undefined, object
copy deck
- raillery
- lighthearted teasing
- inveterate
- Habitual.
- impeccable
- faultless
- articulate
- clearly spoken
- chaste
- morally pure
- idiom
- phrase not ment literally
- abstain
- decline to vote, refrain
- psyche
- mind
- philtre
- love potion
- graphic
- vivid
- stamina
- staying power
- bivouac
- temporary military camp
- congenital
- presant from birth
- effervescent
- lively
- waft
- be carried by air
- salutary
- beneficial
- lionize
- hold in great esteem
- indite
- to write
- primordial
- earliest
- bestial
- brutal
- discrusive
- rambling
- becoming
- pleasingly suitable
- blatant
- offensively obvious
- ire
- anger
- collusion
- a secret agreement
- transition
- change
- symmetrical
- balanced
- acme
- high point
- canker
- spreading sore, evil influence
- taciturn
- habitually silent
- pacific
- peaceful
- tome
- big fat book
- relegated
- dropped, or fallen down in statue
- legendary
- famous in story
- dilettante
- person who dabbles in the arts
- curfew
- time to be off the streets
- addled
- confused
- homily
- lecture on a moral theme
- frowzy
- slovenly
- panorama
- comprehensive view
- valedictory
- farewell adress
- surfeited
- given too much of something
- spectral
- ghostly
- cauterize
- burn with hot iron
- temperate
- neither very hot nor very cold
- relegate
- assign
- interpolate
- insert
- comestibles
- food
- sabotage
- deliberate destruction
- valor
- brave
- scapegoat
- person who takes the blame for others
- retrogress
- worsen
- ascetic
- rigorous self-denial
- disinterested
- discontented
- mediate
- work for a settlement
- tedium
- monotony
- sibling
- brother, sister
- arbiter
- person able to judge or decide
- forte
- particular skill
- ornithologist
- expert on birds
- paean
- song of praise
- depreciate
- to drop in value, to belittle or degrade
- incapacitate
- disable
- imperturbable
- Calm.
- acetic
- mild acid in vinager
- mendicants
- beggers
- infidelity
- lack of faithfulness
- mercenary
- hired soldier, concerned only with making money
- freebooter
- pirate
- enormity
- outrageous nature, evil
- facsimile
- exact copy
- progenitors
- ancestors
- proxy
- a person authorized to act for another
- imperative
- absolutely necessary
- dismantle
- take apart into its constituent pieces
- imparcial
- unbiased
- garner
- gather in
- funereal
- gloomy
- testimonials
- token of esteem
- flux
- change,substance used in joining metals
- scathing
- bitingly severe
- exhale
- breathe out
- marauder
- attacker
- slapstick
- crude comedy
- apiary
- place where bees are kept
- garb
- clothes
- chattel
- movable property
- articulated
- jointed
- anarchy
- complete political disorder
- crass
- coarsely stupid
- indignity
- insulting treatment
- apparitions
- ghosts
- glutinous
- sticky
- pernicious
- harmful
- autopsy
- examination to determine the cause of death
- irrevocable
- unalterable
- forte
- loudly
- neo-
- a new form of
- survey
- measure,detailed study,look closely at
- thrall
- slave
- replete
- filled
- faction
- group working against other groups
- ultimatum
- final demand
- punctilious
- exact
- innovation
- introduction of something new
- ambivalence
- simultaneous conflicting feelings
- buoyant
- able to float,cheerful
- imperial
- a small tufted beard worn by Emperor
- revelry
- merry making
- inclement
- unkind, stormy
- scuttle
- coal bucket
- gregarious
- enjoying the company of others
- verbatim
- word for word
- supplant
- take the place of
- twit
- tease
- harangue
- long, scolding speech
- paturnal
- father
- heresy
- holding views contray to those taught
- generic
- inclusive
- palliative
- that ease wothout curing
- bauble
- trinket
- chary
- cautious
- defame
- attack the reputation of
- expound
- state in detail
- congestion
- overaccumulation of matter
- rationalize
- seek reasons to justify
- debut
- first appearance
- strategic
- to do with military planning
- graphic
- pictorial
- choler
- anger
- improvident
- wasteful
- euthanasia
- killing as an act of mercy
- indict
- charge with a crime
- introvert
- person preoccupied with his or her own thoughts
