated and grown in pure culture, 3)a sample of the pure culture is injected into a healthy animal, 4)the identical disease is produced in the healthy animal, 5)identical organisms are observed and retrieved from these tissue samples, 6)these organisms are grown in pure culture
chromatin condense into chromosomes, nucleus will dissapear and MITOTIC SPINDLE will begin to form and move to poles
origin of replication in binary fission
point on circle where replication starts and makes 2 new circles
base analog
replacement of a specific nucleotide in a chromosome by a chemical
specific portion of DNA on a chromosome that will code for a specific protein
bacteria can acquire plasmid DNA directly from its surroundings (dead gives genes->living bacteria)
other mutations are caused by
deletion or insertion
new DNA is introduced into a cell by a bacteriophage
sphere shaped bacteria

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