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wordly wise I


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Lesson 1
Asperity: n.
1. Sharpness or harshness of manner
2. Roughness of surface; uneasiness
Bane: n.
1. A person or thing that destroys or causes harm
Buffoon: n.
1. A person who often make attempts to be funny; a clown; a fool
Doleful: adj
1. mournful or full of sorrow; causing grief
Extrovert: n
1. A person whose focus is on others and on what is going on around him or her; rater then their own feelings
Garish: adj.
1. Excessively bright and flashy; tastelessly glaring
Hierarchy: n
1. A group or system in which positions of power are ranked, usually from lowest to highest
Imbue: v
1. to fill completely with a feeling or idea; to inspire
Instigate: v
1. to stir up or urge on; to provoke
Penchant: n.
1. A strong attraction or leaning
Rambunctious: adj.
1. behaving in a wild or unruly manner
Repertoire: n
1. The list of pieces an actor or musician is ready to perform; the skills or accomplishments of a person or a group
Rudiment: n
1. the basic principal or skill
2. An undeveloped or beginning stage
Undermine: v
1. To weaken or ruin by degrees
2. to attack by indirect, secret, or underhanded means
Unremitting: adj.
1. Not stopping or slowing down, constant
Lesson 2
Adjudicate: v.
1. to hear or decide judicially; to judge
Centennial: n. / adj
1. a 100 anniversary or celebration
2. of or pertaining to a period of 100 years
Countenance: n.
1. A person’s face, the expression on a person’s face
2. support or approve
3. v. to support or approve
Disgruntle: v.
1. to make dissatisfied, to put in a bad mood
Equilibrium: n
1. a state of balance
Expedite: v.
1. to speed up a process, to facilitate
Gird: v.
1. to encircle, bind, or surround
2. to get ready for action, to brace
1. Not called for, unnecessary
2. adj. Without charge, free
Illusory: adj
1. unreal or imagined, deceived
Implacable: adj.
1. Incapable of being placated, soothed, or significantly changed, restless
Luminary: n.
1. A source of light especially from the sky such as the sun or moon
2. A person who is well known for her or his achievements, a celebrity
Manifesto: n
1. A public statement explaining the intentions, motives or views of an individual or group
Mesmerize: v
1. To fascinate, or hypnotize
Precedent: n.
1. An act, statement, ect. That may serve as an example of justification for a later one
Spurious: adj.
1. not genuine, false
Lesson 3
Curtain: v.
1. to cut short or reduce
Discriminate: v.
1. To make or recognize clear distinctions
2. to treat in a less favorable way
3. n. The recognizing clear distinctions
4. The act of making distinctions
Espionage: n
1. The act of spying especially a government spy obtaining secrets of another government
Inalienable: adj
1. Not able to be taken or given away
Incarcerate: v.
1. to confine or put in prison
Indignity: n.
1. An insult to one’s pride; offensive or humiliating treatment
Indiscriminate: adj.
1. not marked by careful distinctions, haphazard
Infamous: adj
1. Having a very bad reputation, notorious
2. Disgraceful, vicious
Intercede: v.
1. to act or plead on another’s behalf; to try to smooth the differences between two parties
Malign: v
1. To say negative or unfair things about; slander
2. adj. evil, showing ill will
Perpetrate: v
1. To commit a crime or other antisocial act
Rampant: adj
1. Threateningly wild, without restraint or control; widespread
Rancor: n.
1. A deep long held feeling of hatred or bitterness
Reparation: n.
1. Mending or repair
2. A making up or payment for wrong or damage done
Smattering: n.
1. Superficial, scattered knowledge
2. a small amount
Lesson 4
Accolade: n
1. An expression of approval or respect for special merit; an award
Adamant: adj
1. Not yielding, firm
Adulate: v.
1. To flatter or admire excessively; idolize
Altercation: n.
1. A loud and determined dispute; a noisy quarrel
Annals: n
1. A historical record of events, often arranged in yearly sequence
Assiduous: adj.
1. Diligent and persistent
Chary: adj.
1. Exercising caution; hesitant
Clique: n.
1. A small exclusive group held together by interests or purpose
Decrepit: adj
1. Worn out with use, broken down
Endow: v.
1. To provoke with a quality, thing or gift of money
Ephemeral: adj.
1. Lasting a very short time
Ingratiate: v.
1. To work or gain favor of someone
Pantheon: n
1. A group of people held in high esteem for their great achievements
Perverse: adj.
1. To turn away from what is right; wicked
2. Stubbornly opposing what is right or reasonable; obstinate
Tutelage: n.
1. Instruction, protection or guardianship
Lesson 5
Acrimony: n.
1. Bitterness or sharpness of temper, manner, or speech; hostility
Affinity: n.
1. Attraction for someone or something with which one feels a closeness or kinship
Ambivalent: adj.
1. Having mixed, often opposing feelings about something or someone; indecisive
Cessation: n.
1. A stopping, either final or temporary
Emaciated: adj.
1. very thin or wasted away, especially from lack of nourishment; scrawny
Enclave: n.
1. A distinct region or community enclosed with in a large territory
Engender: v.
1. to bring into being; to produce
Exacerbate: v.
1. To make severe, bitter or violent
Illicit: adj.
1. Not allowed, improper, or unlawful
Indigenous: adj.
1. Naturally living or growing in a certain area, native
Inexorable: adj
1. Not to be persuaded, stopped, or moved by entreaty or plea; restless
Infatuated: adj
1. Filled with excessive, shallow, or foolish, love or desire
Insatiable: adj.
