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GRE Master Words IV


undefined, object
copy deck
Convivial (adj)
festive; gay
Consequential (adj)
pompous; self-important
Contagion (n)
Cogitate (v)
think over
Clime (n)
region; climate
Contumacious (adj)
stubbornly disobedient; resisting authority
Connivance (n)
pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance; permission to offend
Contravene (v)
contradict; oppose; infringe or transgress
Controvert (v)
oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict
Coalesce (v)
combine; fuse
Concomitant (n)
that which accompanies
Compunction (n)
Coup (n)
highly successful action
Consummate (adj)
wholly without flaw; supremely skilled; complete and utter
Conveyance (n)
vehicle; the act of conveying
Collate (v)
examine to note points of disagreement
Comestible (n)
something fit to be eaten
Continence (n)
self-restraint; abstinence
Conflagration (n)
great fire
Coeval (adj)
living at the same time as; contemporary
Cornice (n)
projecting molding on a building usually above columns
Cordial (adj)
gracious; heartfelt
Colloquy (n)
informal discussion
Consort (n)
husband or wife
Coiffure (n)
Cordon (n)
extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
Contusion (n)
Countermand (v)
cancel; revoke
Codicil (n)
supplement to the body of a will
Commodious (adj)
spacious and comfortable
Covetous (adj)
avaricious; eagerly desirous of
Consonance (n)
harmony; agreement
Condone (v)
forgive; overlook intentionally
Comport (v)
bear one's self; behave
Complacency (n)
self-satisfaction; smugness
Cozen (v)
cheat; swindle
Cleft (n)
Conclave (n)
private meeting
Clemency (n)
disposition to be lenient; mildness as of weather
Cohort (n)
armed band; a group
Convoke (v)
call together
Conflate (v)
meld or fuse; confuse; combine into one
Collation (n)
a light meal
Countenance (v)
tolerate; approve
Confluence (n)
flowing together; crowd
Complicity (n)
involvement in a crime; participation
Coterie (n)
group that meets socially; select circle
Consign (v)
deliver officially; entrust; set apart
Comity (n)
courtesy; civility
Cleave (v)
remain faithful to; cling to; split or sever

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