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Ziker Anthropology 101

Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach - Chapters 3-8


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T or F: Yanomamo men often vent anger and demonstrate their ferocity to others by beating their wives.
T or F: Franz Boas was an anthropologist who supported the idea that there was a link between race and intelligence.
T or F: The Ju/wasi were happy that Lee had bought a huge ox for the feast.
the Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis.
The idea that language and culture influence each other describes:
masculine social power and dominance.
What does Sanday claim "phallocentrism" refers to or defines? The penis as a symbol of:
T or F: In a patrilineal kinship system the female line is usually ignored.
the control of trade.
Nation-states perform many of the same functions of earlier states, but with more emphasis on:
son and father.
In the creation myth of the Trobriand Islanders each dala or lineage originated with a:
T or F: Parents use more diminutives when speaking to girls and more direct prohibitives when speaking to boys.
T or F: The Xinguanos of S. America maintain harmony between villages by discouraging the creation of village monopolies on the production of a certain type of trade item.
T or F: The division of labor can lead to some form of social stratification.
In Japanese the relative social standing of speaker and listener is established at the beginning of a conversation. This is known as "polite speech" or:
6 months - 2 years
How long does it usually take to gain access to all of the security levels in a nuclear laboratory?
male solidarity.
Societies that engage in war place a greater emphasis on:
New Guinea.
A Big Man would be found in:
train and socialize children to be good citizens.
The major goal of the modern national education system is to:
otherwise the United States and Canada will be permitted to impose restrictive tariffs on selected European goods.
Why must European countries accept shipments of hormone-treated beef from the United States and Canada? Because:
an identity struggle
When there is conflict between the identity a person claims to possess and the identity attributed to that person by others what is it called?
T or F: Most societies use the same criteria to differentiate people into various levels in society.
T or F: The Shakers believed Jesus would return as a woman in the Second Coming.
True or False: Of the approximately 200 countries in the world, most were established 100+ years ago.
True or False: Bringing together the diverse citizens is one of the greatest challenges of a nation-state.
T or F: Research shows that when people are aware of the dangers of unprotected sex it motivates them to use condoms.
True or False: Anthropologists see the concept of "race" as a social construct.
were a celibate group.
Why did the Shakers have to constantly recruit new members? Because they:
Sabino Arana
Founder of the Basque Nationalist Party
In Fat Talk, anthropologist Mimi Nichter found that 90% of adolescent white girls surveyed were dissatisfied with their weight while African American girls felt that beauty was better defined by:
T or F: Among the Hutterites, inappropriate behavior is punished through the decisions of a panel of elders - all male.
watch their soap operas.
A good way to learn about another culture is to:
T or F: Females and males with little power use the same form of speech that reflects their weak social position.
T or F: Among the Ju/wasi divorce is rare.
Louis Henry Morgan
Primarily studied Native Americans
True or False: The World Trade Organization (WTO) works through non-governmental organizations to ensure that nations comply with universal health, environmental, and labor standards.
When a man dies, he divides his property equally among his children. This is an example of ________ inheritance.
absence of a son.
The biggest threat to the Chinese family is:
health is a basic human right
After working for many years among the poor in Haiti, Paul Farmer concluded that:
What must a woman possess in traditional China to be a marriageable bride that a Trobriand woman or a Ju/wasi woman would not need?
little effect on population growth.
Modern war in large scale societies seems to have had:
A revival of a traditional way of life.
What were the groups who adopted the ghost dance seeking?
Approximately what percent of the world's population live in countries of which they are not citizens?
Which of the following is not a correct component of a traditional Chinese dowry?
The massacre at Wounded Knee.
What tragedy followed the adoption of the ghost dance by the Lakota (Sioux)?
religious act.
The Kohistani have constructed a system of meaning in which taking vengeance is considered a/an:
T or F: Language serves to order the experiences of the language speaker.
a man without integrity.
Among the Kohistani, a man who allows his women freedom is referred to as "Baghrairatman," meaning he is:
father and son
In traditional Chinese society what is the most important relationship in the family? The relationship between:
a third gender of biological males who chose to adopt many female roles.
The berdache or nadle among Native Americans were:
hierarchical forms of social organization.
The game of chess symbolizes the validity of:
A segmentary social system organized into a hierarchy of more and less powerful groups is a definition of:
differential access to wealth.
Anthropologist Morton Fried suggests that social stratification emerges from:
money in order to wear the right clothes, the right hairstyle, the right perfume.
"Acting" in love requires:
yams and banana leaf bundles.
What ensures the stability of a marriage and a matrilineage in Trobriand society? The successful completion of the cycle of exchanges of:
a spontaneous set of rebellious practices.
According to Philippe Bourgois, poverty and marginalization of the inner cities has resulted in an "inner-city street culture." This subculture is:
racial discrimination.
Samuel George Morton, the scientist of the early 1800's attempted to prove that there was a scientific basis for:
Social situations possess qualities, not individuals.
Which of the following is true from a sociocentric perspective?
Trobriand Islanders.
The kula ring is part of which New Guinea society? The:
T or F: Metaphors we use to describe experiences may lead us to specific solutions to problems associated with those experiences.
language used by nuclear strategists.
What did Cohn label "technostrategic"? The:
Historical particularism
It argued that each society is a collective representation of its unique historical past.
True or False: Companies such as the East India Company and the Hudson Bay Company were established in defiance of the state.
T or F: Peggy Sanday states that scarce resources encourage gender equality.
T or F: In the Flats, described by Carol B. Stack, those who provided child care considered it to be a privilege as well as a responsibility.
visualization and meditation.
In rituals of contemporary witchcraft and magic, emphasis is placed on:
war, sports, economics.
Americans borrow heavily from the metaphoric domains of:
T or F: "Pulling Train" is the term fraternity men use for masturbation.
What percent of the men in Kiowa society would rise to the top rank of "ongop?"
violence against women is sanctioned.
In societies that sanction collective violence:
T or F: Infidelity among Chinese men is important to the stability of the family unit.
Oscar Lewis
Who coined the term "culture of poverty?"
who has the same first name as a close kinsperson.
The Ju/wasi are not permitted to marry a close kinperson nor one:
T or F: The use of the metaphors in technostrategic language allowed strategists to clearly understand the consequences of their planning.
T or F: Polygyny is uncommon among the Ju/wasi because it causes jealousy and disharmony.
a perfect income equality.
Based on the Gini coefficient, if a country scored "0" it would indicate:
T or F: In Japanese the language does not reflect the status conscious nature of the culture.
T or F: When a particular view of the world or belief is threatened people utilize secondary elaboration and selective perception to preserve what they believe.
The person who contributes the most wealth to the potlatch.
Who receives the name as a potlatch?
T or F: Scientists interviewed at nuclear weapons laboratories feel that the weapons they produce are used more for deterrence than for use.
hunter / gatherer
In which type of society are decisions made by group consensus?
T or F: Teachers perceive heavy children as having more behavioral problems than others.
T or F: The movies "Star Wars" and "The Wizard of Oz" are both coming of age tales to American society.
Based on the Gini coefficient, which country has the most equal distribution of household income?

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