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The modern temper


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what are four events that gave topics for writers?
WWI, the jazz age(roaring 20s), depression, WWII
what makes a short story?
- a lot less charachters (1-2) - single plot - takes place in a much shorter time frame
World War I
- the war to end all wars - trench warfare - mustard gas
Roaring 20s
-teens broke all the laws - drinking, smoking, driving fast, innapropriate dress(short hair) - speakeasys and bathtub gin -jitterbug
The Depression
- long lines for food - hoover camps (pooled food, fire, and money - people traveling to find jobs - people moved west (dust bowl- worst frought)
World War II
- Pearl Harbor (brought us into war) - D-day - we dropped bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki - Hitler
big 4 writers
- Ernest Hemmingway - William Faulkner - F. Scott Fitsgerald - John Steinbeck - (second greatest literary period)
General Literary charachteristics of the time:
- free verse and other innovative poetic forms - public poetic readings - more complex plot development - magazines gave huge marks for writers
wanted to bea man
Willa cather (she lived through her male main characters)
moved from virginia (building and pioneering) to Nebraska (artists and muscicians)
Willa Cather - appreciated culture
most of her stories were about frontier live, WWI
Willa Cather
nickname was William
willa cather
what was willa cathers type of writing?
novels, short stpries, poems
whose most famous novel was Antonia and Oh Pioneers
Willa Cather
who was a realist and wrote about the country but never romantisized the country?
Willa Cather
who had very strong imagery and harsh messages
Katherine Anne Porter
Katherine Anne Porters life:
- grew up in Texas - she came from a family that belived in education for women - she was a silent actress - became a hack writer (same plot/ new characters) - lived a long life (90 yrs) - sharp as a tack old lady
who didnt write a lot because they were super critical and used a lot of good imagery
katherine anne porter
who was the spokesman of the jazz age
f scott fitzgerald
whose stories all had the settings of the roaring 20s
f scott fitzgerald
whose most famous novel was the great gatsby
f scott fitzgerald
ernest hemmingway early life
- parents respectable - first gun at 10 - clean safe neighborhood - dad killed himself
ernest hemmingways wwii experiences
- tried to joing the army - went to italy - had life altering experiences - left him with a fascination of danger and death
who had a facination with danger and death?
ernest hemmingway
who was a macho man?
ernest hemmingway
whose most famous novels were a farewell to arms, for whom the bell tolls, and the old man and the sea
ernest hemmingway
what was ernests most famous novel
the old man and the sea
who killed themselves with a rifle?
ernest hemminway
man is what he makes of himself, he is not predestined by god, society, or biology, man has free will, he is loathsome if he chooses to or lets outside forces determine him
where did the idea of existentialism come from?
WWII, germany, hitler, france
who are some atheistic existenitalists
camus, sartre, kafta
who was most famous for writing metamorphosis?
kafta (bug)
in order to be somebody you have to do something you cannot blame someone else
existentialist belief
atheistic exitentialism
there was a god but he must have died because he wouldnt let all of these wars come about
theistic existentialism
there is a god but you hve to read out to the god to help you
what are some strong images from the story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall?"
according to existential philosophy:what is man? what things do not determine him? what does or should determine him? when is man contemptible?
why is the story babylon revisited semi autobigraphical
it was semi autobiographical becase charlie and f scott both lost thier wife and daughters because of poor choices they made when drinking. and they both live in the roaring 20s.
how is the wagner matinee different from willa cathers other stories?
it was different because it was not about fronteir lige or wwii
what is contemptible to the existentialsit about the lifestyle of the couple in "hills like white elephants" and even more so about the behavior of the woman?
the man and woman just drink all the time and do not do anythign immportant and the woman says she will do whatever to make the man happy

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