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- chemical carcinogen used to kill mosquitoes; also known to cause cancer
- pesticide
- kills insects
- herbacide
- kills unwanted vegetation
- Sandra Steingraber
- wrote a book Living Down Stream; biologist; also had breast cancer;detected DDT levels in farm land
- Harris County
- top 10 % of carcinogen counties
- Cancer alley
- 300 miles from Houston to Louisiana
- Who patrols refineries?
- they patrol themselves
- supposed to regulate refineries but it is very political
- vinyl chloride
- biggest chemical to increase since 1960's; used to make plastics
- Secrecey agreement
- 1972 several companies signed an agreement to keep quiet about the harmful effects that vc caused
- right to know act
- 1985 CO's had to tell what chemicals were used and emitted
- environmental protection agency regulates which levels are ok & other environmental issues
- Texas sharp shooter method
- method used by CDC to pin point cause or origin of disease