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- activism
- taking action to bring about a social, political, or economic change
- assimilate
- changing customs, attitudes, or beliefs to become more like the dominant culture
- bigot
- complete intolerance for other's views/opinions that differ from one's own
- boycott
- stop using, buying, or dealing as an expression to protest
- civil rights
- rights to members of a society guaranteed by the US by the constitution
- discrimination
- taking ACTION on your prejudice or stereotypes
- disenfranchised
- to deprive someone of a certain right or freedom
- human rights
- basic standards that all humans should receive at birth simply because they are human
- infringe
- to break a law or take away one's rights
- integrate
- to bring/come together
- justice
- the quality of being right or equal
- prejudice
- making a decision or forming an opinion based on stereotype
- racism
- the social construction on how people look
- segregation
- separation of groups
- stereotype
- an idea that many people have about a thing or group that may often be untrue or partially true
- tolerance
- respectful of others people's differences
- 13th amendment
- amendment that outlawed slavery
- 14th amendment
- amendment that provided equal citizenship
- 15th amendment
- amendment that gave the right to vote for African Americans
- 24th amendment
- amendment that abolished poll taxes
- 19th amendment
- amendment that gave women the right to vote
- congress of racial equality. planned freedom rides
- national association for the advancement of colored people
- southern christian leadership conference. led by MLK. birmingham and bus boycott
- student non-violent coordinating committee. led by john lewis