Roman Culture Test
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- Cicero's years of life
- 106-43 BC
- Date of the 1st Triumvirate
- 60 BC
- Date of Octavian's birth
- 63 BC
- Date of the Founding of Rome
- April 21, 743 BC
- How else would Rome be named if it wasn't for Romulus?
- For Roma, the woman who burnt the ships.
- What is the Rape of Sabines?
- They were orginially all men, but then they invited the Etruscan women.
- What did the Vestal Virgins do?
- They kept the eternal flame lit and they practiced Divination (augury).
- What happens to a Vestal Virgin if she is seduced?
- She is buried alive.
- From what years was Rome ruled by kings?
- 753-509 BC
- What was the Rape of Lucretia?
- Sextus Tarquin raped Lucretia, the ideal woman and wife, and it was the cause of the Republican Revolution.
- What was the Republican Revolution?
-Etruscan monarchy overthrown
-Tarqinius Superbus was defeated in rebellion - What happened in 494 BC?
- The Plebian Triumvirate was established.
- Who were the Patricians?
- Aristrocratic class whose families supplied Rome with political and military leaders.
- Who were the Equestrians?
- People who provide horses in military campaigns.
- Who were the Censors?
- They took the census.
- Who were the members of the 1st Triumvirate?
- Pompey, Caesar, Crassus
- Who was Titus Livius?
-AKA Livy
-recorded history of Rome
-142 politically sensitive books
-famous book: Ab Urbe Condita - What were the years for the Second Triumvirate?
- 43-33 BC
- Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate?
- Marc Antony, Lepidus, Octavian (Augustus Caesar)
- Who were the Julio-Claudians?
-Imp. imperial family
-ruled Rome for 100 years
-provided 1st 8 emporers
-laid foundation for politics of Rom - What epic was commissioned to tell the story of Rome in the way of Homer?
- Virgil's Aeneid.
- Who was Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus?
1. Octavian
2. Augustus
3. the Divine Augustus Caesar
Adopted by Julius Caesar - Who was Pliny the Older?
- Writer who died looking at Mt. Vesuvius.
- What is the Rebellion of Boudicca?
Celtic tribe in Britain revolted
-many warriors women - Who was Pliny the Younger?
Roman official
Nephew of Pliny the Elder
9 books of letters - Who was Constantine the Great?
1st emporer to support Christianity (monotheism)
-moved capital to Constantinople (Istambul) - Who was the last Roman emporer?
Romulus Augustulus
-ruled for 10 months - What were the years named after to measure them?
- consuls, kings, and/or emporers
- What does AUC mean?
- Ab Urbe Condita - from the founding of the city
- What is the Nundinae?
- Market Day (every 9th day)
- What are the 'kalends'?
- the 1st day of the month
- What are the 'nones'?
- 5th or 7th day
- What are the 'ides'?
- 13th or 15th day
- What is the famous ides of March?
- The death of Caesar
- What are the 2 parts of teh day?
- 6 AM - 6 PM
- What is the Siesta - Sex?
- Around 6 PM
- What is the salutatio?
- Morning greeting to patron - at Atrium.
- What was the 1st measure of time?
- The sundial - horologium.
- What is the 2nd measure of time?
- The waterclock - clepsydra.
- Who was Sulla?
-Roman general
-led aristrocratic party during CW
-made dictator - Who did Crassus defeat?
- Spartacus
- Who was Gnaeus Pompeius?
-Pompey the Great
-Important Roman politician and military leader
-member of 1st triumvirate - Who killed Cicero?
- Marc Antony
- What did Lex Pompeia state?
- granted Latin right for foreigners to marry and trade with citizens and could become citizens