Nutrition: Community and Culture
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- community
-share one or more characteristics
-share same location
-social system with identifiable subgroups, interdependent and interrelated - culture defines...
-what is edible
-how food is obtained, distributed, handled, prepared, consumed, stored, and disposed
-meaning of food and eating
-attitudes toward body size
-relationship between food and health - physiological factors that influence dietary practice
-how do biology, physiology, and pathophysiology influence nutrition?
-Maslow's hierarchy of needs
-physical conditions/abnormalities
-disease processes - social factors that influence dietary practice
how does society influence nutrition?
-prevailing ideas of health
-definition of beauty
-diet trends and fads
-social functions
-busy lifestyles - geographic factors that influence dietary practice
how does geography, climate, or environment influence what we eat?
-fertile land
-desert vs. tropical climate
-variety of plants and animals
-domestic vs. foreign - historical factors that influence dietary practice
what events in our history have influenced what we eat and how we eat? how do technological advances influence our dietary habits? -emigration/immigration
-war and famine
-food preserviation
-stoves, ovens, microwaves
-nutritonal supplements - political factors that influence dietary practice
how do politics affect dietary habits? what political issues affect nutrition?
-nutrition guidelines
-food labeling
-biologically engineered food
-irradiated food - economic factors that influence dietary practice
what economic factors influence nutrition?
-price of food
-welfare/food stamps/WIC
-access to food
-availability of certain foods/food items - cultural and ethnic factors that influence dietary practice
-what are the differences between the two concepts?
-what do certain cultural/ethnic groups eat and why?
-role of food in society
-food restrictions
-specific practices for preparing, consuming
-beliefs associated with food - religious factors that influence dietary patterns
how do religious beliefs influence diet?
-desirable foods
-prohibited foods
-special preparation
-food association - personal factors that influence dietary patterns
-what is unique to the individual person?
-what are his or her personal preferences and experiences?
-what are his or her eating habits? - The strongest influence on food habits is exerted by...
-geographical region