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Russia Test

Sorry it's so late!I really wanted a quizlet on Russia so I made one to help myself study :]


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He saw that the rest of Europe was changing and Russia was stuck in its old ways
Why did Peter the Great want to modernize Russia?
Did Anastasia really survive?
Peasants were not allowed to leave the land, born on it, worked on it, married on it, lived on it, died on it
What was the Serf System?
Remodeled military like the rest of Europe, started navy and taxes, expanded territory, built roads and canals, renamed emperor, moved capital to St. Petersburg from Moscow, forced nobles to shave beards
How did Peter the Great modernize Russia?
Brutal and violent, during his rule there was a lot of violence and death
What kind of temper did Ivan the Terrible have?
The First Tsars
Failure to modernize, poor infrastructure, working conditions were awful, no representation (other than the Tsar), Tsar was out of touch with people
What were Russia's main problems?
His son
Who did Ivan the Terrible accidentally kill?
His reforms don't go as far as hoped
Why were the people unhappy with Alexander II?
A group formed by students and educated people
Who were the Decembrists?
He was weak, he was out of touch with the people, lost the Russo-Japanese War
Why was Nicholas II a bad ruler?
Segregation of non-Russian language and culture
What was Russification?
A constitutionl monarchy, end the serf system
What did the Decembrists want?
Friend to the Tsar's family, saved son of the Romanovs
What relationship did Rasputin have with the Romanov family?
Ivan the Great drives out Tartars for good
What happened in 1480?
Terrible, most were hungary and worked in factories with bad conditions
How were the conditions in Russia for the average working person?
Failure to modernize
What was the Tsar blamed for?
Self proclaimed holy man, healer, and phsycic
Who was Rasputin?
Mongols (Tartars)
During the Medieval Times, who controlled Moscow?
Tried to poison him and he didn't die, shot and stabbed him and he didn't die, finally died when he was thrown into a river
What did the rest of the Royal family do to get rid of him?
Modernized Russia
What did Peter the Great do?
Was supposed to be an easy victory for Russia, Russia lost, was expenive, Russia lost territory, was a huge embarrassment
What were the main points of the Russo-Japanese War?
Grandson Ivan the Terrible unifies Russia, 1st Tsar
What happened in 1547?
Withdrew reforms,
What did Alexander III do?
Ends serfdom
What does Alexander II do?
Expanded Russian territory, reorganized military, crushed power of Boyars
What all did Ivan the Terrible Do?
A ruling system that still had a Tsar (King), but also had a government that the people had a say in
What is a Constitutional Monarchy?
Because he wanted to punish the people for killing his father, Alexander II, when he was trying to help them
Why did Alexander III withdraw the reforms?
Her husband did not have the brain to rule and was not smart enough
Why did Catherine the Great rule instead of her husband?
Unarmed people went to the palace gates to show concerns they had, Tsar was not there, gaurd asked them to leave and they didn't, guards did not know what to do so they fired shots, lead to revolt
What was Bloody Sunday?
He was assasinated by a bomb thrown at his carriage
What happened to Alexander II?
Increased influence in Europe, was a Patron of Arts (built libraries, museums, etc.), expanded Russian territory
What did Catherine the Great do?
Catherine the Great's grandson
Who was Alexander I?
He was a disheveled, crazy, dirty man
Why did the rest of the Royal family not like him?

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