1. Never satisfied, greedy
Poignant: adj
1. Painfully moving, affecting, or touching
Proselytize: v.
1. To convert someone to a faith, belief, or cause
Lesson 6
Ameliorate: v
1. to make better; to improve
Baleful: adj
1. Expressing hatred or evil; harmful, ominous
Berate: v.
1. To criticize vigorously; to scold vehemently
Circumvent: v
1. To avoid though craftiness
Compunction: n.
1. A feeling of uneasiness or anxiety caused by guilt
Condone: v.
1. To overlook or accept without punishment; to pardon or excuse
Diminutive: adj.
1. Very small, tiny
Euphemism: n.
1. A polite term used to avoid directly naming something considered offensive or unpleasant
Expendable: adj.
1. Able to be used up then discarded and replaced
Heresy: n.
1. The expression of shocking or unacceptable views
Infirmity: n.
1. Physical or mental weakness or defect
Profane: v.
1. To treat with scorn or irreverence
2. disrespectful of sacred things
3. Not religious; worldly
Recompense: v.
1. to pay or compensate
Repast: n.
1. Food or drink; a meal
Servitude: n.
1. A lack of freedom; forced labor
Lesson 7
Castigate: v.
1. to punish by criticizing sharply; to berate
Colloquial: adj
1. Characterized by informal language
Epitaph: n.
1. The words carved on a tomb stone in memory of the dead
Exodus: n.
1. A mass departure
Inter: v.
1. To put in grave to bury
Lacerate: v.
1. To tear or cut roughly
Largesse: n.
1. the act of giving generously; gifts
Obituary: n.
1. A notice of someone’s death, such as a brief summary of a person’s life
Omnivorous: adj
1. Eating all kinds of food, including both animal and vegetable food
2. Taking in everything available
Permeate: v.
1. to spread though out; to pass through
Rendition: n.
1. An interpretation or translation; a performance
Resurgence: n.
1. A rising again to life, use, acceptance, or prominence, a revival
Stereotype: n.
1. A generalization that is used to characterize that person with out knowledge
2. a judgment
Stipend: n.
1. A regular or fixed amount of pay for work done or to help cover living or work expenses
Subservient: adj.
1. Serving or acting in a subordinate manner; servile
Lesson 8
Adjacent: adj
1. near or next to adjoining
Beset: v
1. to surround or attack repeatedly
2. to trouble or weigh down
Cede: v
1. To give up or transfer, especially by treaty or formal agreement
Circuitous: adj
1. Roundabout; indirect
Desultory: adj.
1. Proceeding or carried out in a aimless or random way
Galvanize: v.
1. To excite or arouse action
Implement: n.
1. A tool or instrument
2. v. to carry out
Inconsequential: adj
1. Lacking importance or worth; unable to make an impact; trivial
Magnitude: n
1. Greatness of size, power, or influence
Muster: .n
1. A gathering, usually of military forces
2. v. To summon or call forth; to gather
Prohibitive: adj
1. Serving to restrain or discourage use of
Reminisce: v.
1. To think or talk about one’s past
Vanguard: n.
1. The leading of forward position in a movement
Visionary: n
1. A person who is given to ideas that are not currently realistic; a dreamer
Lesson 9
Cautionary: adj.
1. Offering or serving as a warning
Constrain: v.
1. To confine, inhibit, or hold back by force or necessity
2. n. A restriction or limitation
Flotilla: n
1. A fleets of boats or small ships
Gossamer: n
1. Thin, sheer fabric resembling gauze
2. A fine, filmy substance made of strands of cobweb
3. Adj. As light and delicate as a cobweb
Ignominious: adj.
1. Marked by deserving or causing shame or disgrace
Incur: v
1. To bring upon oneself something undesirable such as a dept
Liquidate: v.
1. To settle the affairs of a business; to convert into cash
2. to get rid of; to kill or destroy
Magnate: n.
1. An important often wealthy person prominent in a large industry or business
Misnomer: n.
1. The name that does not fit
Onerous: adj.
1. Burdensome; oppressive
Pandemonium: n.
1. A state or place of great confusion or uproar
Quixotic: adj.
1. Romantic and idealistic, but impractical
Tenacious: adj.
1. Holding fast; persistent in adhering to something valued or habitual
Vestige: n.
1. A trace of something that once was present
Zephyr: n.
1. A light gentle breeze
Lesson 10
Attest: v.
1. To declare or be evidence of something as true, genuine, or accurate
Axiom: n.
1. A statement or principle that requires no proof because its truth is obvious
Churlish: adj.
1. Lacking good manners, rude, impolite
Concoct: v.
1. to make up, prepare, or invent
Derivative: v.
1. Something that grows out of or as a results from an earlier form or condition
2. adj. Based on what has gone before, lacking originality
Differentiate: v
1. to see the difference; to distinguish
2. to be or make different
Disparage: v.
1. To criticize in a negative, disrespectful manner
Dissipate: v.
1. To break up and spread so thinly as to disappear; to scatter
2. To spend or use foolishly
Esoteric: adj.
1. Not generally known or understood; familiar to only a relatively small number of people
Olfactory: adj.
1. Relating to the sense of smell
Plethora: n.
1. Too great a number; an excess
Refurbish: v.
1. to make like new; to renovate
Secrete: v
1. To produce and give off
2. To place so as to be hidden from view, to conceal
Vagary: n.
1. A departure from the normal, expected course, a whim or unpredictable action
Volatile: adj
1. Evaporating quickly
2. changing reality; explosive, unpredictable

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