- rebut
- oppose by argument
- stalemate
- dead lock
- effervesce
- give off bubbles
- resilient
- springy
- fissure
- crack from earthquakes
- literate
- educated, able to read and write
- demote
- reduce in rank
- maturnal
- mother
- congestion
- overcrowded
- pragmatic
- practical
- cant
- slang
- curtail
- reduce
- ideology
- set of beliefs
- incoherent
- confused
- gesticulate
- wave one's arm
- wizened
- wrinkled
- fraturnal
- brother
- defiled
- made unclean
- irrational
- not governed by reason
- equitable
- fair
- invective
- abusive language
- insidious
- treacherous but not seeming so
- environs
- surrounding areas
- alto
- personsinging second highest in four part harmony
- species
- kind of plants and animals
- opiate
- soothing drug
- maladroit
- clumsy
- retinue
- train of attendants
- parsimonious
- miserly
- grotesque
- wildly distorted
- benison
- blessing
- hallmark
- stamp on gold or silver objects,distinguishing charicteristic
- sinecure
- easy, paying job
- thrall
- bondage
- histrionics
- theatrical behavior
- magnitude
- greatness
- defile
- narrow pass
- grueling
- severely demanding
- verve
- enthusiasm
- cranium
- top of the skull
- impious
- lacking reverence
- ameliorate
- to improve
- scrip
- paper entitling the bearer to recieve something
- scintillate
- sparkle
- feign
- to pretend
- expostiory
- explanitory
- intrigues
- intrerests, secret love affairs
- infatuated
- foolishly in love
- lancet
- surgen's knife
- philistine
- uncultured and narrow
- ulterior
- hidden or a future event
- philistine
- minded person
- culpable
- blame worthy
- redoubtable
- skilled of worthy adversary
- bizarre
- fantastic
- exhale
- give off
- expunge
- remove
- overwrought
- suffering from nervous strain
- criterion
- standard used in judgeing
- prodigious
- enormous
- substantial
- solid, large wealthy
- innopportune
- unsuitable
- anneal
- toughen by heating and cooling
- disconcert
- suddenly confuse
- elective
- chosen by vote, it's optional
- imprecations
- curses
- untenable
- indefensible
- penury
- extreme poverty
- cuisine
- cooking
- cremate
- burn to ashes
- gamester
- gambler
- aerie
- a nest
- statutory
- fixed by law
- ambidextrous
- able to use both hands with equal use
- filial
- child
- morals
- standards of behavior
- mausoleum
- monumental tomb
- gibe
- sneer
- censer
- vessel for burning incense
- exploit
- take unfair advandage
- proclivity
- inclination
- homage
- respect and honor
- paucity
- scarcity
- recapitulate
- restate briefly
- triumvirate
- ruling body of three
- facets
- polished sides
- octagon
- an eight-sided polygon
- pasteurize
- destroy bacteria in
- ennui
- boredom
- scuttle
- move quickly
- quadruple
- increase fourfold
- incognito
- with one's identity concealed
- minion
- faithful follower
- sinuous
- winding
- inherent
- that is a natural part of one
- granary
- building for storing grain
- hemp
- plant fibers used in rope
- intermediary
- go between
- ogle
- glance flirtutiously
- endorse
- express support of,sign the back of
- bluff
- fool, steep cliff
- adulterate
- to make impure
- amulet
- a charm
- recourse
- source of help
- extenuating
- make something seem less serious
- abashed
- embarrassed
- turn key
- jailer, someone who controls the jail cell
- demoralize
- weaken the spirit of
- inferno
- intense heat, hell
- entourage
- group of attendants
- impediment
- obstacle
- tariff
- tax on imported goods
- abdicate
- relinquish
- compunction
- remorse
- propaganda
- deliberately spreading ideas that will help one's own cause or injure an enemy
- fathoms
- units of depth
- instill
- impart gradually
- censor
- take out information
- eradicate
- get rid of
- vanglorious
- boastful
- stipend
- a salary
- gala
- festive
- obligatory
- required
- wayward
- willful
- bombastic
- pompous
- complaisant
- oblinging
- partake
- eat's one share
- loquacious
- talkative
- tureen
- dish
- aqueous
- made by water
- condolence
- sympathy
- uninterested
- lack of interest
- ablutions
- washings
- vegetate
- lead a dull life
- dogmatic
- asserted strongly but without proof