Chapter 6 Essay Test
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- First Estate
- The first estate included the clergy. They enjoyed enormous wealth and privilege. They owned about 10 percent of the land, and paid no direct taxes. They ran schools, hospitals, and orphanages.
- The Reign of Terror
- 40,000 people died during the Reign of Terror and Robespierre was behind it. The engine of the Terror was the guillotine.
- Marie Antionette
- Queen of France
- Battle of Waterloo
- Napolean came back but his triumph was short because a Prussian army cmae and crushed the French. So he was exiled to St. Helens, never to return.
- National Assembly
- To pay off some of the debt of France the NA decided to sell off the church lands. Then they put the French Catholic Church under state control leading to anger because the clergy became elected, salaried officials.
- Deficit Spending
- Government spending more than it takes in.
- Second Estate
- The second estate included the nobles. Noble knights had defended the land but in the 1600s Richelieu and Louis XIV crushed their military power. In place they gave them top jobs in the government, army, courts and the Church.
- Louis XVI
- King of France
- Robespeirre
- Behind the Reign of Terror. Later though the ROT consumed it's own and he was executed. After that executions slowed down.
- Storming the Bastille
- On July 14, 1789 more than 800 Parisans gathered demanding weapons and gunpoweder from the medieval fortress. The commander refused to open the gates and in the battle that followed, many were killed. Even though the Parisans were semi-successful there were no weapons to be found.
- Drought Hurt Their Economy
- While France was deeply in debt the country had several poor harvests which led to food prices skyrocketing and brought hunger to many people. Hard times and lack of food inflamed these people. They began to demand bread.
- Moderate Reforms
- Because of the peasant uprisings the National Assembly decided to end the special privileges and the gave up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemption from taxes. They declared that all men were free and equal before the law.
- The Constitution of 1791
- The National Assembly set a limited monarchy and created a new Legislative Assembly.
- Annex
- Add areas to ones own countries.
- Napoleans abdication and exile
- In 1814 he abdicated the throne and victors exiled him to Elba.
- Women During the Revolution
- Women did gain rights for a time. Divorce was made easier and they could inherit property.
- Marie/Louis
- The women demanded to see the king because they were angry for Marie's extravagance and they refused to leave until Louis returned to Versailles and they moved to the Tuileries palace and Louis was a virtual prisoner.
- Napolean
- Self-made Emperor of France he led reforms, built an empire, but then lost it.
- Napoleans Code
- It embodied the Enlightenment principals such as equality, religious toleration, and advancemnt based on merit. However women lost most of their new rights.
- Four challenges to Napoleans Empire
- Impact of Nationalism unleashed revolts against France, Resistance in Spain kept many French soldiers in Spain, War with Austria, Defeat in Russia left scorched earth.
- Republic
- Backed by Paris crowds, radicals took over, National Assembly and called for suffrage.
- Factions Compete for Power
- A variety of small groups competed to gain power. Moderates looked to Marquis de Layfette who headed the National Guard. Another more radical group, the Paris Commune replaced the royalist government of the city
- Guerilla Warfare
- Hit and run raids.
- The Great Fear
- In these desperate times rumors ran about the "Great Fear." Stories of attacks on villages and towns spread panic. Inflamed by fear the peasants unleashed their fury on nobles trying to reimpose medieval dues.
- Third Estate
- Included about 98 percent of the population. At the top there was the bourgeiosie, or middle class. They included bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, professors, and skilled artists. The bulk however were urban workers. Some were even unemployed and to survive they turned to crime and begging.
- Death of Queen and King
- The Republic declared Louis XVI a traitor and sentenced him to death. In January 1793 he was beheaded and in October Maried was executed.
- Suffrage
- Right to vote.
- Exile
- Force out of country.
- The Estates General
- The people demanded a meeting of the Estates General, even though there had not been one for 175 years. He had each three estates prepare cahiers and bring them to the Estates General.
- Paris Commune
- Radical group during revolts who replaced the royalist government of the city
- The Tennis Court Oath
- Due to being outnumbered the Third Estate took a daring step and claimed to represent France calling themselves the National Assembly. When they later convened the meeting hall was locked so they met on a nearby tennis court and swore to never seperate and meet wherever the circumstances required.
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Led Moderates in revolts during the Great Fear, headed the National Guard.
- Republic
- ???
- Nationalism
- Strong feeling of pride for ones country.
- Committee of Public Safety
- To deal with threats to France the Convention created the COPS. The 12-member committee had almost absolute power as it battled to save the revolution.
- Abdicate
- Step down from throne.