///Sex and Gender///
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- Sex-
- biological, primary and secondary sex characteristics
- Gender-
- social characteristics, masculine vs. feminine
- Culture-
- socialization, learned, gender discrimination
- Biology-
- socialization reflects inborn tendencies, patriarchies vs. matriarchies
Biology - What are the gender differences in behavior?
- Sociological viewpoints of differences in behavior
- social factors cause gender differences in behavior; physical differences lead to separation of groups
- Gender inequality
Men- active/strong; Women- passive/weak
Masculine stereotype- instrumental
Feminine stereotype- expressive - Gender stratification
Different access to privileges
Unequal access to power/prestige
Society controls members
Gender inequality
Study of married couples - sexism
Prejudice based on a person’s sexual category
Women as a minority group
Based on gender
Ascribed status
Socialization- dependence
Work roles/household roles
Non- Caucasian females
Suffrage movement
Right to vote, 19th amendment
WWII – shortage of workers
Women left the home
Continued gender inequality
Coronary bypass surgery- women vs. men - Rise of feminism
- belief that women should be politically, economically, and socially equal to men
- Origin of women as a minority group
Origin of women as a minority group
Patriarchy vs. matriarchy
Social consequences of biology
Hunting and gathering societies
Struggle for equal rights
Second class citizens
Husband and wife one person- him
Rise of feminism: belief that women should be politically, economically, and socially equal to men - sex typing
- the assoc. of behaviors w/ one sex or the other
- Male vs. female activities
Varies by culture
Prestige given to male activities - Gender and Education
2/3 of illiterate adults are women
Gap between men and women (closing)
Professional degrees
Gender tracking- - Politics
- unequal access to national decision making
- Gender inequality in sports
Title IX
Media coverage lacking - Gender inequality in everyday life
General devaluation of femininity in U.S.
Femininity= lack of accomplishment
Inequality in conversation - Gender inequality in the workplace
The Pay Gap- women average less than men in every nation
U.S.- women earn about 65% of what men earn (it’s actually gone down!)
All levels of education
Due to job choice and discrimination
Occupational segregation - The Pay Gap-
- women average less than men in every nation
- The glass ceiling
barrier that keeps people from rising past a certain point
Women in support positions
Crack glass ceiling - The Glass Escalator
- men in traditionally female occupations accelerated into higher level positions, paid more
- Violence against women
China, Europe, India
Female infanticide
Female circumcision- Africa, Malaysia
Gender inequality of violence
Forcible rape vs. date rape
Violence in the home- spouse battering, marital rape, incest
Sexual harassment- abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone
Quid pro quo
Hostile environment
Blatant sex discrimination
Subtle sex discrimination
Covert sex discrimination - Sexual harrassment
- abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone
- Women in the criminal justice system
Judges more lenient w/ women killers
Minority women and traditional cultures
Dependence, poverty
Connection between violence and masculinity must be broken